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300 Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection of MPSK DARIUSH DIVSALAR, mews, see, axo MARVIN K, SIMON, Fetiow, ree Absiract—A. ternal detection technique for MPSK, which wet ‘mukipherymbol observation itera, is presented and its performance Anayeed und smite. The techsgue, maker ise of maximum: i conventional differential detect tile-symbol detection schemes the fap beeen conventions (te ) itera aber fat detection of MPSK a0d eal cobereat of MPSK wth ifeental coding. The amount of ipruvement gained over convent rection depends on the numberof phases M andthe number onl symbol Interls added to the observation. What Is par tial interesting is hat stata performance improvement can be ‘shane for only one orto 206onal symbol intervals of ober ‘The amuyis ad simulation rere preset ae for uncoded MPSK. 1. Ierxomuctiow 18 wll know tht, in aplicstions wher simplicity and robust. ‘oF implemensation take precedeace over achicving the best. System performance, differential detection isan tractive alternative {orcoheren detection. Aside fom implementation consideration, it Fale possible thatthe transmission environment may be sficenly ‘graded, cg. 4 multipath fading channel, that acquiring and tack ing coherent demodulation reference signal s dificult i nt im possible, Here again ferential detection ia possible, and perhaps the ony, solution nthe past, diferent detection of muiple-phase shift koying (MAPSK) fas Been accomplished by comparing the recived phase in fr gsen symbol lterval fo that inthe previous symbol intel and taking 2 multilevel decision on the diference between these to Biases (1. An implementation of such a ocsiver and the analysis Grits error rate performance on an additive white Gaussian foie AWGN) channel may also be found in [2. ch. 3) In arriving tthe fests in (1, [2], the sssumpion was made thatthe recived carrier feference phase f constant over at Last 600 symbol intervals abd ths as mo effect onthe decision process when the above-mestioned ‘ave diference is taken, Thin assumption is crucial to the analysis but is also realistic in many practical applications. Alo, since the information is catid ia the diflerence berwen adjacent received phases, the fut information must be differetlly encoded before {transmission over the chanel “Athoagh differs detection eliminates the wood for earir ac- gistion and tracking i the recive, it suffers from a performance ‘Penalty (additonal required SNR ata given bit error ate) when com Dred 10 ideal (perfstcarir phase relerence) cohereat detection The amount of this performance penalty increases withthe umber tphases Mand is significant for M > 4, For example, aa bit error Probability Py = 10" differcaully detected BPSK (often abbrevi- eda DPSK) rogires shout 0.78 dB more bit energy to noise ratio (s/No) than coheremly detected BPSK. For QPSK (M = 4), the Silence in E/N tween differential detection and ideal eater fot detection at Py 10> f about 2.2 dB. Fipaly for SPSK, the ape agro ty the Eton for Moglaon Thar) an Nowliear Cha rule he TELE Communion Soo. Mase fected Mar 10, poe May 31-189, Ts work wae prolate et Pople [besy, Clfoma Inte of Tecnology ander coat fo NASA. “Toe abuse ih hee Proplson tortor, Calon Inst of ‘tectnolog, Pasadena, CA 91108, TEE Lap Number 8953656, corresponding diference in Ey /No performance between the 190 is preter than 2.5 dB "This itis natural to ask: is there a way of enhancing the cow sential (two symbol observation difereatial detection technique fore to recover a portion of the performance lost relative 1 that fof coherene detection and yt, sll maimain a simple and oust im plementation? Furthermore, i this is possible, what is the tradcofT Eetween the atmunt of performance recovered and the additional Sommpleniyalded to the conventional diferent deesionimple- Imertation, The answers (0 dese questions stem from the idea of Allowing the observation interval over which symbol decisions are ‘nade tbe longer than two symbol inerals while athe sare time raking a join! decision on several symbols simultaneously as op posed to symbolby-symbel detection. As such one ust extend the previous assumption om the diration of tine over which the carier Base is constant to be commensurate with the extended obser tion interval. For cbserations on the order of tree or four symbal Steril thsi sil a easonable assumption in many aplicatins. “The theoretical framework in which we shall develop this $0- called muliple-bi differentia! detecion wehniqu isthe raxirar likelihood approsch to statistical detection. Inthe next section, we derive the appropriate maximu-iklibood algorithm or diferetal ‘ctcton of MPSK and show how te covemtonl technique sa Spe {lal case of this more general model. Since. as mentioned above, we wil be making joint symbol decisions in this new configuration, the technigue ie form of maximum likelihood sequence estimation although 20 coding of the input information is implied. We hasten fo add, however that he theory developed here for uncoded Mary PSK (MDPSK) is eatly extended to tnlude, for example, trellis Coded MDPSK. This subject willbe reported on bythe wutors i forthcoming pape. 1, Maxauun-Latuoo> Derscnos of MPSK oven ax AWGN CConsier the transmission of MPSK signals over an AWGN chan- re, The transite signal ia the iteral AT <2 = (+ DT has the complex form se = ViPein o here P denotes the constant signal power, T' denotes the MPSK Symbol interval, andy the transite phase which takes on one of| Monsormiy distibated valves B-—2em/M. m=O, ,--,M 1 around the unt circle. The corresponding received signal is then sees ® where my is sample of zero-mean complex Gavssin noise with 12M ae and 6, isan arbitary phase inroduced by the channel which, in the absence of any side information, is assumed 10 be uniformly sete inthe eral (~, =). ‘Conder now received sequence of length Vand assume that Js independent of k over the length ofthis sequence, 1.€. ‘Analogous 10 (2), the recived sequence ris expressed 38 o rose on (0090-67789010300-0300501.00 © 1990 IEEE here re, Ses and me arc, respectively, the Ath components ofthe ‘NelengthScauences rs, andin: Forte assumed AWGN model, the ‘posterior probably of givens and @ is ret) pers.) oa aol? bad { where Fi -selh bese © Siplitying the righthand side of (6) results in sae fSin sf vst (Sh Inset? Sit thea -2' cosa) Sea (Sen) Since # has hezn assumed to be unifornly distributed, then the @ posterior! probability of givens is simply whore pen [prises «(4 pare } » ser th ath rer ott esl tn fhe rs TIS ite Sota al pa since f(x) is 2 monotonically increasing function of is argument, ‘maximizing pirp) overs i equivalent finding 9) which, using (1), rests inthe decision rule choose ¢ if ay 301 ‘where ¢ isa parcular sequence ofthe B's. Note that this deci- Sion rue has phase ambignity associated with it singe the addi tion ofan arbitrary fixed phase, ay oy, foal N estimated phases fer bev ssvSi-vet feels in the sare decision for. Ts, het {ing 6s = 6," 1 the above decision rule cane allermatly &x- Dressed as chooin the sequence @ that maximizes the statistic ‘To resolve the above phase ambiguity, one should differensaly encode the phase information atthe transmit, ting oy Or bat hoe «s ‘where now Ags denotes the input data phase corresponding 0 the ‘eh transmission interval and 64 the diferemally encoded version of it then “ a sd the shove dvs sits bomes n= facmn Sone os, This satistic implies that we observe the received signal over V symbol time iterals and from this observation make a simultaneous ‘decision on NT data phase. ‘Some special caer of (15) ar of interest. For N= 1, i.e. an gpscion of th recived signal ner ne symbol inerealy (15) ‘Simplifies to nF a ‘hich is completely independent of the inpot data phases and dus ‘aot be sed for making decisions on ifferemialy encoded MPSK ‘modulation. Infact, the static of (16) corresponds to the casi fal case of poncoherem tection which is ot applicable to phase ‘modulation, Next, [et = 2, in which case (18) becomes rate OOP = in? Ha +2Re (rary se") a ‘This reals in the wellknown decision rule for conventional MDPSK. namely. chose Ade if Re (rerf_ye/°* } ie maximum as ‘which is implemented i complex form as in Fig. 1. Thus, we soe {rom this approach that convesionl ferential detection of MPSK isthe optimum receiver in the sense of minimizing the symbol err pokey given that the unknown carier phase is constant over two symbol times. Tis result fe not new other Un, perhaps, the Approach taken to demonstrate i ‘Now, 10 see new structure, we consider (15) for N swe ave aa + Peal + a +2Re (rari 202% 4 2Re(reaarh ne P91} 4 2Re (rant eH). 9) 302 laa ig islarges Contos deel dete of MRK coose ah ah = A it Rel) istargest Fig. 2, Parle! irlementation of mie i diferent etn: A 3, “Thus, the decision rule becomes choose Oy an dif Re (rary breti a is maximum. 20) [Note thatthe frst and second terms of the metric se in the decision rule of (20) ae identical those used to make suceesive and inde pendeat decisions on Ady and Ay, respectively, in conventional NIDPSK. The tid term inthe optisui marc sa combination of the fis wo and is reguited to make an optimum joint decison on ‘Soy and Ade Clealy, a teciver implemented on the basis of (20) wil out perform conventional MDPSK. Before demonstrating the amount of this performance improvement as function of he number of phases 'M we fst discus the implementation ofthe opamum NV = 3 re- river, Fig. 2 ia parallel implemeatation of the decision rule of| (Go). e should be toed thatthe MP phasors! needed 0 perform “tn relay, omy M phases ar needed since the wim angle Ay + 404-1 when en nla 2 anes cer TE SB Bes =D the phase rotations of the ouput ru (7e—2)° can be obtained using 2 marx which performs all possible mutations of he Mf phe Sons e~/81,@-/8y- ye?" with themselves, Pip. 3 i a series Implemenition ofthe sme decision rule whic, although simple in appearance than Fg. 2, requires entelope normalization and adh ‘onal delay elements. TI. Bir Exson Paoessisy Penronwasce ‘To cbmin a simple upper bound onthe average bit erro probabil iy Py of the proposed N-bit detection scheme, we use a unin bound ‘analogous f that used for upper bounding the performance of error correction coded systems. In particular, the upper bound on Py isthe ‘sm of the pairwise eror probabilities associated with each (N ~ 1) bit eror sequence, Each pirwise errr probability isthen either eal aed rely or iself upper bounded. Mathemutialy speaking. let A$ = (oe, Adri. Ade-yas) denote the sequence of N'—1 information phases and Ag ~ (Abe, Agro» Ndx v2) Bethe ‘corresponding sequence of detected phases. Let be the oquence of DIN I)log,M information bits that produces A @ atthe sans miner andthe sequence of b tits tat result from the detection of a 303 & [o}- > | fo} 4 Fig. 3. Sei sopementtion of mull i diferent eector: N ~3, 86. Thea, ON wees rts = ae) whote waa) denotes the Hamming distance between w and and Pr(y> m6) denotes the pairwise probably at i incor rectly chosen when indod &'@ was set. The decision stati 9 Is defined in (18) andthe corresponding exo statistic is ideatcl 10 (15) with each Ay replaced by 4). For symmesric signaling ses {uch as MPSK), (21) satisfies uniform err probability (UEP) citron, Le. he probably of error is independent of which put phase vequence Apis chosen asthe corec sequence. Under these ondiions, (21) simplifies to ' Soap en ne ee w Where A® is any input sequence, (e.g, the pull sequence 0,0,---,0)=0) |A, Evaluation of the Pairwise Eror Probability ‘To compute Pr (j > nJ4¢). we use the approach taken in (3) for evaluating the performance of noncoherem PSK. It convenica ‘Sefine Dee 3 in which ease, 9 = imaeiPia= mead? en ‘Then, the pairwise error probability Pr) > wl4@} i derived in Appendix Aas Pr(i > a8) = 311 Q(B, va) +O, VBI 25) where Oto, 8) is Marcum’s Q-feson {8} sed 06) with 2, = PT denoting the energy per data symbol and aa Feds - @ In (27) itis understood that the summation inthe exponent evaluates 10 zero the upper index is negative ‘Note that for ay given N, Mf, and input can be evaluated for each eror sequence A. ‘sluation of (22) and (25) for some special cass. m sequence A, 6 row consid he (©. Case 1: Conventional DPSK (N=2, M=2) ‘rom (27), we immediately get 8 =O and thus from (26) an Senate in 25) set Fa PA iy >aiaer = 3 [1-0( 0) +00. /X8)] om fm sins Se sin, Qa, 0) = 1,000, 8) eo) =(4) Since forthe binary case the purwise crror probability is indeed ‘sual othe bit error probabil, we have from (29) and (30) that ap (Ee ?(N which isthe well-known rest for DPSK. D. Case 2: N= 3, M = Here there are three posible error soquences of length 2. The pertinent results lated fo the etaluation of (26) and (27 are given ep 304 below . Abed Abs Bde 8 { } o . Ai [2*v4). 7 on Bfey] . + 4 BBs Since the Hamming distance wl) is equal 10 for the fist oo | frvor sequences andi eal to 2 forthe third Sequence, thea using (G2) in G5) and 26), the upper Bound on bit eror probably as ven by (22) i evaluated as nero( RGR) 3a) .[& Gavi -2( EG 4) 6-4) ey Toe aw ech perormanes bpd ty een teee ty hfe gece a on} emia eee Maer eG Bo tw te copie fom eee ee eee re wikee seed Sera On oles Red by eamng he oN Ba rp En bap of) wc gto mae Sts i runes of be Qn al, te llovng ses spn ta 1 [Boy { (a-8F enn -yl Sew {GPE seat oan jtcydewo (252 }ipens on ‘sing ee aprosiations, 25) becomes Pelion) a5 ox om 2, Pr(g nie) = ayer on xen {ev 0} (sts) Fe \V ev, afeke ser{ few wo}. 6 ForN = Sand Mf [a] = 1 from (2). Ths, (33) becomes 2B [gy ff fa ber wa}] VN Comparing (37 1 (1), observe tat the foto in owt of he {erin bck in (3 apes boon the improves n performance obtained by ineeasing the memory ofthe desision by ‘one symbol iteral from N= 210 Pos oD E. General Asymprotie Results Inthe general case for abivary N, the dominant terms inthe bit cor probability occur forthe sequences shat rest in the minima Saiue of Nf. One can eaily show that this imam value will {etainly occur forthe eror sequence A having NV ~ Velements ‘equal to the correct sequence A apd one clrentwith the smallest ror. Ts, min (N —\6|) = N —|N ~1 + 0/36 Seiee) =n-VN=D SWEET Nl os vere y= tie 8 = Abe o ont fr |= Bla (26) ees vo ie ae {i} Ei, [venting]. ao ‘Thus, the average bit crror probability is approximately upper ‘ured hy Boast = Bla) xo {Bites} “ tg mitt) coreg ey ote ror aes ta in Bina Forte binary case(M = 2), we have from (39) that dn = 4 and hence N= bles 2: Similriy, i straightforward 10 thow (see “Appendix B) tat te sum of Hamming distances required in (41) is sven ty ata ENS Noo a=: E naar={ ‘ Ne? Thus, (41) simplifies o ‘which isthe generalization oF (37 for arbitrary N# Note ht (43) msi for N= 2 ice i at eg = 0 (8 sn (39) ands teins in (3a wt ates Equation (43) as an interesting interpretation as NV gts large ‘Taking th limit of (43) as Noe, we Bet cy which canbe expressed in terms ofthe asymptotic expansion ofthe complementary error function, Senne : For coherent detection of binary PSK (BPSK) with diferent en- ding and decoding, the bit error probaly performance is given bye 5} ne-(oe/he) (dee VA) hich has an asympotic upper bound identical to (46). Ths, 8 one mnight expect, the performance of multiple smb differemially “detected BPSK approaches hat of ideal coherent detection BPSK vith aiferential encoding in the lini as the observation interval (decision memory) approaches infinity. ‘A similar limiting behavior a the ebove may be observed for other salucs of Mf. In parcular. ican be shown (sce Appensix B) that for M > 2 and a Gray coe (2} mapping of bis ro symbols, the sum Of Hamming distances corresponding (0 jou is given by « ns—4 (J ) Was onan re. 2 or { Bi -Bha} a [ose (aie f) #1 305 Biteror probaly versus Ne for moll erential tection OE MPSK, [ASN gets lage, [Bogs +N ~2sin?x/M and (49) reduces to H Es ag ® [obras 0 {Fo i} (op, yx it 3 Pes 1 {EB .® nee ((Zaez) Son eee eqs. (591), (592) and S-113)) fc a ecco Bish v,=2ete ([) -2e0e (\/F) ve (/R) tne (/R). Since for & Gray eode bit 0 symbol mapping the symbol error probability i Sie ee © ing cn 4) ogter with (53) fas a sympltc upper Bou deta won, Figs 4, 5 and are sans of the upper Douds of 45) a (Sh for Af ~2.4, aa 8, respectively In each gre, he length Gi PSK symbols fhe oberon ier fs parameter ey ng from N= 2 (comentonal MDPSK) to N = co (el coherent de tet) Also india nthe figures are computer sinaton rests Corresponding to the exact perfomance. We observe tht fret. fe, for binary DPSK: extending the osevaon ral om A= 2 tN" Syeemers more than fll ofthe E5Ny los of ere Py 3 2 oad ote atte sea in (5) can be bie by oerving tt, ola Ni aii, Bb ~ Via 0. Int xe 35) 8 be Spon’ By 1 Appel A Peli > nine = fu -21vb, var + 00a. vo) Using hi ration in 2) gies the ey it ere probity in (52) 306 Fi. 5. Beso robubiy vers /No for mile ieetal etecton Fnac a) Fig. 6, Biteror pobubly vera B/N fo mui erent detection eMPSK: At Aetction versus coherent detection with diferail encoding. For |M-— 4, the improvement in Ey /Ny performance of N'= 3 relative (ON 22 is more than | dB which slightly Tess than half ofthe ton diference beween diferctal detection and coherent detection ‘sith diferent encoding IV, Coxcuusons We have demonsrted & mutiple-symbol differemial detection technique for MPSK which i based’ on masimueltelinood se (quence estimation (MLSE) of the Uansmited phases rather than Smbol-by-symbol detection. The performance. of this muliple- ‘Symbol scheme fils the gap between Seal coheren and diferentally Coherens detection of MPSK. The smoust of improvement gained ‘ver differentially coherent detetion (¢w0 symbol observation in terval per decision) depends on the number of additional symbol internals aed tothe observation, In the limit a the Oseration in terval approaches infinity, the performance approaches that of eal Coherent detection with differen encoding. Practically. this limiting performance i approached with olxevation des (cision mer fy) only on the order ofa few adiional symbols imervals. Ts, ‘ven in situations (ef, Benign environments) where one would ordi- ‘arly not tr differeaa detection, it might now be desirable 10 Employ multiple symbol diferent detection for reasons relted 10 “Snplciy of implementation, For example, te acquisition and wain- enance ofa locked carir tracking loop fequzed in coherent ‘eteton system ot naoded hee Although the analysis and results have bea derived for an uncoded IMPSK modulation, it sould be obvious that this Scbeme applies 10 ‘tier forms of modulation as well ex coded systems. The resus ‘of these investigations are available in forthcoming papers by the suthors Arroxone A Evaiustion oF is Panwist Beso Peowss1sr¥ In 3, itis shown that fr complex Gaussian random variables £3 and 72 With decal Yarlnces and arieary means and covariane, the pairwise probably of error Pr {za > fu} is given by Pra > kaP) = Hh ~ (VB, va) + (Va, VON (AD) where Qa, 8) is Marcum’s Q-uncton (8) and {i}-m, s ar with N, 8 he eee GEE arn {p): 0) = arg 2s) are (&s}. (AS) Here we associat 2} and with w(A.@) and wid), respectively, of Q3). ‘Using (2) and (2) in (43), we ge where as where itis understood thatthe summation equals 2er0 if the upp ummtion inde is nepaive. Substituting (Ad into (A), gives { 5) =PNTS: = PIP. ao ‘Alo, using (3) Ne an and ° WL Leto) 8 Sas, Fly shining (6-88) no (A 1) gives the desired result, samely, Pri > nb) = 31 ~Q0, va) + QV, VB (9) whore cao) {} Few V PA and £, = PT isthe energy er data symbol Avresonx B Proor or (82) 00 48) ‘Staring with the definition of & in (27), we now write it inthe oem ep Se where 62) ‘Ths, 8 isthe sum of NV unt vectors the first of whose argument is zero and the rest of whose arguments are increasingly lager sums oF the pac errors in acordance with (B-2) Nee hatte vals ofthe sccumaated pase cr a's alo rage ov the st 20m /M: TIM /2—1. We ate interes in deteniing the varios Prsiblesohitions forthe 8's such that the maximum vale ofthe magnitude of 3, namely lw, of (49) 8 achieved, or arbitrary M, there are four sation that achieve [ou We shall refer to those as Cases I, 2, 3, and 4 which ate described follows (Case 1: AIL.N — 1 vectors ef = 152,-04)N = 1 est be collinear and equal oe” Thus, a = 2¢/Ms4 = 1,201 ‘whic, Jn eeofdance with (B-2) has the single souton Boone = 2s bbe ws beanas = Fy bees » Case 2: ALN ~ 1 vectors eis 1 N= 1 must be collinear and equal 10 ¢ 7”. Thus, = "2a/Af, 1 = Tr2--s5N—T which, in accordance with (B-2, has the single so- haven 2 Boeanas =F Boas O50 = Bde Bed) {Case 3: Aay N ~2 vectors e! must be collinear spd equal 10 ce = and the remaining vector mst be equal 10”. For this fase there are N'~ 1 diferet solutions. For example, suppose fis 28/M. and ey = 0:1 = 2.3.0 =e Then, ar FB 307 Nest, let ay =26/M, ad a NL. Then, a Bears = FE Bane = O51 92,5,60.N, 6) In general for ay = 24/M, 1 = 1,2,---yN—2 and ay = 0: f = T2pesN Te 2, we have che sluion 2 a Box ayays = FFs BO noted Bey OPH 12h e3 Ne BT) Finally, for yy = 2/M and cy = 0: = 1,2y0004N—2, the soliion ie WN es Cave 4: Any N —2 vectors e!* must be collinear and equal to = and the remaining vector must be equal toe?" For his fase tore ate again N — diferent solutions which are identical © Bone srl by (5) (8 wih 2/M eplced by —2/M "We noe that for Cases 3 and 6, N~2 ofthe solutions ae character ined by having one 86 = 2e/M, one 69 = ~2x/M, and the rest of the 89's equal to 2270. The remaining Solution has one 66 = 2¢/M and the rest of the 86° equal 1 210. "To compute te accunlated Hamming distance of ($7) where wart) corresponds eal 10 those error sequences that result i [elm We proceed as follows, We assume a Gry code bit to symbol ssigament where 63 = = 2x/M corresponds to an adjacent phase ‘symbol error and ds a single bit eror ora Hamming distance equal 10 1. Aso, a value 69 ~0 implis no symbol error or a Hamming distance equal to zero. Thus, the following eeumulated Hamming ‘istanes acer for each of the four canes, Case I wus) =1 @ Case 2 ud) B10) Case 3 wud) = QKN 2) +00) = 20-2) +1. BAD, case 4: et) = 2K 2) + ON) = 20 =2)+1, (B12) nally, the secumulated Hamming distance is obtained by summing (8) through (B-12) which yields for N > 2) Y wei any wy which apres with (88), For N= 2, Casts 3 and 4 donot occur since N ~2 = 0. Tavs, the atcurmated Haraming distance is merely the sum of (B-9) and (Bio) whe ike Y www) =2 wy in agreement with (47). Fen el git = @-/20M and thus Cases 1 and 2 are ‘one an the sime and similarly for Cases 3 and 4. Thus, for binary rmuiple bit DPSK, we have only half the solutions in which case 308, (8-13) becomes AN; N>2 ww ws ame ‘ vee bic aes with 42), ep Rerenssers 10} 1.6. Leston, “avesigntion of sii data communion systems, ep. na U8-14508 Coe Acro ratory ne Ba fo, NY on) 6L, Als ste se ASTIA Docent 256 12 HC Lie a MK, So, Tsong Sons Em Piecing Englewood Cif, Nic Peni Hall 197. 15) 8"Scin’ Unie aman ocean ctberem and nonccheret ‘uy comunttan comencaon suse” IEEE Tees form Thaor pp 83s, Ja. 1988 {61 star Toles oF Fass” RAND Corp, Rep. MS, [s) Me Schwarz, W.R, Bent ad S Sin, Commanition ystems tnd Tecigue. New Sic MsGraw-Hil 1. lo) CW elro, Soe! Theory af Signal Detction.Pereaon, * Sree lca epic rm he Une ‘Sy of Team, ran in 197, the M.S, Engi fu PD degre ie eect enincin rem Se veg aro ret 78, He hs beer with he et Prepbine Labor, Cfo Ysa of Testy, Poona, act 19h, where has bon working on tance deep space eplration an wa length module soins rverh wrk oe ENAGA Mle Slime Expermem (MATA). Hi ars of fer ‘ding and modalsion. Heh gh cod nd dg cammunaon he ‘coun a UCLA snd Nertop Univer for the fst Sv yeas ‘Driv fe cau ehaptr on ety ssc, dln. sod Sting Dep Spee Telcommnication Satna Enaieerng (New Yorks Phen, 199), He is alo menber of Sigma Xi and ie Er foe Coding Theos ant Appts for IE Tears Ov Cente * Marvin K. Simon (S60-F78) resis the B.S. ‘kpc cea cngering fom he Cry Ca lege ot Now York, N¥sin BR the BLS. aepree ineisarca engine om Prncon Univer. Price, Nisin 196 andthe PhD. dere ots New York Usiersy, New Yor, NY 196 ‘Dury ae eae TOG 1983, an aan orn the nema he il Te #2 Involved in theorebcalstaies of digital commun ‘on yume Conc with is dota see teween 1963 an 1966, fn egy a alsin Indra of le {teal Engicesing at New York Unetsigy Sie 19 he ha Boe mith the Jet Propuios Laboratory, wr hee peat 2 Senor Remsen Bie Hirt nr apc te aan rem ‘Etscad wa digi communcaton ten, in aru, he apes ‘fm eck lop Sore vee. hi rents ve tuned tard te Sioly of rao rad cuig tests frei sperm non ‘or Simo sono te TDR! IEEE Cente Mos na ember os Kappa No, Ta Bets an Sigs Xi. He sa winner of NASA Exp thot Sennce Meta in recogntion sf ewstanding conten’ in uals dei apse common stems He aho ina Aran Men and Women of Scence, Whos Wo in Terhalgy, Who's Wh in Es Eincrng and Wh Who phe Wes ne pt bu sev at EOF nmatnn Theo fore IEEE Tenancn ox Comoe And Technica roam Charon the 977 National Teecomnanseions Co Hesene, In aden ts ces onions i ter aes. De SHO ‘Mt jul vcr 90 our pers om te above abject ad ctor IMaK'W.C" Lindy of textbook Flecommuniain Stems Erle Ing Premise Hal, Englewood Clits NI 1979) a Phase Lcked Loops And Ther Appistion (EEE Pres) His week haa apparent et ok Dep Space Telecommamication Systems Engineering J. Yuen (rte 888 and Spmad Spacrum Communications, by C.F Cook.F Weck, CB. Mtluci and BL. Schiling WEEE Pon) Recety hor counted with 1K Om, R.A. Sle and BK Let he tne teunok Spud Spetram Communication (Carper Seen

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