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Traditional nomenclature: the traditional nomenclature of anhydrides is naming the word

anhydride followed by non-metallic element. This should take into account the valence of the nonmetallic element
Stock nomenclature: stock nomenclature is to write the word "oxide" + element not metal and
then the number of non-metallic element in Roman numerals and parentheses valences.
Systematic nomenclature: the systematic nomenclature is the use of a prefix that depends on
the number of atoms of each element followed by the expression "oxide" + preceded non-metallic
element of the valence of the non-metallic item.
The prefixes used depending on the number of atoms in this nomenclature are:
Atom 1: Mono
2 atoms: Di
3 atoms: Tri
4 atoms: Tetra
5 atoms: Penta
6 atoms: Hexa
7 atoms: Hepta


Traditional nomenclature: is named similarly to the acid oxoacid from which proceeds by replacing the termination
-bear by -ito and termination -ico by -ato followed by the metallic element completed at:
-ico (if it has a Valence)
-bear, - ico (if you have 2 valences)
hiccups... bear - bear, - ico (if you have 3 valences)
hiccups... bear - bear, - ico, per... ico (if you have 4 valences)
Stock nomenclature: is named similarly to the traditional nomenclature followed by the metallic element indicating the
valencia which acts in Roman numerals in parentheses.
Systematic nomenclature: is named with the name of the anion followed by the name of the cation and followed by
the prefix indicating the number of atoms of the metallic element. Where the anion is in parentheses, the number of ions
is indicated by the Greek prefixes:
2: Bis For 3: Tris 4: Tetrakis 5: Pentkis 6: Hexakis 7: Heptakis -


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