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PSII Goals

Establish strong teacher leadership

Completing GLO & SLO expectations
Focus on timing and general student expectations
Full unit planning
Formative and Summative marking

Because my time was divided between a kindergarten class in the morning and a
grade one classroom in the afternoon I would like make one of my goals to be better
at full day planning, as well as meeting specific GLOs and SLOs. Being in with the
students for a full day you are able to learn more about them and have your
expectations last throughout the day. I feel as though within my PSI that my goals
and expectations are based around a 20-35 minute intervals that I am expected to
reach by the end. I fell as though in my own classroom or as a full time teacher you
are able to take your time with bigger lessons and expectations and allow your
students more time to reach ah-ha moments and conclusions.
I felt as though throughout my PSI experience I was able to go more fluff and fun
lessons and not focus on specific lesson that students need to know by the end of
the year. These lessons were fun and my students did learn during them but I was
never in charge a teaching base level learning skills. I am worried that I did not push
myself to achieve enough expectations for the students.
Getting the opportunity to complete an entire unit lesson plan in PSII is one of
my goals. Other goals that I will set for myself include reaching appropriate student
expectations and working on my timing, instruction, and transitions.
A major issue that I ran into my first week of Practicum was understanding the
amount of work that students are capable of completing in Kindergarten and Grade
1. I had way to high of expectations of what the students were able to comprehend
and accomplish within a class time of 35 minutes. I look forward to working with
older students who might be capable of completing more class work.

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