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Abigail Harrison

Professor Adam Padgett

English 102
1 March 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: How is child obesity due to parental negligence?
Proposed Thesis: Child obesity is on the rise, due to neglect by the parent or guardian of the
Alexander, Shirley M., Louise A. Baur, Roger Magnusson, and Bernadette Tobin. "When Does
Severe Childhood Obesity Become a Child Protection Issue?" When Does Severe
Childhood Obesity Become a Child Protection Issue? N.p., Aug. 2009. Web. 24 Feb.
Child obesity is on the rise, becoming more predominant in households across the world. The
increase in child obesity is caused by many factors. Biological, social, and psychological factors
attribute to the increase of obesity in young adults. According to The Medical Journal of
Australia, Although many factors contribute to the development of childhood obesity at a
societal level, parental responsibility is also an essential element in the prevention and treatment
of obesity in children an idea with which the food and beverage industries, government
organisations and medical opinion concur (Alexander, Baur, Magnusson, Tobin, 2009). If the
child is having serious health problems due to the lack of parental supervision, there needs to be
an intervention to help the child become heathy again. Overall, parental negligence is a common

problem in why children are gaining weight and becoming morbidly obese. This is a very
credible source, because it came from the Thomas Cooper Library. It is suitable for my research
questions, because it shows examples of parental negligence being a problem of obesity in
children and young adults. This article would have little bias, do to the fact that it is published in
a credited medical journal. There is a lot of research and time that goes into producing a journal
like this one and it is not only opinion, but there are scientific facts to back up the argument.
Goldbas, Abbie, MS Ed JD. "Childhood Obesity: Can It Really Be Child Neglect?" Ebscohost.
N.p., Apr. 2-14. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
Parents are responsible for the well-being of their children and when the well-being of the child
is compromised, there are actions that need to take place. Children who are becoming morbidly
obese, is due to the parents neglect on their childs health. If parents are not giving their children
their needs emotionally, physically, and medically then neglect will be in question. This source
is a direct correlation to the thesis and is suitable in making a point on how child obesity is a
form of parental neglect. This will be a good resource to use to back up the argument. The article
was written in 2014, so the article presents relatively new information. Since the article is
relatively new and up to date with the latest information, the article will present a nice case on
neglect and the correlation with child obesity. This source is credited, because it was found in the
Thomas Cooper Library databases. This author is very credited in the fact that she is a practicing
attorney in upstate New York. She deals with family law and is a child advocate. She is currently
on way to get her PhD in Health psychology. There could be bias in the fact that this is a very
opinionated article written by a health psychologist, who is also a child advocate. Therefore, she
will always be fighting for the child. In this case there could be a bias towards the parents of the

Koehly, Laura M., and Aunchalee Loscalzo. "Adolescent Obesity and Social
Networks."Preventing Chronic Disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15
June 2009. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
Obesity is on the rise at an alarming rate and has even tripled in the last 40 years. Adolescent
obesity is not only the cause of biological factors, but the societal influence between family,
friends, schools, neighborhoods, or communities. Early social environments are established in
the home; this is where eating patterns come into play. Parents serve as role models and their
childrens health behaviors are entirely impacted on their decisions. This article, published in
2009, is a great credible source for the general knowledge on obesity and how it interacts within
the family. This is a credible source, because it came from the CDC, which is a world-known
health and safety website. The employers at the CDC are scientists and are very reliable in their
research and journals. With this source, there would be little bias in this article. Everything the
workers of CDC present is based solely on science experiments and conducting research. There
would be very little bias in this article.
Lissau, Inge, and Thorkild I A Sorensen. "PARENTAL NEGLECT DURING CHILDHOOD
n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
It is well-known that characteristics of family life are linked to the development of obesity in
children. There was a research study in 1974, 1258 people aged 9-10 years old were randomly
selected to participate in a population-based study investigating the impact of parental care in
childhood on the risk of obesity in the offspring of young adulthood. This study came to the
conclusion that parental neglect during childhood poses a greater risk of obesity in children and
young adults. This research relates directly to my research question of asking how a parents

neglect is related to childhood obesity. There is no known date on when this article was
published, but it does relate directly to the research question asked. This is a credible source,
because it is found through the Thomas Cooper Library and its database is from Business Source
Complete. This article would have very little bias, since it is a science experiment. It is all facts,
backed up with statistics and very specific information.
Perryman, Mandy L. "Ethical Family Interventions for Childhood Obesity." Preventing Chronic
Disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Aug. 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
Parents have the right to raise their children how they please, but when parenting effects the
health and safety of the child, it becomes an ethical concern. The decisions the parent or guardian
makes for the family has a direct relationship to the well-being of the child. With parents failing
to prevent obesity, they are starting to be held accountable for indirect harm or negligence to
their child. This article was written in 2011, which is relatively close to todays time. The
information in this article is still relevant and accurate to todays society and the research
question being asked. This source is credible, because it came from the CDC, which is known
worldwide for the health and safety of people across the world. The employees that work for the
CDC are all credited in their abilities and strengths in the science field. With this source, there
would be little bias in this article. Everything the workers of CDC present is based solely on
science experiments and conducting research. There would be very little bias in this article.
Sturm, Roland. "Childhood Obesity What We Can Learn From Existing Data on Societal
Trends, Part 1." Preventing Chronic Disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
15 Dec. 2004. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

The amount of obese and overweight youth has been increasing in recent years, with no sign of
stopping. This is due to societal trends having an effect of physical activity. This directly relates
back to the parents of the child. There are certain societal trends that should be paid close
attention too. If parents are neglecting their child and treating them poorly, they will begin to
succumb to these trends and promote unhealthy habits. This source was published online in
2004. This is more than a decade old, so there might be problems relating to societal trends of
today. However, the article is a very credible source. It comes from the CDC, which is a very
reliable source for finding out health related information throughout the world. With this source,
there would be little bias in this article. Everything the workers of CDC present is based solely
on science experiments and conducting research. There would be very little bias in this article.

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