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Borhanul hasan Tapu


Job Ref.


Sheet no./rev.

Bangladesh Institute of Technology


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TEDDS calculation version 1.1.07














Pile details
Number of piles;


Pile diameter;

dpile = 20.0 in

Pile capacity (service);

Pcap = 120.0 kips

Pile spacing provided;

s = 60.0 in

Minimum pile spacing required;

smin = max (36 in, (dpile + 24 in)) = 44.0 in

PASS - Provided spacing is not less than minimum required

Edge distance of pile from pile cap edge;

e = 11.0 in

Minimum edge distance required;

emin = 11 in
PASS - Provided edge distance is not less than minimum required

Pile cap details

Concrete cover;

cc = 3.0 in

Length of pile cap along X axis;

Lx = s + dpile + 2 e = 8.5 ft

Length of pile cap along Y axis;

Ly = sin(60) s + dpile+ 2 e = 7.8 ft

Overall pile cap thickness;

tcap = 40.0 in
w1 = dpile + 2 e = 3.50 ft
w2 = dpile + 2 e = 3.50 ft

Diagonal length of sides;

Lside_diag = ((Ly - w1)2 + ((Lx - w2) / 2)2) = 5.000 ft

Pile embedment distance;

eemb = 6.0 in

Minimum pile embedment distance;

ec_min = 6 in
PASS - Provided embedment distance is not less than minimum required

Column details
Column width along X axis;

bcol = 24.0 in

Column width along Y axis;

hcol = 18.0 in

Borhanul hasan Tapu


Job Ref.


Sheet no./rev.

Bangladesh Institute of Technology


Calc. by




Yield strength of tension reinforcement;

fy = 60 ksi

Concrete strength;

fc = 4 ksi

Concrete density;

c = 150 lb/ft3


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Material properties

Reinforcement details (ACI 318, cl. 7.12, cl. 10.5)

Diameter number of steel bar along X axis;

Dx_bar_num = 6

Diameter of steel bar along X axis;

Dx_bar = 0.75 in

Depth of cap above bottom reinforcement (X axis); dx = tcap eemb -cc - Dx_bar / 2 = 30.6 in
Total number of steel bars along X axis;

Nx_bar = 22

Spacing of steel bars along X axis;

sx_bar = (Ly 2 cc - Dx_bar) / (Nx_bar - 1) = 4.2 in

Area of steel provided along X axis;

Ast_x = Nx_bar 0.25 Dx_bar2 = 9.7 in2

Gross cross sectional area of cap along Y axis;

Ag_y = Ly tcap = 3758.5 in2

C/S area of cap above bottom reinf. along Y axis;

Ab_y = Ly d = 2842.3 in2

Minimum area of steel required along X axis;

Ast_min_x = max (0.0018Ag_y, 200Ab_y1psi /fy, 3(fc1psi)Ab_y/fy)

Ast_min_x = 9.5 in2
PASS - Provided area of steel along X axis is greater than minimum required

Loading details
Strength reduction factor (flexure);

f = 0.90

Strength reduction factor (shear);

v = 0.75

Strength reduction factor (tied-arch);

t = 0.75

Column axial dead load;

Pdl = 150.0 kips

Area of pile cap;

Acap = Lx Ly - sin(60) Lside_diag2/2 = 55.731 ft2

Weight of pile cap;

Pwt = (Acap tcap - 3 dpile eemb / 4) c = 27.4 kips

Surcharge pressure on pile cap;

sur = 3.000 ksf

Surcharge load;

Psur = sur (Acap - hcol bcol) = 158.2 kips

Column axial live load;

Pll = 20.0 kips

Total column load (unfactored);

Pn = Pdl + Pll = 170.0 kips

The service load per pile is;

Pn_pile = (Pn + Pwt + Psur) / 3 = 118.5 kips

PASS - Pile capacity is sufficient

Total column load (factored);

Pu = 1.2 Pdl + 1.6 Pll = 212.0 kips

The ultimate load per pile is;

Pu_pile = (Pu + 1.2 (Pwt + Psur)) / 3 = 144.9 kips

Pile cap forces tied arch method

Distance between centroid of column and pile;

dcl_pl = ((s / 2)2 + (0.288 s)2) = 34.621 in

xcl_pl = (dcl_pl2 + d2) = 45.975 in
= atan(dcl_pl / d) = 48.855 deg
= acos(((d2 + (0.288 s)2)) / xcl_pl) = 40.733 deg

Compression within pile cap;

Cmax = Pu_pile / cos() = 220.212 kips

Tension within pile cap;

T = Cmax sin() / 2 = 71.848 kips

Compression checks for pile cap

Strength reduction factor (struct plain concrete);

u = 0.55

Strength reduction factor (bearing on concrete);

b = 0.65

Check diagonal comp. as an unreinforced column, using a core equivalent to 2 pile diameters (ACI 318-05, cl. 22.5.2)
Bearing capacity of core equivalent to 2 pile dia;

Pc = u 0.60 fc ((2 dpile)2) / 4 = 1451.4 kips

Borhanul hasan Tapu


Job Ref.


Sheet no./rev.

Bangladesh Institute of Technology


Calc. by




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PASS - Compression within cap is less than diagonal compression

Check bearing capacity of pile cap over piles (ACI 318, cl. 22.5.5)
Area of pile cap;

Acap = 8025.230 in2

Cross sectional area of pile;

Apile = dpile2 / 4 = 314.16 in2

Bearing capacity of cap above pile ;

Pbrg_pile = u 0.85 fc Apile min (2, (Acap / Apile)) = 1028.1 kips

PASS - Bearing capacity pile cap over pile is sufficient

Check bearing capacity of pile cap under column; (ACI 318, cl. 10.14)
Cross sectional area of column;

Acol = bcol hcol = 432.00 in2

Bearing capacity of cap below column;

Pbrg_col = b 0.85 fc Acol min (2, (Acap / Acol)) = 1670.8 kips

PASS - Bearing capacity pile cap under column is sufficient

Area of steel check for moment resistance

Distance from pile to face of column;

xface = max (0.577 s min (bcol , hcol) / 2, 0 in) = 25.6 in

Pressure due to weight and surcharge;

qu = 1.2 (sur + Pwt / Acap) = 4.2 ksf

Width at column face;

bw = 71.6 in

Ultimate moment at column face;

Muy = Pu_pilexface - quw2xface2/2+20.577 xface3/3) = 260.2 kip_ft

Net moment at column face;

Mny = Muy / v= 347.0 kip_ft

Rreq_y = Mny / (fc d2) / Lx = 0.012746

Lever arm factor;

Jy = (0.25 - Rreq_y / (0.85 2)) + 0.5 = 0.9924

Area of steel required to resist moment;

Ast_req_Mx = Mny / (fy Jy d) = 2.3 in2

Ast_req_T = T / (t fy) = 1.6 in2

Area of tension steel required for tied-arch behavior;

Area of steel required along X axis;

Ast_req_x = max (Ast_req_Mx, Ast_req_T) = 2.3 in2

PASS - Provided area of steel along X axis is sufficient

Each set of bar should be placed in the direction of axis connecting centers of piles (tringular pattern)
Stress block depth factor;

= 0.85

Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block;

a = Ast_x fy / (0.85 fc Lx) = 1.92 in

Balanced neutral axis depth(X axis);

c = a / 1 = 2.261 in

Strain in steel (X axis);

ty= 0.003 ((d c) / c) = 0.03714

Pass - Ductility is sufficient at ultimate strength

Necessary shear checks

Beam action at distance 'd' in the section parallel to X axis is not applicable
Beam action at column face in the section parallel to X axis must be checked
Beam action at distance 'd' in the section parallel to Y axis is not applicable
Beam action at column face in the section parallel to Y axis must be checked
Punching of single pile is not applicable
Punching of pile at corner must be checked
Punching of overlapping piles is not applicable
Punching shear at d / 2 from column face is not applicable
Punching shear at column face must be checked
Beam action at face of column
Distance from face of column to edge of cap;

xo = max ((Ly - e - dpile / 2 - 0.288 s - hcol / 2), 0 in) = 46.7 in

bx = min ((w2 + 2 (e + dpile / 2) tan(30)), (2 w12)) = 59.40 in

Shear at face of column parallel to X axis;

Vact_face = Pu_pile = 144.9 kips

VMrat1 = Muy / (Vact_face d) = 0.7

Borhanul hasan Tapu


Job Ref.


Sheet no./rev.

Bangladesh Institute of Technology


Calc. by




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w = Ast_x / (Ly d) = 0.003419

f1 = (d / xface) (3.5 - 2.5 VMrat1) = 2.0
f2 = 1.9 1 psi (fc / (1 psi)) = 0.1 ksi
f3 = 2500 w 1 psi / VMrat1 = 0.0 ksi
Vc1 = f1 (f2 + f3) Lx d = 779.0 kips
Vc2 = min (Vc1, 10 1 psi (fc / (1 psi)) Lx d) = 779.0 kips
Vc = max (Vc2, 2 1 psi (fc / (1 psi)) Lx d) = 779.0 kips
Vs = 0 kips
Shear resist. at face of column parallel to X axis;

Vr_face = v (Vc + Vs) = 584.2 kips

PASS - Pile cap is safe in beam action at face of column

Punching of single pile at corner check

Perimeter of area at d / 2 from pile at corner;

bo = (dpile + d) / 4 + 2 (e + dpile / 2) = 81.47 in

Shear resistance of concrete;

Vc = 4 1 psi (fc / 1 psi) bo d = 583.173 kips

Shear resistance of steel;

Vs = 0 kips

Ultimate shear resistance;

Vr_corner = v (Vc + Vs) = 437.379 kips

Shear acting;

Vact_ corner = Pu_pile = 144.9 kips

PASS - Resistance to pile punching at corner is sufficient

Punching shear check at face of column

Length of shear perimeter d / 2 from column face;

bo = 2 (bcol + d + hcol + d) = 205.000 in

Length of shear perimeter at column face;

bs = 2 (bcol + hcol) = 84.000 in

w = 22.620 in
Vact_pun_face = Pu + (Psur + Pwt) (s min (Ly, s)) / Lx2 = 276.210 kips
Vc1 = (d / w) (bo / bs) 2 1 psi (fc / 1 psi) bs d = 981.242 kips
Vc2 = min (Vc1, 32 1 psi (fc / 1 psi) bs d) = 981.242 kips
Vc = max (Vc2, 4 1 psi (fc / 1 psi) bo d) = 1467.484 kips
Vs = 0 kips
Vr_ pun_face = v (Vc + Vs) = 1100.613 kips
PASS - Pile cap is safe in punching shear at face of column

Development length of tension steel (ACI 318, cl. 12.5)

All bars must be provided with standard 180 end hooks.
ldh_1 = (0.02 efy 1 psi-1 dev (fc / 1 psi))) Dx_bar = 15.213 in
Modification factor;

mod1 = 0.7

Required development length of hook;

ldh_req = max (ldh_1 mod1, 6 in, 8 Dx_bar) = 10.649 in

Provided development length;

ldh_prov = e cc + dpile / 2 = 18.00 in

PASS - Hook development length is sufficient

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