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Jonah Wolf

Jessica Schwartz
Brendan Welch
Elliot Enayati
Ciara Orness
Period 2-1789:

Storming of the Bastille (French Rev)
1793- Poland is obliterated and fully partitioned
E: Frances economy is on the verge of collapse with extreme expenditures from royal
spending, French military involvement in diplomacy
1780s- Henry Corts burned impurities from coal-coke
-Britains economy is industrialized
R: 1790s- Radical Revolution-De-christianization during the French Revolution tries to
radically obliterates religious influence in French life
-Napoleon will sign the concordat that will make peace with the pope and allow clergy to
be on Frances payroll
-Church property is confiscated and the Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 1790 puts
clergy on the state payroll and under popular election
-The Catholic Church is the main enemy of the French Revolution.
-Peasants still constitute the majority (85 percent) of Europes population
Poverty is a major problem in many European cities with beggars and prostitutes making
from 1/10- of the inhabitants in varying European cities

-The French Estates are extremely unequal in rights with the Third Estate living
miserable lives
I: -French Nationalism will compel Frances Nation in Arms to conquer numerous
nations during the revolutionary wars.
-Liberalism is a driving force in the French Revolution that installs constitutions and
institutions like laissez-faire into France
-Women like Olympes de Gouges exemplify feminism
-Ideas of the philosophes, especially Rousseau and Locke, drive the French Revolution
Romanticism (not the era; very popular in this era)

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