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Kody Moody

Geography 1000
Lucinda Clark
18 April, 2016
Global Warming Opinion Essay

Global warming is real. I hope this clarifies my stance on the topic. Although this is a
naturally occurring process for the planet, studies have shown that human activity has not only
contributed to the acceleration of this process but that the damage being done is proving to be
detrimental. The continued use of fossil fuels to power our world and the process in which to do
so are some of the leading factors that contribute to the acceleration of global warming.
In a fantastic article entitled, Global Warmings Terrifying New Chemistry written by
Bill McKibben, he covers the molecular impact as well as the environmental impact that fracking
has caused on the planet. Although the article does acknowledge carbon footprints, McKibben
emphasizes the data of methane accumulation and stresses the scientific importance of this as it
need to be made aware to the general public. He cites data from a Harvard Geophysical research
letter which found that by using satellite and ground observations between 2002 and 2014, the
data showed that US methane emissions increased by more than 30 percent, accounting for 30 to
60 percent of an enormous spike in methane in the entire planet's atmosphere. (McKibben,
2016). The explanation, according to McKibben, is due to switching from fossil fuels to natural
gases which is mainly comprised of methane and is more efficient at trapping heat than CO2.
Other evidence shows that polar ice caps are thinning out and breaking apart. Ice shelves are
breaking off of Antarctica, most recently the Nansen ice shelf/twice the size of Manhattan,
which scientists say may or may not break entirely off but it is related to climate change as the

Figure 1:NASA Earth Observatory

cause for these shelves to break away. An article written by Cole Mellino covers this fascinating
story as well as other ice shelves that are breaking apart, like the Serson Ice Shelf in Northern
Canada where man-made global warming could be the cause. (Mellino, 2016).
I found some great information on the National Wildlife Federation website that explains
how global warming effects hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, wild fires, floods and winter
weather. With information everywhere on global warming, whether it be scholarly articles of
study, or articles published in magazines or websites, I am not surprised to find that Americans
overwhelmingly agree that global warming is happening. (Holthaus, 2015).
These examples are only a few of why I believe that global warming is real. I know most
of the scientific community agree [97% of climate scientists (Holthaus 2015)], that climate
change is a reality. I just have to hope that it is not too late for humans to change their behavior.
It is my personal belief that profits, corporate greed and the politicians that represent them are
not interested in looking for innovative ways or exploring revolutionary ideas for new energy.
The fear of failing economies and loss of profit hinders progress and hastens another global die
Works Cited

McKibben, Bill. "Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry." The Nation. EBSCO Host, 11
Apr. 2016. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. http://www.thenation.com/article/global-warming-terrifying-newchemistry/
Holthaus, Eric. Poll: Americans Dont Think Climate Change Will Affect Them Personally.
Slate. Apr. 2015. Web. 18 April, 2016.
National Wildlife Federation. 2016. Global Warming and Extreme Weather Web. 18 April,
2016. https://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Threats-to-Wildlife/Global-Warming/Global-Warming-isCausing-Extreme-Weather.aspx

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