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) Vyew interactive white board

- Vyew allows students to write digitally in the same space, and as the teacher I can
assign roles to the students, choosing who can edit and when. When kindergarteners are
practicing their writing skills, whether its basic letter structure or spelling words, as the teacher I
can monitor who is excelling and who needs extra practice. From there, I can modify an original
practice on paper, to Vyew and allow for struggling students to watch how their peers spell
words, and respond to their writing with immediate feedback.
- It would not ensure an automatically transformed assignment, because it will take time
to teach students how to write on the computer, and its difficult to ensure students stay on task.
- It allows for students to see others model the correct way to perform a task, and
highlight consistent errors that can be immediately addressed for students to fully understand
what they are doing.
- It could potentially interfere, if students get distracted by other drawings or writing, or
they themselves get off task and start drawing for fun instead of completing their assignment.
- I would have to anticipate questions on how to use this tool, and teach the students not
only how to spell the word, but how to do so on the computer.
- It allows for students to continue practice at home, with the capability of the teacher to
look at their work and make corrections, giving them immediate fatback and allow for them to fix
their mistakes and continue practicing the assigned skill.
-Students can explore what the technology has to offer, creating images through their
own ideas and collaborations, since Vyew allows for multiple users at a time.
-Students become more familiar with how to use a computer, and gain control of the
mouse (or use of a tablet and stylus) which prepares them for a life immersed in technology
understanding how programs can be a safe place for students to explore their creativity and
interact with one another prepares them for jobs requiring online use and collaborations.
2.) Scratch Creating animated presentations
- I can use this, dividing the class into small groups, and have them create a short
narrative, animate it, and present it to the class. This moves beyond writing skills, but creative
thought to come up with images, and animating it. It also allows for students to look back on
their work and improve upon it.
- Yes, because you cannot use this technology as a substitution, because it adds in the
component of animation moving beyond replacing paper and pencil.
- This enhances content understanding, because to create their narrative they have
access to technology to search for creative vocabulary and images to use broadening their
understanding of language, and involves research on the topic of their story before they animate

- If students struggle with using the technology, it can interfere with their learning. If this
were the case, instead of animating their project I would provide alternatives such as filming
them acting it out, or scanning drawn images and creating a digital book formate.
- Lessons using this format, create a learning environment where students can work at
their own pace, and explore what interests them- keeping students actively engaged.
- I think using this as a tool would add to the interest of assignments, getting students
excited about being immersed in their work, and the component that allows them to share it with
other users, the class, and their families encourages students to display their best work. It also
creates open ended assignments, allowing students to pursue their interests in their narrative,
and how creative they want to be when animating.
- This tool is all about expanding students creativity, allowing them to explore how
technology can bring their ideas to life, and the ability to look at others work to expand on their
own can help develop more creative ideas.
- It develops real life skills, because students need to work together to create a finished
product, exploring their own skills and the skill of their peers- it also increases comfort level
around technology.
3.) KidBlog
- KidBlog is a platform where students can expand writing skills, and modifys an original
writing assignment through peer interaction capabilities. It also has capabilities to have Global
Pen Pals, where students can learn about another culture through their writing assignments and
interactions with their pen pal.
- Yes, because its an interactive interface that allows for immediate feedback, opposed
doing a writing assignment and getting it back days later with corrections from the teacher. This
way students can read each others work for ideas.
- This tool gives students access to their writing all the time, allowing them to look back,
edit, and make improvements as their skills strengthen. Looking at their peers writings as
examples of good work also allow for extra modeling of strong writing.
- I dont think this could interfere with content knowledge, because its a platform for
them to write about what theyre passionate about, and explore their interests in depth and
share with their peers.
- This tool keeps students actively engaged, because they are writing for an audience,
motivating them to do their best work, and they have the freedom to write about topics they love,
create short stories, and learn about their peers through what other students have on their blog.
- This tool accounts for students different skill levels, because students can get as
creative with their posts as they want, adding images or charts, and explore new ways to share
an idea through more advanced vocabulary and writing styles.
- It allows for students creativity by having them choose topics to write about, and the
format they want to present their ideas, they can add images to their blog, and look at others
work to expand their own ideas.

- Blogging can help students develop not only their reading and writing skills, but think
introspectively about what topics are important to them, and how they can share their thoughts
in unique and interesting ways.
4.) Cool Math Games- I included a link to this site, because it is a place where students can
strengthen their math skills, and it varies based on learner unlike traditional math assignments,
because they can practice skills they need extra help on, and explore different concepts they
might find interesting through more advanced games. It also engages learners, because it
makes math fun, and is a program that can be used at home to- allowing for constant learning. It
promotes creative thinking, because students can see how math can be used to create fun
interactive experiences, expanding how students think about math in their everyday lives.
5.) Flip Quiz- This is a website that allows students to review information conveyed in class.
They can also use it at home, to show parents what they are learning in class. They can also
create their own flip cards, which can promote creative thought in how they can associate words
with each other, and challenges students to think about the relationship between words and
images, words and other words, or a word and its definition. It can vary based on the learner on
how challenging they want to make the flip cards, and what topics they want the overall
information to convey.
6.) PowToon- Similar to Scratch, it creates animated presentations. PowToon allows students to
explore different formats to create presentations, and become engaged in not only the process
of creating the presentation, but in showing the final product to their peers. With animated
presentations, students can explore how to create meaningful ways to present information and
share their excitement about a topic with their peers. I can also use this technology as the
teacher, modeling different types of presentations to students and encouraging them in their
exploration of technology.
7.) FiftyThree- This is an app where students can not only take notes, but it also has several
tools to create original digital drawings. With this technology, students have the capability to
illustrate their stories, work on math problems, and work on their writing skills. It allows students
to get as creative as they want, using more advanced tools to get different effects in their
drawings its a great alternative to paper and pencil projects, but modifies an assignment
through the larger amount of effects available with the different artist tools.
8.) Khan Acadamey- With this website, students have access to extra practices and instructional
videos. This allows for modifications of assignments, because students have access to all of the
additional information they need to complete an assignment, and allows for more time in the
classroom to expand on knowledge learned through the online practices and videos. It provides
additional support to those who need it to understand current material, review old material, and
explore new material.
9.) Artsonia- This website allows students to create a gallery of the work theyve done
throughout the year, write an artist statement about their work, and parents can access the site
and purchase items with their childs work on it. The money earned through the site is given
directly to the teacher for more art supplies. It is an excellent platform for students to display
their projects, look at their peers work, and voice their thoughts on the projects theyve done. It
moves beyond keeping a folder for each student and creates a digital portfolio that students

have 24/7 access to. Its also great for creative thought, because it includes the chance for
students to write an artist statement, explaining their projects and what they meant to them.
10.) Tynker- This is a website where students can learn programming through games, puzzles,
and tutorials. It gives students the opportunity to explore technology and how they can create
something original online. For students that arent ready to create, they can explore the games
and puzzles at a beginning level, but students that want to go deeper can continue to advance.

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