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Lesson: Wechsel Prpositionen | Class time: 50 minutes

1. Greeting and announcements
2. Accusative Review
3. Dative Review
4. Changing Prepositions
5. Lunch
6. Changing Prepositions: COLA vs DOL
7. Example Sentences
8. Homework Explanation
9. Dismissal
1. Students should demonstrate their understanding of the accusative prepositions.
2. Students should demonstrate their understanding of the dative prepositions.
3. Students should be able to identify the changing prepositions and their meanings.
4. Students should be able to determine whether accusative or dative should be used in a simple sentence with
a changing preposition.
1. 1.1.M.SL.a Use the target language with culturally appropriate gestures to greet one another and engage in
conversations about everyday topics such as school and community events and activities
2. 1.1.N.SL.c Recognize and use appropriate register/ honorifics in a limited number of simple social situations
such as greetings, leave-takings and introductions
3. 1.1.N.SL.h Exchange information in the target language on familiar topics such as personal interests,
memorable experiences, school activities, and family life
4. 1.2.A.L.a Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom language in the target language on a variety of familiar
and unfamiliar topics
5. 2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film, and the creators of these products as well
as natural sites)
6. 2.2.N.F.b Identify products that were native to a community, region, or country in which the language is spoken
7. 3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language
8. 3.1.M.a Acquire new content knowledge about familiar topics through the target language
9. 4.1.M.a Select vocabulary recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word-forward
translation from ones own language to the target language
10. 4.1.M.b Select grammatical structures recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word-forword translation from ones own language to the target language
11. 5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
Culture: Using Janosch pictures in the PowerPoint to demonstrate each preposition
1. SmartBoard
2. PowerPoint
3. Notes sheet for every student
4. Homework sheet for every student
5. Wechsel Prpositionen Poster
Back Pocket Activities:
1. Select pictures that students could easily identify some accusative or dative. The class will be divided into
two teams. I will show the picture to the class and they will have to discuss with their team and ring a
buzzer when they think they have come up with a sentence for the picture. The first team to come buzz in
with a grammatically correct sentence wins a point.
2. Have descriptions prepared for different object around the room using the changing prepositions. The
students must identify the object that I am describing. This is similar to an eye-spy game.
Directions to self


Activity Description
German greeting to students as
they come into class. Class
announcements for the day.

PowerPoint will begin with a

review of the accusative
prepositions that we will go
over together as a class.
This will also be a great way to
determine if the students are
keeping up with their
knowledge of accusative.

PowerPoint will continue on to

review the dative prepositions
that we will go over together as
a class.
This will also be a great way to
determine if the students are
keeping up with their
knowledge of dative.


This portion will introduce the

students to a new topic. They
will be learning the changing
prepositions and their

Guten Tag Klasse. Wie gehts
euch heute? Wir haben ein
paar Ankndigungen heute.
Wir sind noch in unserem
Wettbewerb. Wir mssen 90%
oder mehr Deutsch sprechen.
Dann knnen wir ein PomPom
Wir beginnen mit einer kurzen
Wiederholung von Akkusativ.
Wann haben wir Akkusativ?
Gut! Was noch? Genau! Wir
haben das direkte Objekt und
Akkusativ Prpositionen. Was
sind diese Prpositionen? ...
Was passiert in Akkusativ mit
den Artikeln? Ihr habt die
Tabelle auf eurer Notizen. Dort
knnt ihr das schreiben.
Jetzt mssen wir auch unseren
Dativ wiederholen. Wann
haben wir Dativ? ... Sehr gut!
Was noch? ... richtig! Und am
letzen? ... Perfekt! Wenn wir
das indirekte Objekt, Dativ
Prpositionen, und Dativ
Verben haben, haben wir den
Dativ. Was sind die Dativ
Prpositionen? ...
Was passiert in Dativ mit den
Artikeln? Ihr sollt das auch auf
eurer Notizen schreiben in die
Jetzt haben wir Prpositionen,
die beide Akkusativ und Dativ
sein knnen. Diese
Prpositionen heien Wechsel

Directions to self
Make sure to remind the
students about our competition
involving 90% or more German
in class. There are
announcements on the board
that they can always look at.
Ask the students how they are
doing to help warm them up in
the TL.
Prior to starting the review, it
would be a good idea to go over
the der-chart with students to
make sure they know how each
case changes with each case.
Make sure to ask all things
that trigger the accusative
case, not only the prepositions
(D.O. and prepositions). This
should not take too much time
since they have been working
with it all year.
Make sure to ask all things
that trigger the dative case.
(I.O., prepositions, dative
This may take slightly more
time to go over since it was the
last grammar topic and they
have not had as much time to
get used to the dative case.

Take your time! Do not rush

through these and make sure
the students are writing down
the correct meanings on their



meanings. The PowerPoint will

have pictures demonstrating
each preposition. Students
should follow along on their
guided note sheets. We should
get through 4 or 5 of the
Throughout the PowerPoint,
pictures of Janosch, a German
childrens book character, will
be used to help reveal some
culture to the students.


The students have lunch in the

middle of their class period, so
they will stop and go to lunch
at this portion.


When the students return from

lunch and have learned the
prepositions, the PowerPoint
will demonstrate when the
prepositions are accusative and
when they are dative. With
movement or stationary. Some
acronyms teacher uses are

Prpositionen. Ihr habt schon

viele von diesen Prpositionen
Janosch hier zeigt uns was die
Prpositionen sind. Janosch ist
ein Charakter aus ein Kinder
Buch in Deutschland.
Auf der Rckseite eurer
Notizen knnt ihr die Wechsel
Prpositionen mit den Bildern
schreiben. Es gibt Bilder mit
einer Maus und Kse und
einem Ball und Tor. Schaut
auf das PowerPoint und notiert
das auf euer Papier.
Jetzt ist es Zeit fr
Mittagessen! Wir lernen, wenn
diese Prpositionen Dativ oder
Akkusativ ist.
Guten Appetit!
Willkommen zurck! Jetzt
lernen wir mehr ber diese
Prpositionen. Ich habe
Sprichwrter fr jeden Kasus
mit Wechsel Prpositionen:
COLA und DOL. Diese helfen
Zuerst COLA bedeutet change
of location accusative. Fr
Akkusativ muss es eine Aktion
geben. Wenn es eine Aktion
mit einer Wechsel Prposition
gibt, ist es Akkusativ. Zum
Beispiel: Der Hund geht in das
DOL bedeutet dative of
location. Fr Dativ muss es
keine Aktion geben. Wenn es
keine Aktion mit einer Wechsel
Prposition gibt, ist es Dativ.

guided notes sheet. It is

important that they know what
all of these prepositions mean
before they can move on to the
next portion of learning when
each case is triggered for these
changing prepositions.
Dont forget to explain who
Janosch is!


Try to get the students to calm

down and get back to work as
quickly as possible. This
portion may be slightly more
difficult for students like Alex
and Lindsay to understand.
Make sure to ask questions to
gage how well students


Now that the students have

learned the difference between
when dative and accusative are
triggered there will be more
example sentences where they
will need to identify whether it
is accusative or dative and the
students will have to come to
the SmartBoard to fill in the
This will be a very quick
assessment to see how much of
the material the students have
picked up on because they will
need to demonstrate it to the
The students will receive their
homework assignment for the
evening. We will discuss as a
class what is expected on the
homework. It is a worksheet of
the teachers creation.

The students will be dismissed

from class and will say goodbye
to the teacher as they leave the

Zum Beispiel: Der Hund ist in

dem Haus. Hier gibt es keine
Jetzt habe ich ein paar
Beispiele fr euch! Ihr knnt
hier an die Tafel kommen und
die Antwort schreiben.
Ist das Dativ oder Akkusativ?

This will be an intense lesson,

so it is important to remember
that they may get a little ansy
at this point. Try to call on
some students that dont
always get to come up to the


It is important that all

students understand what is
expected of them on the
homework since they will have
to complete it at home on their


Make sure to go stand by the

door to say goodbye to all the
students as they are walking


Sehr gut! Jetzt haben wir

Hausaufgaben fr heute!

Diese Hausaufgabe ist morgen

fllig. Ihr msst das morgen zu
mir geben.
Ihr knnt eure Notizen zu
Hause benutzen. Ihr msst
zuerst die Tabelle ausfllen.
Dann gibt es zwei Fragen ber
Wechsel Prposition. Am Ende
der Hausaufgaben msst ihr
einen Satz pro Prposition
schreiben. Ihr msst auch
sagen ob es COLA fr
Akkusativ oder DOL fr Dativ
Ihr habt heute sehr gut
gearbeitet! Was denkt ihr,
haben wir mehr als 90%
gesprochen? ...
Vergesst nicht die
Hausaufgabe zu machen. Habt

einen schnen Tag noch!


Wechsel Prpositionen Notizen







Akkusativ Wiederholung
Das ________________________ Objekt macht den Akkusativ.

______________________ Prpositionen macht den Akkusativ.







Dativ Wiederholung

Das _________________________ Objekt macht den Dativ.

________________________ Verben macht den Dativ.

________________________ Prpositionen macht den Dativ.











die (pl.)

Wechsel Prpositionen

Diese Prpositionen sind Akkusativ, wenn es _________________________________ gibt.


Wir sagen ______________________.

_____________ bedeutet ________________ ___________ ________________ ________________.

Beispiel: ____________________________________________________________________________.

Diese Prpositionen sind Dativ, wenn es _____________________________ gibt.


Wir sagen ____________________.

________________ bedeutet ____________________ _______________ ______________________.

Beispiel: ____________________________________________________________________________.

Wechsel Prpositionen Hausaufgaben






die (pl.)



1. Was sind die Wechsel Prpositionen? (auf Deutsch)

2. Wann sind diese Prpositionen Akkusativ oder Dativ?

3. Schreibt einen Satz pro Prposition. Schreibt COLA oder DOL am Ende fr Akkusativ
oder Dativ. (Zum Beispiel: Der Hund ist in dem Bett. (DOL) | Der Hung geht in das Bett.
(COLA)). BITTE deutlich schreiben.










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