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Active immunity

Active immunity occurs when

the body mounts an immune
response to an antigen.

Passive immunity
Passive immunity occurs when a
person is given preformed antibodies.

active Naturally acquired passive immunity
immunity occurs when a occurs when a mothers antibodies
person suffers through the enter fetal circulation.
symptoms of an infection.
Artificially acquired active Artificially acquired passive immunity
immunity occurs when a occurs when a person is given
person is given a vaccine.
preformed antibodies that have been
harvested from another person.
Direct contact with antigen
Tiem is required for immunity
Antibodies are produced within in the
Immunity last longer
Immunological memory may be
resulted to give life long immunity
Not much side effect

No direct contact with antigen

Immunity develops immediately
Antibodies are injected into the body
Immunity lasts for few days
No immunological memory
At times body reacts to introduced sera called
serum sickness

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