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Personality Reflection Paper

Kelli Jo Haley
Wright State University


Personality Reflection Paper

Reflecting on my personality type, I can absolutely recognize qualities that draw
me to certain preferences including, extroversion, sensing, feeling and judgment. When I
took the Myers Briggs Type Indicator these were the strongest preferences that the results
from the test showed and I agree with all of them. I believe it is important for me to
understand my own personality type in order to work with others, especially in Student
Affairs. In this profession I will be working with students and in a helping profession I
think it is essential to know and understand my own strengths and weaknesses before I
can assist others.
According to the results from my test I had a very strong preference towards
extroversion. I know this is true because I tend to draw energy from the outside world and
less from my internal self. As an extrovert, I prefer to act first and reflect later. I thrive on
connection from the outside world and dont need much private time to feel balance
within myself. I believe this is a strong quality to have when working in Student Affairs. I
want to work as an academic advisor for student athletes and I believe being an extrovert
will help me connect more with students.
I also have a very strong preference for sensing because I use my senses to
determine what is real rather than imagination of what could be. I tend to live in the now
and like using common sense to determine solutions rather than trying to look into the
future. Another quality I have as a sensing preference is working better with having clear
and concrete information. I think these qualities can help me in my future career as an
academic advisor for student athletes because I will be focused on helping the students in


their present time and judge situations based on common sense, since not every scenario
that comes up with students will be the same.
I have a strong preference toward feeling because I base decisions on more
personal feelings rather than logics and objectives. I am sensitive to others needs and
dont like conflict. I think these qualities will help me in working with student athletes
because I will hopefully be able to help students more, knowing what their needs are and
being able to come to resolutions when problems arise, since I need harmony.
I have a strong preference for judgment because I need structure and organization
rather than being spontaneous. I like to have plans and know what dates and deadlines are
coming up rather than trying to figure things out last minute. I think this will help me in
my future career since working with student athletes I will need organization to be
prepared and be able to fully commit to my job.
Some of the job areas that my results concluded from the test included
management, public administration, education and social work. I thought these were
interesting since my undergraduate degree was in Social Work and I want to work in
Higher Education. I can see where the management career focus came from since I have
strong leadership qualities and tend to take charge in situations rather than sit back and let
someone else handle a problem or task.
According to the handout we were given in class, the characteristics of an ESFJ
include; Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, born cooperators, active
committee members. Need harmony and may be good at creating it. Always doing
something nice for someone. Work best with encouragement and praise. Main interest is
in things that directly and practically help peoples lives (Briggs-Myers & McCaulley,


1992). I completely understand why I got ESFJ as my type preference because every
single one of those qualities fits my personality. These qualities really exemplify why I
want to work in a helping profession, and I think it will be perfect for working in Student
Affairs in Higher Education. Working with student athletes as an academic advisor, I will
really be able to utilize my interest of working directly and practically with helping
peoples lives, as the handout from class stated.
Most of these qualities have been positive but I know my personality has some
negative qualities as well. Sometimes I give myself more into projects or people than I
should and that is something I will definitely have to work on as a Student Affairs
professional. I am definitely a people pleaser and sensitive to others needs, which can be
helpful, but can also be a drawback. Especially when working with student athletes I will
want them to succeed and will have to work on not taking my work home with me and
being upset about situations where students do not succeed especially when I see their
ability and potential. I believe I will have difficulty working with those students who do
not want to put forth 100% effort. I will hopefully be able to reach them effectively by
being a resource myself, as well as making other resources available. Academic Support
Services provide so many opportunities for athletes and the students should utilize them
as much as they can. I will have to do my best to help make these resources and
opportunities available to the students.
Overall I am thankful I was able to take a look at my personality preferences and
get a better understanding of who I am as an individual. I think it will help me as a
student now, and in my future career as well. There are strengths and negatives to all
personality types and I feel as if I will be able boost my strengths and work on my


weaknesses as needed. If we can all recognize our traits and notice our similarities and
differences, it will be much easier to work together.


Briggs-Myers, I., & McCaulley, M. (1992) Manual: a Guide to the Development and Use
of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press.

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