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Period 2 - 1688

English Civil War

Cavaliers (loyal to king) vs. Roundheads
Roundheads won under Oliver Cromwell
Glorious Revolution
Whigs invited William of Orange to overthrow James II
Under Williams government, Parliament holds the power
Spains decline
Suffered from weak rulers
Rulers led extravagant lifestyles they couldnt afford
Army suffered defeats
Mercantilism controls European economic policies
Creation of the French East India Company
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Dutch and Spain
Prospered as colonial empires, but later became second-rate powers
thanks to the Treaty of Utrecht
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
Louis had a goal of one king, one law, one faith
About 200,000 Huguenots fled persecution and took their skills with
Act of Toleration
Parliament giving freedom of worship to nonconformists
Established the Glorious Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Mary was Protestant, James II was Catholic
England wanted a protestant ruler
Increased power for the Parliament
Commercial Revolution
Middle class increased
Calvinists were the largest percentage of the English population
Domestic differences
Enlightened thinkers thought there was a natural difference between
men and women
John Locke
Two Treatises on Government , Essay Concerning Human
Knowledge derived from experience, blank slate
Isaac Newton
The law of Gravitation
Universal laws seen through formulas

Thomas Hobbes
The horrors of the English civil war
Humans prone to violence and are motivated to increase pleasure

Dutch Republic
Supported many artists such as Frans Hals, Rembrandt, and Jan
Focused on painting individual and group portraits, landscapes, and
genre scenes
The Night Watch
Rembrandt used revolutionary lighting techniques and added a
sense of movement to the painting
Louis XIV designed to be a visible symbol of his power and greatness

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