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Politicians here are really nothing but just only a big bunch of c***ks !!! !!!

3 million here, 4 million there

Free handouts here, free lunches there

Free trips here, freeing of criminal charges there

Poisonous propaganda here, treacherous conduct there

And lots, lots more. Definitely a big bunch of C * * * K S.

We don’t need free millions or free lunches or free whatever.

We only want to be free from all baseless & unfair
vilification. Both inside and outside parliament.

We don’t want to serve as free punching bags for any

opportunist politicians or very bloody violent street mobsters.
Also please stop POINTING fingers at us every now and then.
And stop SLAMMING us anyhow you like. We’re citizens too.

Thank you so much please. And please pay compensation to

TBH’s family !

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