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Hunter Lundquist

Source Evaluation
Works Cited
1. (Book) Biondi, Joel. The U.S. Minimum Wage: Issues and Potential Effects of an Increase.
N.p.: Nova Science, 2014. Print.
2. (Database) Brodsky, Norm. "The Consequences of a $15 Minimum Wage." Inc. Magazine
38.2 (2016): 58. Web.
3. (Database) Wicks-Limm, Jeanette. "Is a $15 Minimum Wage Economically Feasible?" Dollars
and Sense. Vol. 322. Boston: Dollars and Sense, 2016. 5-6. Web.
4. (General Web) Wihbey, John. "Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage: Research and Key
Lessons Journalists Resource. Knight Foundation, 19 Oct. 2015. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.
5. (General Web) Worstall, Tim. "We Are Seeing The Effects Of Seattle's $15 An Hour Minimum
Wage." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 16 Mar. 2015. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

1st Source Evaluation: The book, The U.S. Minimum Wage: Issues and Potential Effects of an
Increase, is a novel written in May of 2014. The information in this book has not been updated,
but that is no real problem regarding the validity of the information because the book was written
under 2 years ago. This novel directly references the information that my research question
revolves around. The author presents the contents of the novel at a level that most readers will
easily understand and the book is definitely intended for the public who contain a reasonable
level of education. The author listed is an editor at Nova Science Publishers and there is little
information on his credentials. Library professionals have previously warned about the quality of
the Nova Science Publishers writings, citing that their work does not go through a full standard

academic review. I believe that much of this book is actually more of a propaganda piece and
less of an actual piece of factual information used to merely inform the reader. The novel may
contain biases that all readers should be aware of before reading. I would rate this source as a 1
because I believe that the academic quality and professionalism of this novel is not very great
and readers could be mislead by the content of this source.

2nd Source Evaluation: The article, "The Consequences of a $15 Minimum Wage., was
published in the March 2016 issue of Inc. Magazine. The information is extremely current as it
was written during the past month and has not revised. The topic of the article refers directly to
my question and the intended audience is mostly those who are looking to become more
informed citizens on the issues. The information can be slightly advanced and I would be led to
believe that with a college degree would have no problem understanding the information. The
author is an extremely successful businessman who owns the magazine in which the article is
printed. The company is using a .com web address, but I believe the author is truly qualified to
write on the topic. The information comes from statistical findings and first hand accounts of the
effects. The contents of the writing appear to be free of most bias and are supported by some
evidence. The information is intended to inform the public and is a mixture of mostly fact, with a
small amount of opinion. I would rate this source as a 3 out of 5 because even though I believe
the information is backed by evidence in most cases, I also think it is lacking a few more talking
points and I believe it may contain a small bias.

3rd Source Evaluation: Jeanette Wicks-Limm wrote the article, "Is a $15 Minimum Wage
Economically Feasible? in the Dollars and Sense magazine for the January/February 2016

installment of the publication. The information is current and has not been revised at any time in
the last two months. The contents are directly correlated to my topic and information is well
written and intended who has a decent level of education, probably a completion of a college
degree. The author is an assistant research professor at Umass-Amherst which I believe makes
her a dignified author on the subject. The information comes from a statistical analysis of other
minimum wage increases such as the one in Seattle. The information has been reviewed and
appears to completely legitimate. The article appears to have little to no bias in its writing. This
article is written to inform the voting electorate and appears to be mostly fact. I can detect very
little propaganda being used and only a small idealogical bias. I would rate this source as a 4 out
of 5 and I take away one point only because I think there may be a small bias from the author.

4th Source Evaluation: "Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage: Research and Key Lessons is
an article written on October 19, 2015 in the Journalists Resource. The information is only four
months old and it has not been revised since meaning the contents of the article are current. The
information is directly related to my topic and is written at a level for most americans. The
intended audience is most likely the portion of the american electorate who are looking to
become more informed on the issues. I would feel very comfortable citing this source in my
paper. The writing of the article has been influenced by an economist and uses statistics to back
its statements. The URL is a .org, showing that the website is based around informing and not
selling. The information for the article comes from multiple other studies and cites many
statistics. The information has been reviewed and I can find no real bias to the writing. The
article is written purely to inform and the information appears to be entirely fact and unbiased. I

would rate this article 5 out of 5 because it is well-written with appropriate length and the talking
points are properly supported.

5th Source Evaluation: The article, "We Are Seeing The Effects Of Seattle's $15 An Hour
Minimum Wage, can be found on the Forbes website dated March 16, 2015. The information in
this article has not been updated and is almost a year old showing that it is current, but not
completely. This article is written for those looking to better understand the debate revolving a
raise in minimum wage and is directly related to my topic of discussion. The author, Tim
Worstall, of this piece is an opinion writer for Forbes Magazine. Worstall is a political
commentator and economist who has written for many publications. The information presented
in this article all comes from the statistics regarding the recent minimum wage raise in Seattle.
The information has been reviewed and contains a bias for the entire article. This article is
intended to inform and in some cases, persuade the reader. Much of the information is opinion
based on the facts presented by the author. The author holds a strong idealogical bias throughout
the article. I would rate this article a 2 out of 5 because I believe that even though the author
shows a large bias in the article, he still presents a multitude of facts in the article.

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