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Technology Presentation Workshop

Feedback and Reflection

Cong-kai Jin

Feedback received from Workshop Participants:

(Oral feedbacks received after the presentation 02/12/2016)
1. Your presentation is very professional and has good use of various
learning technology. You are also very familiar with the SmartBoard
system. (Mr. Yu)
2. Your presentation looks great and provides lot of useful information.
The lesson plan is especially very detailed. However, since it was
designed as a learning technology workshop, it would be better if you
could provide more interactive elements in your presentation, such
that the workshop participants could have more hands-on activities or
sharing experience with each other so as to make the workshop more
engaging, productive, and thus more beneficial for the workshop
participants. (Ms. Shih)
3. I like your presentation because it gives the students tasks to search
information about other country by compare the holidays in China and
in the United States. (Ms. Lin)
4. I think you can ask students to use more technology and applications
they are already using such as Twitters, Instagram, and other poplar
social media tools so as to gather more information and thus more
understandings regarding the history, people, customs and culture
both in China and in the United States. (Ms. Wang)
It was really my pleasure and honor having the opportunity to conduct a
learning technology presentation/workshop at the famous Defense Language
Institute before four very experienced and professional Chinese language
instructors. It was my intention to design a lesson plan which could provide
my students a cultural oriented and task-based learning experience during
their quest of mastering the language. My presentation featured a lot of
details in lesson plan and task design with a focus of sharping learners

Technology Presentation Workshop

Feedback and Reflection
Cong-kai Jin

Higher Order Thinking Skills and adapting learners multiple learning styles.
However, just as the feedback provided by one of the workshop participants,
my presentation focused too much on presentation itself, given the limited
timeframe available, instead of the more important actual hands-on
participation of and experience sharing from the workshop participants,
which is indeed a crucial element of any successful workshop. This is
definitely one major take-away I have from conducting this learning
technology workshop.

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