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Subject: ELA

Grade: 6

Date: January 20th, 2016

Letter Writing Intro
Time: 60 minutes
I Can Statements:
1.1 Read, write and speak to explain my prior knowledge connections to new information.
2.1 Combine personal experience with new ideas when I read, see, or hear.
2.4 Choose forms of writing and ideas and details that match audience and purpose in my
own writing.
3.1 Select the information I need to support a point of view.
4.1 Choose words that are right for my audience and purpose.
Write clearly and legibly.
5.1 Use appropriate language to participate in different situations.
5.2 Contribute to group knowledge.
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
Understand what a letter is.
Understand the difference between a formal and informal letter.
Know what audience means.
Know what purpose means.
Apply prior and new knowledge to letter writing.
Key Questions:
What is a letter?
What does audience mean?
What is a formal letter? Informal letter?
What does purpose mean?
Smart board
Exemplar letters

Lesson Procedure:

Introduce letter writing unit

Do you like to get mail?

What are some reasons that people write letters?

What type of letter would you write if someone gave you a gift?

What type would you write if you broke a friend's toy?

What type would you write if you were having a party?

Purpose of the letter

o Ask students to tell me what they think purpose means?

o Why does the purpose of a letter matter?

o We will brainstorm some ideas of different purposes for writing a letter on the
Powerpoint presentation
o Work through as a whole class
Friendly/informal letter vs. formal letter - Writing a friendly letter worksheet
*Break into two lessons?

o Audience
o What does audience mean?
o Why does audience matter?
o How does our writing change depending on our audience? Give examples.
o Discuss why we write letters in the first person.
o Whiteboards review from yesterday and check for understanding.

Letter writing worksheet audience, purpose

o Demonstration/practice with the whole class.
o Students will complete the worksheet:
what kind of letter it is?
who is the audience?
who is writing the letter?
what is the letter about?
What is the purpose of the letter?
*Will mark tomorrow as a group.

Use whiteboards to check for understanding
Observe and listen as students answer questions and participate in group discussions.
Worksheet I will take in for formative assessment tomorrow.

Individual work with EA. Students will identify what a friendly letter is, and what
audience means.

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