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April 2016

Volume 13

Issue 4

To reach London with the distinctive, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist message of Hope and Wholeness.


London, Ontario

In This Issue

Life Challenges

Christian Conflict Resolution..................1

Friends of Jesus Adventurer Club Visit
Sugar Bush....3
Seven Keys to Good Time Management....4
Global Youth Day 2016....5
War Room, movie review....6
A.C.E.R Corner..7

By Mary J. Yerkes

Vegan Cheese Recipes That Will Change

Your Life.8
London District schedule of speakers,

onflict is inevitable. No relationship is immune. When managed

biblically, conflict can serve as a catalyst for change and an opportunity for spiritual and relational growth. Why then are we
afraid to tell our friend her words hurt us, to ask our boss for a
raise, or to confront our family member about his drinking problem
and its effect on his family?

Vegan Cheese Recipe

That Will Change Your
Baked Almond Feta

According to Ken Sande, author of The PeacemakerA Biblical Guide to

Resolving Personal Conflict and president of Peacemaker Ministries, a ministry devoted to equipping and assisting Christians to respond to conflict biblically, the reason is clear.
"Many believers and their churches have not yet developed the ability to respond to conflict in a gospel-centered and biblically faithful manner," explains
Sande. "When Christians become peacemakers, they can turn conflict into an
opportunity to strengthen relationships and make their lives a testimony to the
love and power of Jesus Christ."
Continue on page 2

Continue on page 8

London Seventh Day Adventist Church, 805 Shelborne Street, London, Ontario N5Z 5C6 Canada, 519.680.1965

Continued from page 1.

What does a peacemaker look like?
"Peacemakers are people who breathe grace," says Sande. "They
draw continually on the goodness and power of Jesus Christ, and
then they bring his love, mercy, forgiveness, strength, and wisdom
to the conflicts of daily life." 1
Do you naturally "breathe grace?" I don't. Yet, it is what God calls us
to do. Not all of us are called to teach a Bible study, sing in the
choir, or work with youth, but all of us are called to "go and be reconciled" (Matt. 5:24 NIV) to our brothers and sisters, our friends and
family, and the people in our churches and community. God calls us
all to be biblical peacemakers, to allow his redemptive, transforming
love to spill over into our relationships.

This series of articles will show you how.

Based solidly on God's Word, this series of articles will give you
what you need to respond to conflict biblically and constructively.
You will learn the importance of prayer and preparation in resolving
conflict, why you must first "take the log out of your own eye," how
to confront someone in love, and how to navigate destructive conflict. What's more, you will hear from professional conciliators and
Christian counselors who will give you solid, biblical tips to resolve
conflict in your relationships.

tive and that I could rise above the hurt and anger to address her
concerns and fears," explains Pam. The result? "Today we are
friends," says Pam. "This was a hard turn-the-other-cheek lesson for
me, but it had a wonderful outcome."
Author and Christian counselor Leslie Vernick works with people like
Pamela to resolve conflict in their relationships. She instructs clients
to pray, prepare, and practice. "Pray about it," says Vernick. "Pray
for wisdom, humility and the right words. Then prepare." She suggests they write out what they want to say and practice saying it
over and over again. "One of the things I tell people when they're
practicing is to rehearse in their heads ways things could go wrong,"
she says. This way, when you hit a bump in the conversation, you're
prepared to steer the conversation back on course.
Tips for Biblical Conflict Resolution
Skill and practical tools for resolving conflict are important. But, according to Ken Sande, author of The PeacemakerA Biblical Guide
to Resolving Personal Conflict and president of Peacemaker Ministries: "As important as practical skills are, the focus always has to
be on motive. If our desire is to honor Christ, everything else will
Keeping that in mind, here some practical tips, gleaned from professional conciliators, that can help you resolve personal conflict:

Conflict is inevitable. No relationship is immune.

God created us for relationship. Do not let unresolved conflict rob
you of the joy that healthy relationships can bring. As you read these
articles, invite God's Spirit to show you how to apply these biblical
principles to your relationships. Then, "go and be reconciled" (Matthew 5:24 NIV) to your brother, sister, friend, and family
Do you find yourself at odds with a close friend? Is a co-worker trying to undermine your credibility with your boss? If so, you are not
alone. Opportunities for conflict are everywherein your home,
workplace, church, and community. Your response could make or
break the relationship.
Pamela Conrad understands the difference a biblical response could
make. Several years ago, she received a letter from her mother-inlaw that contained "20 years of pent up anger." She had just buried
her 35-year-old brother who had committed suicide and was recovering from pneumonia. Unable to reach her mother-in-law by phone,
Pamela sat down to write her a letter. "I prayed it would be construc

Define the problem and stick to the issue. Clearly define the
issue and stay on topic during the discussion. Conflict deteriorates when the issue that started the conflict gets lost in angry
words, past issues, or hurts tossed into the mix.
Pursue purity of heart. "Take the log out of your own eye, and
then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's
eye" (Matt. 7:5 NASB). Before approaching others regarding
their faults and shortcomings, prayerfully face up to your own.
Confess any way you might have contributed to the problem.
Plan a time for the discussion. Plan a time to meet with the
other person when you are both rested and likely to respond in
love to the other person's concerns. When you are tired,
stressed, and distracted with other responsibilities, things rarely
will go well.
Affirm the Relationship. Affirm the relationship before clearly
defining the problem. For example, "Our relationship is important to me. But when you don't return my calls, I feel rejected
and unimportant." Avoid blaming the other person and saying,
"You make me feel" Instead, say, "When you do 'A', I feel
By applying these practical tips and tools for resolving conflict to
your relationships, you can turn obstacles into opportunities to
demonstrate the love and power of the gospel. What's more,
you will know the deep, abiding joy that comes through obedience to God's Word.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of
God" (Matthew 5:9).

Listen carefully. Once you share your feelings, listen to the other
person's perspective. Lean in; be present. "One of the most powerful communication techniques I know is to listen well," points out
Sande. Make sure your body language conveys that you are open to
the other's perspective. Reflect back to the individual what you believe you have heard. For example, "I heard you say that you feel
expectations from me. Is that correct?"

Continued on page 3
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11

Continued from page 2.

focal point of all curriculum and instruction, and demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships.

Forgive. Forgive others as Christ has forgiven you.

"Forgiveness is both an event and a process," Sande says. He
suggests you make forgiveness concrete with four promises:

I promise I won't bring this up and use it against you in the

I promise I'm not going to dwell on it in my own heart and
I'm not going to talk to other people about it.

She was recommended without reserve to receive the

commissioning credential and will take part in a commissioning service at camp meeting in June. We congratulate
our principal on becoming a commissioned teacher and
wish her continued blessings in her teaching ministry here
in London.

I'm not going to let it stand between us or hinder our personal


Propose a solution. Remember the relationship is more important than the issue. When working toward a solution, consider
Philippians 2:4-5: "Each of you should look not only to your own
interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should
be the same as that of Christ Jesus." Seek solutions that keep
everyone's best interests in mind.

Friends of Jesus Adventurer Club Visit Sugar

By Lucy Silveira Simoes Adventures Director

Next month: Family Ties: When Conflict Strikes Close to


Photo by Sheldon B.
On a cool spring afternoon on

Source: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/

Sunday, March 20th the Friends

of Jesus Adventurer
Club visited the Fanshawe Sugar Bush. The children and adults

By Alonso Lopez

alike enjoyed the wagon ride,

seeing the tapping of the trees

for maple syrup and saw a demonstration of how the maple

syrup is processed.
ast week our school
teaching principal was

The highlight of the visit, however, were the fluffy, delicious

contacted to sit through

pancakes covered with that thick, rich, brown maple syrup

an interview process from the On-

enjoyed in the company of special friends!

tario Conference commissioning

nominating committee. She anPatricia Ferreira

swered questions in regard to areas of call to teaching ministry, de-

votional life, commitment to church, doctrines, profession,

family/social life, personal health, and service/
witnessing. The credential is granted to teachers who have
shown a commitment to the ministry of Christian education,
have at least six years of successful Adventist teaching
experience, exhibit Christian responsibility for nurturing and
leading students to Christ, consistently uphold Christ as the

Adventures enjoying the trip at Fanshawe Sugar Bush

Think before you speak. Read before you think. Fran Lebowitz, The Fran Lebowitz Reader

Seven Keys to
Good Time Management
Time management is a booming businesseveryone wants to get
more done and control time wasters. But for Christians the need to
manage time is even more urgent.
Key #1: Assume Responsibility. The first key is assuming responsibility for your use of time. The Bible challenges us to redeem
the time, which means to make the most of the time God has given
us. (See Ephesians 5:16) Choose to take charge of your time to
the best of your ability. If you don't manage your time, somebody
else will.

Key #4: Stay Organized. Continually searching for missing documents or items is a waste of time. Stay organized as you work.
Throughout the Bible, we find numerous references about doing
things and maintaining things in an orderly fashion. (SeeExodus
40:1-16 as an example.) Recognize that your definition of being
organized may be different from that of others.
Ask the Lord to help you remove the clutter from your life - the
things that detract and pull you away from your God-given purpose
and goals. Clutter includes time clutter - the things that clutter your
schedule with unimportant activities and obligations.
Key #5: Rely on God's Wisdom. If you question the timing of anything in your life - when something should be done, how much time
should be allotted to something, how often something should be
done, the sequencing of a project - ask the Lord for His wisdom on

Key #2: Seek God's Guidance. Recognize that God has ordained
for you a series of good works to accomplish. We read
in Ephesians 2:10, "We are His workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we
should walk in them".
Ask the Lord each morning to help you identify the good works that
He has planned for you on that particular day. Ask the Lord to
show you how and when and to whom you might minister by using
the good gifts and talents that He has given you.
Don't limit your petition for God's guidance to the time you spend at
work or in ministry. Ask the Lord to help you manage your recreational time, your friendships with others, renew your creative energy, and give opportunities for Christian witness.
Seek the Lord's guidance, too, for the time you spend with your
spouse and family. Ask Him to help you manage your family time
so that relationships are made strong and joyful.
Key #3: Plan Your Schedule. Months can go by without your
making any progress toward the fulfillment of your God-given goals
if you don't plan your schedule and set your goals and dreams into
the context of deadlines.
Organize your time for maximum productivity and efficiency. If
mornings are your most productive hours, set aside those times for
work directly related to your goals. Put your greatest concentration
and effort into those hours.
Most people I know find it easiest and most productive to spend
time with the Lord first thing in the morning. Others find their best
prayer and Bible-reading time is after all other family members
have gone to bed. There is no set rule. Do what works for you!
Ask the Lord to show you how to set your schedule in any given
day, week, and year to allow for a good balance of work and rest,
alone time and family time, input and output.

For Christians the need to manage time is even more urgent.

the matter. As you plan projects or break down large goals into
specific tasks, ask the Lord, "Am I sequencing activities, events, or
tasks in the right order? Am I allotting the appropriate amount of
time for each facet of this project or task or event? Have I set the
right deadlines?"
Key #6: Eliminate the Unimportant. Charles Schwab, the president of Bethlehem Steel, hired a consultant and said to him. "If
you'll show me how I and other top managers in our company can
use our time better, I will pay you a fee of whatever you ask within

The man said, "All right." He then gave Schwab a blank sheet of
paper and said, "I want you to write on this sheet of paper all the
important things you need to do tomorrow and list them in order of
their priority. As number one, put the most important thing you
should do tomorrow. As number two, put the second most important thing you should do, and so forth. Then when you go into
work tomorrow morning, start with the first thing on your list and
stick with it until you finish it. Then move on to number two, and so
forth. You more than likely will not be able to accomplish all the
things on your list in a given day, but you will have accomplished
the most important thing on your list or at least made a major effort
regarding it.

Continued on page 5.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Continued from page 4.

Then tomorrow night, make a new list for the upcoming day.

Do this for several weeks and let me know what happens."

I am happy to pass along the idea to you. I have put this principle
to work in my life, and I heartily recommend it. Every night, after
looking at my schedule for the coming day, I write down on a three
-by-five card the four most important things I hope to do the next
day. I put the list in priority order, and one of the first things I do
the next morning is look at that card. I carry the list with me to my
work desk and keep it where I can see it readily. I have discovered that if I don't stay focused on what I truly want to get accomplished, phone calls and various interruptions can send me running in forty directions.
In the overall pattern of your life, doing a good job at the tasks put
before you is part of God's plan for your life. Interruptions may be
lessons that God has for you to learn, including the lesson of flexibility. All of us, however, know that many interruptions are simply
time wasters, and they are the ones that nearly always can be
avoided or cut short.
Source: http://www1.cbn.com/. Taken from the book Success

Gods Way by Charles Stanley.

Global Youth Day 2016

On Sabbath, March 19, 2016, eight million Adventist youth mobilized on the streets of our villages, towns, and cities around the
world to be the hands and feet of Jesus through acts of kindness.
They heard one less sermon but they carried out the theme to be
This is our 3rd year participating in GYD. This year the youth from
South and Living Truth churches gave away hot chocolate and
sandwiches downtown. Later in the afternoon we made up food
boxes and made surprise deliveries to needy families in our local

neighbourhood. It was fantastic to meet up with the WASA students who were giving out toothpaste and witnessing to Londoners as well as giving out plastic eggs with inspirational quotes and
bible verses. We all enjoyed employing our artistic skills by writing
encouraging chalk messages on the sidewalks of our city. A very
special thank you to our Community Services department for
providing supplies and names of families to deliver to. We also
want to thank all who took part and also donated to make this day
a success here in our city.

Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one Bruce Lee

Why Christians Will

Love War Room
Christian Movie
Written by Kevin Ott
The new faith-based film War Room turned a movie theater into a hand-raising, Hallelujah-ing church service. I do

not mean that it had Gospel music. I mean that, while watching some of the big crescendos of the films plot when
Biblical truths were presented the most boldly and powerfully I turned and saw people in the theater with their hands
lifted. I heard others say Amen or Hallelujah.
It was a church service and a powerful one, at that. It
genuinely connected with people as it portrayed, in glimpses, what it means to engage in spiritual warfare through
prayer and to stand strong on Gods promises in the Word.

And to be honest, as a movie critic who watches dozens of

movies in the theaters a year, what I experienced last night
that church service vibe was extremely rare. It was
profoundly edifying. Of course, it helped that the theater was
full to the brim with Christians. That surprised me. I live in a
part of California that is known for being one of the most
secular areas in the country.

its film craft? Well, no, actually. It struggles with some of its
writing a common occurrence in the faith-based genre.
By that I mean it commits a few of the sins that many other
faith-based movies tend to commit: heavy-handed reliance

But there they were.

on dialogue to inform the audience about everything that is

I know because I heard them all talking before the movie

happening and why (i.e. very little subtext), lack of subtlety

started, while they were walking in and sitting. They were

in general, and aggressive, very straight-forward lunging for

asking each other about which churches they went to and

heart strings. Many faith-based movies have the subtlety of

greeting each other total strangers of all different ethnic

a punch to the face.

backgrounds and denominations, mind you as if they

were long lost relatives gathering at a family reunion. It was
a wonderful little snapshot of the Bride of Christ. It reminded

For Christian readers who wonder about a

films spiritual edification factor, here is my personal
rating for War Room.: (8 / 10)

me how totally unique and beautiful She is.

Does that mean War Room was a perfect movie, as far as

Continued on page 7.
Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful. Gordon B. Hinckle

Continued from page 6.

However, War Room was better than
many faith-based movies, and it has
quite a lot going for it in both its film
craft and its ability to encourage and
inspire. It will do very well in the box
office, Im predicting, and as word of
mouth spreads, I can see it becoming
quite the sensation among Christians

We ask that you continue that you

A.C.E.S. Corner

keep A.C.E.S in your prayers and

A.C.E.S has had a busy and excit-

your continued support. Registration

ing last few weeks as we welcome our

for September 2016 is open.

thoughts and thank you so much for

Parental Guidance Issues at a

last term of the school year. We en-

Glance for this PG rated film

joyed a restful March Break and came

Please consult our staff or website for

Sexual Content/Nudity/Themes of

back to take part of week of special

further information. Dont forget to like

Sexuality and Romance: No nudity

focus on the Easter Story. On the last

us on Facebook and see our daily joys

or sex scenes. In one scene a woman

day before Easter break, the students

and learning experiences shared!

invites a married man to come back to

were surprised with a special reenact-

her apartment to drink wine. (But he

ment of the Last Supper. Children sat

doesnt go.)

at a long table where they were trans-

Violence/Gore/Scary Content: None.

ported through music and bible text

back to that last meal that Jesus

Language: None.

shared with the disciples. We prayed,

Alcohol/Drug/Smoking Content: A

sang, and read verses together.

man and a woman drink wine (or maybe champagne?) over dinner.

Teachers washed the students feet

and shared the importance of being a

SourceL http://rockingodshouse.com/

servant. They went through the elements of the salvation story so that

even the youngest among them could

understand the importance of those

events and what they mean to us as

Christians today. It was so beautiful to
see the children caught up in the sol-

Patricia Ferreira Lopez

Adventist Christian Elementary School

emn and sacredness of moment and

begin to process the real meaning of
Easter and the sacrifice that our Lord
Jesus Christ gave for our salvation.

The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging. Warren Buffett

London District schedule of speakers, April 2016.

Theme: Revival

P. James Rooney


P. James Rooney


Teresa Ferreira

P. James Rooney


Pulpit Speakers at London District of Seventh-day Adventist Churches


London South Church

805 Shelborne Street

Living Truth

Theme Revival:
Our Greatest Need

970 Oxford Street W

Sheldon Bailey

Pt. James Rooney

Pt. James Rooney

George Perez


Pt. James Rooney

Andres Perez


Pt. James Rooney

Jack Polihronov


Pastor Junior Garcia

Elaine T.

Continued from page 1.

be a bit of liquid that has drained off.

Baked Almond Feta:

145g ground almonds (about 1 1/2 cups)
60ml lemon juice (1/4 cup)
1/2 cup water (4 fl oz)
3 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/4 tsp salt

4. If you are using the same dish, wash out the drained liquid and I
like to give the dish a dusting of cooking spray to ensure it comes
out easily.
5. Preheat the oven to 180C and unwrap the cheese from the cloth:
...and transfer to the greased baking dish or a lined baking
sheet smooth side up.

Simply place everything there in a blender and blitz until super

creamy and smooth. Mine took only a few minutes. Stop and
scrape down if need be.

6. Bake for about 40 minutes or until slightly golden and cracked on

top and firm to the touch.
Now just leave to cool in the dish then it's ready to be transferred to
a serving plate or used in a recipe! Enjoy!

1. Now line a small bowl with 3 layers of cheesecloth:

Spoon the mixture into the cheesecloth.
2. Now bring all the sides of the cheesecloth together and tie into a
ball, I just use a rubber band. Then place the ball in a strainer and
place over a bowl.
3. Now just place it all in the fridge for about 12 hours. I have made
this in the morning and baked it off in the evening or I just leave it
overnight and bake it off the next day. After the 12 hours there will

SDA South London Church

Source: http://www.maplespice.com/



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