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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Franais II: Les Muses et L'art

Name: Michael Moreno

Content Area: French Language (Level 2)

Grade Level: 9th-12th grades

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

California WL Standards
Content 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including:
g. Leisure, hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports
1.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.
1.2 Interpret written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language.
1.3 Present to an audience of listeners, readers, or ASL viewers.
1.4 List, name, identify, and enumerate.
1.5 Identify learned words, signs (ASL), and phrases in authentic texts.
1.6 Reproduce and present a written, oral, or signed (ASL) product in a culturally
authentic way
1.0 Students use appropriate responses to rehearsed cultural situations.
1.1 Associate products, practices, and perspectives with the target culture.
1.2 Recognize similarities and differences in the target cultures and between students own
1.0 Students use orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters to understand words, signs (ASL), and phrases in context.

Communication-Students engage in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communication in the target language
Cultures- Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the cultures studied.
Comparisons- Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture
through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
SL1 Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

The Louvre and the Muse D'Orsay: Exploring the long and complex history of these locations, including their origins, their evolution
into what they are today and more importantly their signficance to French and World culture today as well as the types of art that are
displayed in each.
Knowing vs. Familiarity: Exploring how information is transfered in the French language, specfically in the exploration of the verbs
"Savoir" and "Connatre" and the distinct purposes they serve and the aspects of knowledge they serve to communicate. As a part of
this we will be learning how to ask for this information and how to express whether we know or don't know something.
Art as the extension of the Self: Exploring how art can influence us as individuals and how it allows us to express our own inner
personality, our thoughts, our hopes and our dreams.
Art as the extension of the Society: Exploring how art can influence us as a society, effecting our cultural norms and perspectives and
how it expresses the feeling of a particular time or people, their traditions, their values, their hopes and their desires for the future.

Unit Summary:

How often do you look at art? Have you ever been to a museum? What sorts of things can you find hidden there? From where are these
pieces from and how long ago were they made? Who is the artist? Do we know who they are? If not why? If yes, who were they in life,
what made them be an artist and what does their art say about them as a person? What about the society in which they lived in? What
about their country? Finally what does the art we like, the perspective and interpretation we have about a piece of art and the feelings
that a piece evokes within us say about ourselves as individuals, the society we live in and the country we live in? These are all
questions we must ask ourselves as we enter any museum, any exhibition and as we take a look at the cultural artifacts left to us there.
This unit will engage you students in learning about art and culture in French, focusing in particular on the two most important museums
in Paris, and by some standards, the two most important museums in the world: the Louvre and the Muse D'Orsay, each holding
hundreds of years of art from not only France but around the world.
As the focus around this unit, we will be exploring both museums, learning how to ask for directions to get around the museum, how to

find certain sections and exhibits, how to ask someone whether they know information about an art piece or are familiar with the piece or
the artist and finally we will learn more about the history of certain art movements that can be seen in these museums, techniques,
themes and typical characteristics of art in these movements to work towards the final goal of this unit: learning sentences, vocabulary
and phrases to use to create your very own exhibit for an art piece you will choose and as a part of that detailing the composition, effect,
technique and other aspects of the art as well as details about the artist and your own personal interpretation and perspective about the
art piece you chose.

Assessment Plan:

Brain Storm and Discussion:

what is art? what types of art are
there? what does art say about
individuals and about society

Drawing Activity: From memory,

draw a painting or art piece that
you remember seeing or studying


Interro: Vocabulary Quiz-Art and

the Museum
Google Forms Quiz: Map of the
Google Forms Quiz: History of the
Louvre video/ 3 Art Movements
videos comprehension questions
Interro: Savoir vs. Connaitre


Projet: Presentation
Research an art piece from the
Louvre and Present it to the class
using Emaze

Projet: Exposition
Turn your multimedia presentation
into a physical exhibit

Lesson 1
Student Learning
Students will learn
about art and art
movements in each
museum, including
common themes,
techniques and
interpretations of
these pieces.

Acceptable Evidence

Google Forms
Quiz: History
of the Louvre
video/ 3 Art

Lesson Activities:
Teacher provides students with guided notes for their Teacher lecture about the 3
main art movements in the Louvre and Muse DOrsay. This also provides for
students an example of the level of work expected for their final summative

Lesson 2
Student Learning

Acceptable Evidence:

Students will learn

more about the
Louvre and Muse
D'Orsay, their history,
origins and
significance to the
French and World

Students will be able

to navigate a
museum, recognizing
maps in the target
language and being
able to identify
locations as well as
ask for directions to
certain locations in a

Students will be able

to ask for information
from someone,
accurately using the
appropriate verb
(savoir vs connatre)
for the type of
information desired
(knowledge and facts
vs. experience and

Quiz-Art and
the Museum
Google Forms
Quiz: Map of
the Louvre
Interro: Savoir
vs. Connaitre
Google Forms
Quiz: History of
the Louvre
video/ 3 Art

Lesson Activities:
Students watch a video detailing the history and influence of the Louvre. Students
take notes on the main details of the video.
Students are also given a brief lesson on the verbs savoir and connaitre for
expressing knowledge, factual and experimental respectively.
Students also participate in a weberise, navigating several links to the Louvre
museum website to explore the make up of the Louvre, departments there and
pieces that can be seen in the different sections and gallery of the Louvre

Lesson 3
Student Learning
Students will be able
to research details
about an art piece
using a variety of
both print and digital
resources in the
target language both
individually and

Acceptable Evidence:

Students will be able

to use research and
learned phrases,
vocabulary and
sentence frames in
French in order
to present
information about an
art piece, including
information about the
piece (artist, bio of
artist, materials used,
date published, art
movement) and
analysis of the piece
(use of light, color,
perspective, theme or
message, historical
context or allusions to
different works as
well as effect of
composition and
allusion) as well as
their own personal
reaction and

Research an
art piece from
the Louvre and
Present it to
the class using
Turn your
into a physical
Venn Diagram
Use your
research to
make a Venn

Lesson Activities:
Venn Diagram Activity: Using their knowledge of the Unit Resources, including the
Teacher Lecture, students will collaboratively create a digital Venn Diagram along
with examples of paintings that fit the characteristics of each art movement
explored in class. This assessment also provides a preview of the type of research
expected for the final assessment.

interpretation of a
piece in French.
Unit Resources:
This quite long BBC video details a lot of the art available in the Louvre as well as an overview of the building's history and evolution.
This will provide an overview of what the museum is and the type of art to be seen there.
This video contains a quite brief video detailing the Muse D'Orsay as well as some analysis of pieces in the museum, giving students a
taste of what interpreting a piece entails.
This link will navigate you to the Louvre website where students can access a plethora of resources for learning about the museum itself
This link leads to different video galleries provided by the Muse D'Orsay which include resources for learning about different artists,
current exhibitions as well as the history of the museum
This link will navigate you to the site for the different departments in the museum where you can access the different art pieces
organized into different categories based on type of art, country of origin and more.
This link will navigate you to the Louvre museum map, where you may see the different sections of the museum and significant pieces
that you can see in each area.
This link leads to different online media resources from the Louvre such as videos about composition, color and more.
This link leads to the Muse D'Orsay website where you may access different information about the museum, such as history, dates and
hours of operation and how to arrive at the museum
This link leads to different pages where you may access the library of works in the museum along with accompanying commentary and
analysis about selected pieces

This link leads to an interactive map of the Muse D'Orsay, where you can click on different floors, rooms and sections of the museum
and see which pieces are displayed in the different floors and galleries.
This link leads to different video galleries provided by the Muse D'Orsay which include resources for learning about different artists,
current exhibitions as well as the history of the museum

Useful Websites:
This link leads to wordreference.com, a very useful website for searching up unfamiliar terms seen within the unit resources, for
searching up words for providing richer description in our lesson activities and assessments as well as for searching up verb
conjugations for all tenses and moods to again aid in expression in the language.
This link leads to french.about.com, a subpage of about.com. With this website students can refresh their memories for grammatical
structures and verb conjugations they may have forgotten in class to assure accuracy of language in their activities and assessments.
This link leads to emaze.com the website students will use for their summative assessment presentations. This website allows students
to present their findings and analysis using digital media as well as providing a thematically appropriate presentation style through the
use of an art gallery walk.

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