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1st Quarter

Student: RR

R is off to a great start! She participates in all subjects daily and works hard to stay focused and complete her
tasks. I really appreciate her willingness to help others, try new challenges, and her enthusiasm for
learning. She has a fantastic ability to write and her work ethic is amazing.


Standards Addressed:


Independent Reading Expectation: M/N


Independent Reading Level: Q


Character traits
Cause and effect relationships
The change concept
Drawing conclusions and making generalizations
Main idea and supporting details
William and Mary Curriculum interpreting the text
Writing Workshop Skills Narrative Writing


Reading enrichment opportunities:

William and Mary curriculum with more complex texts
Junior Great Books
Novel Studies
Jacobs Ladder
Choice Board Contracts and Centers

I want to encourage R to think deeply about what

she is reading and work on identifying the big
ideas behind the text.

Multi-step problem solving using addition and subtraction

with regrouping
Estimation to the nearest ten and hundred
Elapsed time

R does well in math and has mastered most

of her fast facts, however she could benefit
from checking over her work before turning
in her assignments. Many of her simple
mistakes could be easily avoided this way.
We are currently using number lines to
visualize numbers as they are added and
subtracted and we break down numbers into
meaningful chunks allowing minimal
opportunities for errors to occur.

Our next unit will be Geometry understanding the

attributes of angles and quadrilaterals
Math enrichment opportunities:
Performance Based Real world Tasks and Projects
MIC Choice Board
Hands-on Equations
Math Olympiad and other critical thinking problems


Plan of

R is currently reading above the grade level

expectation for the beginning of the year
benchmark. She has already met the beginning,
middle and end of the year benchmarks for third
grade. I want to continue to challenge her to
read more complex texts and work on expanding
her academic vocabulary and written responses
to the text. I will continue to monitor her progress
to ensure that she is using the close reading
strategies that we are learning in class in order for
her to continue to grow as a reader.

Science: Science Process Skills, Matter, and Energy

Social Studies: Roles and Responsibilities of a citizen in the
community and local government leadership
Health: coping with stress, coping with loss, selfmanagement, healthy eating, healthy choices, healthy

R works well with others in group and

partner situations. She is an equal
contributor and works to stay on task to the
best of her ability.

Continue to read with R each night asking her questions about what she reads, and
continue to practice all basic math facts.

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