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Note You can use contractions to answer the question, 2g, | am working. > I'm working ‘She has done it) > She done iti ‘Suggested undertning 2 doing to the house 3 How often, do sporting ‘activities father 4 family celebrations, feel Sssistor, annoyed tired 7message, mother 8 chose, trumpet 1A 2B 3C 4A 5A 6B 7C 8C Bcpi tracker Presenter: One, You hear part ofa conversation with a boy called Patrick Friend: Do you help much around the house then, Patrick? Patrick: Not much. I make my bed and occasionally do the washing-up, bt Im studying pretty hard for my exams atthe moment, so my mum ends up doing most ofthe housework while | get on with my studying. Even $0, she sil finds time to give mes hand with my studies from time to time, Sho used to ‘be a maths teacher and she knows I'm getting abit nervous about the maths exam. | suspect she finds ‘explaining algebra and things quite fun, and actully she's pretty good att too. Presenter: Two. You hear a git called Tracey taking to afriend. Friend: So, how often do you all do things together as 2 family then, Tracey? racey: Oh, al the time, I mean at least once a week, ‘atweekends, You see, we lve inthis really old house which we've been working on together. Infact, we've iustfnished doing up the kitchen. i's been great fun because we've all been doing ittogether. We made 2 lotof mess, of course, which we had to clear up, ‘and naw we're decorating it, soit’ looking nicer and "ice. We had lots of really big arguments about the colour, but in the end, | got my way. Presenter: Three. You hear gir called Vicky taking part in a cass discussion, ‘Teacher: Does anyone ever do sports with other people in their family? Yes, Vicky Vicky: Wel, my dad's a fn fanatic, so he's alays running or cycling or doing something energetic. | do sporty things with him now and again, more often inthe summer though accasionally at ather times of the yearas wall He's gota few days’ holiday atthe ‘moment, so he's probably deing something sporty Tight now. He's always asking me to go out eyeing with him, but now Ive gota boytiend and other things to get on with, so recently I've been spending more time with brn and not so much with my dd. Presenter: Four Youheara boy called Kostas talking about family celebrations Friend: | tako it you don enjoy faly celebrations ‘then, Kostas? Kestas: Not much, tobe honest. just feel they go on or too long and I'd prafer tobe out doing other things with my mates, ot sitting areund listening tomy uncles and aunts and that. Everyone's lays telling the same old jokes or singing the same old songs and Iv heard them all milions of times, so {guess I've just lostinterest. Irmean, it’s just not much fun ary more. try not to showit but, you know, | just wait for things to endand then, when | get the chance, | go eut with my rend. Thats wht | eally lke. Presenter: Five, You hear a boy called Rajiv talking to hissisteron the phone. Lina: Hiya Rajiv: Ace yous at Jasvinder's house? Lina: Yeah, why? We're just playing some games. Rajhz Computer games? Ive been looking for my laptop ~ you wouldr't have ary idea what's happened toi would you? Lina: Oh, I've just boxrowedit forthe evening. Hope you don't mind, Rajiv: Oh, honesty! Youre always using my stuf without asking me, and I'v got this really important Use Dad's computer instead. He won't mind. 0k, | cant do that =e got everything saved ‘on mine and you've just walked off witht presente Siz Youbsoraboy called Macotakigioa — Wocabulary sae Phrasal verbs Friond: Hi Marc. What'the matter? You look exhausted! 12f 3d 4b Se 6a Marc: |e You, we went ons lily oung Yesterday My mum siditd be good for mo Rave Teipeeral ey heel work hesys Fe bwun waking tot Rosine wer dome ng Reading and Use of English | Part 6 enmy dad andl spertages winning and plapng irthedha Martti uskome; we rah tower outby the tmewe care ct 2 2worn out clearing up 3wenton 4 pick up, do concerned enthusiastic harchworking mature aggressive bad:tempered critical Presenter: Soven, You hear agi called Sain leaving a telephone message for her mother. ‘Sami: Hi, Mum it’s Jula's birthday today. Anyway, shals having a party and Ive been with Susana and Clavetobuyherapresen We gotherarealyrice | ™gerised | mpatent bag, butitnas a bitexpensie. Any the mason aoe Trmphoningyou'sbecause shes invited ustospenel | TSSPOrRE® thenight at her laces that ll ight Mur? his freee Friday night, £0 | dan't have to getup early tomorrow cor anything, I'l give you a call when | want you to B eacened-upconcerned, ‘come and pick me up. ‘enthusiastic ~ unenthusiastic, mature - immature. Presenter: Eight. You hear an iterviaw with a young ‘rganised — disorganised, reasonable ~unteast ‘musician called Pa. responsible ~ irresponsible, sensitive ~insensitive Interviewer Pe, you lay the trumpetin the town band. ‘Why did you go for hat particular instiumenit? Pau: Well don’ tink realy had a choice. Three ‘always been trumpeter inthe band from my fam, and my grenddad gave me his when he stepped plying s0|thirche'd have been shocked ft Chosen something ese | quite like it fut think prefer the gitar because then | could ply na rock a band instead Perhap lear tht = well —you WAG I 54 40 SE Crp eminie doit have to just choose one instrument. You can ply others as wal Grammar 4 2Hlow often do youll do things together asa Present perfect simple and continuous family? 3 Do you (ever) dovplay sports with other 4349 216,24 41a.2b ‘people in your family? 4 Do you enjoy family aletations!? icwslt SET MSA Fs 2 Zhave asked 3have cleaned 4 has been play: family annoy you? /Do other members ofthe family” Shave passed Gis only been working sunny yu Doyounee hae yoga fm The pet shaven ccking trations? 5 Suggested answers ‘Para, 2: trust teenagers to behave responsibly Para, 3: brain development ‘Para, 4 scientific findings about teenage behav ‘Para, 5: negotiation and compromise Para. 6: concentrate on your goal 3 2iearned have learned / have been leaming 3 work have worked 4 play have been playing Shad beerdoing have been doing 6 are hav= been 7had been-talking have been talking ‘donee have been dancing eading and Use of English | Part 2 le an 3d 40 5g 6F 7a 8c for pocket money, preparation for adult life, duty to parents, because i fair, their parents make them Las 2at 3do dtheir $There 610 7not Srather focabulary ‘ollocations with make and do ‘make: an arrangement, an appointment, the bed, change, a choice, a decision, an effort, an excuse, friends, an impression, a mistake, money, a noise, phone cal, a plan, progress, a promise do: an activity, the cleaning, a course, an) exercise, a favour, homework, housework, ajob, the shopping, (@ sport, work ido 2make,do 3make;make 4 made; making 5do; make 6 doing: do peaking | Part 1 1 What do you like about the place where you ive? asks for a personal opinian, Where are you from? asks for personal information, 2 Where are you rom? can be answered with a short phrase; What do you lke about the place where you live? needs a longer answer, Suggested answer Irene; she answers in sentences, not single words: she gives some extra details Bevirmacos Examiner: So, ene, where are you from? Irene: I'm from Llanes. sa small town on the north coast of Spain, which becomes quite a busy tourist resort in the summer. Examiner: And what do you like about Llanes? Irene: Well i's 2 farly quiet place inthe winter, so ithas ‘uite 3 relaxed atmosphere, but t's got wonderful beaches nearby and it’s surrounded by lovely countryside, Also, "ve gotlotsoffriendsin the area, 50] have a very active socal life, And of course, most ‘of my fail and relations lve neatby, to. Examiner: And you, Peter, where are you from? Peter: Bremen, in northern Germany, Examiner: And what do you like bout Bremer’? Peter: My friends, the shops, the sports centre Examiner: Do you come from a large fariy? stisacdet Tthas:be,f.g bij KL Pronunciation: word stress (1) 45.1 industrial, relaxed atmosphere, wonderful, ‘important husiness, impressive, histaric, attractive, residential 5.219 CDi Track 04. See page 15. Writing | Part 1 An essay 1 Suggested underiining ‘Teenagers and young people, share housework ‘equally with their parents, agree, who mare time, ‘who better, own idea 4 Para, ice Para 2:b Para.3¢ Parada Para. 5:d 5 Thelieve, In my view, in my opinion, [think 6 Although 2However 30n the other hand However 5 whereas 7 Awhereas 2 Although 3 However /On the otherhand 4 Although 5 On the other hand / However 6 However / On the other hand 2 Leisure and pleasure Listening | Part 2 1 Aencourage 2distract 3 concentrate 4 develop Ssalve Grequire 7make Scontribute Owaste 3 Suggested answers something you read 2ajob 3 something to do ‘with games that he made with other students ‘4, reason for working / something you can get from working 5 something which will help solve problems 6 something people have which is different to something he has _7not something you ‘do alone 8 something ane of his games has became 9 something large games need 10 something he intends to start 4A science fiction 2 computer programmer Bereation cub 4 experience 5 experiments 6 skills and interests 7 social activity 8 film several years 10 business (developing games) Devi traccos Mice: Good meting, et tobe ing is schoo adtaling you Ayu know, ny name's Miko Sy and game develope thought Stel or at ebovty bch our andy because {Erman young people, the sro ob thy cream Sxdang you ows tring your hobby to 8 ae, to orpaak We, tl be no surpsetoyouthat when To used ply eo games nd things Teeth Iwasa a huge an of eclrcs eton and (aed oad whatever oud gst my hands. spent hour deng heen wher mom are ad ‘Rough wasup room doing my homawer nya, nat! ely expected to become games deeper My ans when was atschoolwere abt nore realtek, and my te actualy was tabecome a ompue programe. me, Goats dclopngactware ond thought that de Srrch alr eee whore mae fr more money thon deloping ges But youkrow games were 2 bots puon a mine ard vide ve at chook Gettogoter ith aff my ends ond we et up srating we ead te Games Ceaon ub you inom wet go trough the proces of hing anid, Moving sin down snd aeelopingsftate nd mrs the tne es jst about est xing ‘hag in my oan spent all mye tine ding it ‘And then | was given this opportunity which wes even better, Ward got around that as good st uniting sofware, and a local company belonging) someone's dad offered me 2 summer jab. Of ou Thad planned to go travelling with friends, but the ‘chance to gun experience doing what enjoyed ‘vas ust toa good to mis, Inthe end, | worked for the same people for two summers. | worked much harder than lever werked at school and I loved every minute of it. Games development isthe most crestiv= thing you ean imaging, and you can go wherever your imagination takes you. I ove it. love working onthe problems and I love carrying out experiments to ‘outhow to deal with those problems. Also, it's 2 very Fich environment, and one thing which makes itso (goods that Ifind myself working with colleagues whose skils and interests are completely diferent from mine. think that it actualy helps to have ao diverse range of people inthe team, and we al l= from each other. In fact, you probably have an ime in your minds of a games developer sitting lone in front of screen all day. Infact, it’s an extremely social activity - we're aays swapping ideas play games together, evan going out tothe cinems 382 {group and picking up ideas there, While 'm on the Subject, cinema is another of my passions, and one the biggest thls for me was when one of my ge The Snake Quest, was made into afin Have ery of youseen it? Youhave? Great. | hope you likes = Nowadays, | prefer to work on smaller games than that one the reason being that those huge com ‘games take several years ta make, and | don't ke spend so much time on things. | prefer abit more variety, Wel, Ihope I've managed to inspire 3 fe cof you here. Just ta let you know thatin the ext {ew months, 'm planning to set up my own busi developing games andl certainly be looking os new talent, $0 if any oFyou are interested, doo Tine =here's my email address ~ and I'd be ples hear from you. Thank you Grammar Making comparisons 1 Labitmore 2much safer, far more 3 most Abetter Smuch harder 6most biggest Bso much 2 A the-hesithierthe healthiest 2 more-cheaper cheaper 3thatthan 4more-hardiyharder 5 as ofterthan as often as 6 themorerisky the riskiest ‘the most risky 7 theese nteresting the least interesting /less interesting 8 mote-good better 3 Suggested answers 1 difficult to park in the city, 2 difficult as it looks. ‘important thing isto participate, not to win, 4 skiing than skating. 5 nicer than Tam, {6s bad for you as some people say. Reading and Use of English | Part 5 2 Suggested answer ‘is girlfriend left him for someone with a motorbike: he had enjoyed riding 2 motorbike when he was si itwould allow him to get to places. 3 Suggested undertining ASuch trivialities 2did notbuy 3 adults, frightened, because 4 main reason for buying S desire, meant 6 result / accident 41D 2B 3C 4D 5A 6C focabulary hrasal verbs and expressions Lid 2a 3h 4f 5g 6c 7b Be taking risks 2sumup Shaveago 4 makeup 5 didn't have / hadn't gota clue 6 keep a promise / ‘keep promises 7taking up 8 get hold of Grammar Adjectives with -ed and -ing 1 thrilled elated 2exciting 2 Lamusing 2irvitating 3bored 4 confused Sembarrassing 6 excited 3 Lastonishing 2 puzzled 3 motivating 4 worried 5 amusing 6 exhausted 4g Devi trackos Young woman: The whole experience was amazing actualy. | mean, been working realy hard studying, and 0 | was feeling prety tired and nervous already, so when my boylriend suggested | went along with him, | was ke shocked, ike ‘No way!’ =I mean the thought of brasking a bone or something even worse just before an exam was ‘erifying, Butyou know, he just kept on atme, s0 forthe sake of abit of peace in the end said yes, When we were up there inthe sky, Iwas just s0 scared | canttell you. |just wanted to get out ofthe plane. Ifelt trapped, but the only way 10. do that wast jump, andin fact, the jump itself was really hilling, F lave to da it again. And | did't break a thing! 5 2tiredand nervous 3shocked 4 terrifying Scared and trapped 6 thrilling Reading and Use of English | Part 4 1 Lone of the easiest 2 notas/so interesting as 3 play tennis so/as well as 4s the noisiest person. in 5notasiso cheap as 6more quickly than Speaking | Port 2 2 Suggested answers Football: getting exercise, good for you, good for health, helps you relax, having fun, laughing, builds up social relationships and friendships, breaks down social boundaries between boys and girls Chatting ina café: communicating, sharing ideas and experiences, talk about problems, relax, enjay friendship Bevimackor amine: inthis patofthe tes going to ge och you wa protographs Te you tak Stouryur ghetegapts on you own for out nate and aso tant short question abut Jour purer phetogrops Mari, your um Ter ere a our photogoph They show people dang dere aches vt resin. ke you tbecrpare the phlegophs, andy hon you thik {Re puopecanbenet rom spending he time dang ese deren aces light? Marina Wel nth first photo, theres grou fcr bath oye and, pling otal {Dguter the pak, They dort seem tobe taking ‘Pogues eu andthe see tobe eoxng tPeSeoes ine they beret or hin several vp Fy hey gating ome ero, which tna quod you because great our fealtandtlpy you torelax Att sae ne, troy avng fan together whichis porta cute bles the soc eltortips and thar endhps Aa is good to aoe boy and gs ding abt of pot ogether instead of septate, tecnsn thnk helps breakdown socal boundbes Tame konrarel Inthe sacond phot, ther re four ie chatting ‘ogutor ns lore nghng They ees active She chien ne fisipoto because they renot dong sapore bur they ae probably conmunaing tore enahring thea nd expaiorces | hk ty lo benef becae they ean tk bout ele ebtress and ao roy he Fendship Men Binal ik they gett = Examiner: Thank you Martyna: ~om both activites, 3¥345.7 1D see recording sript for Track above, Sal b2 ¢34,5 6 bFirstofall, Tostart with ‘eBesides, In addition, What is more Pronunciation: sentence stress (1) "74 See underlining in recording script for Track 08 hee Bev rtrack os 1 Fist they'e getting some arcs, which i ai ‘gnnd for you. 2 i's gieat for your bath and helps you to alas 3 Atthe sama time, they‘ having fun together 4. which s important because it builds up their Social alationshins and ther lenis 5 Also, t's goad o see bays and ais daing abit cf sport togather instead of separately 6 Ithinkit helps bieak down socal oundaries beatwoen boys and git Writing | Part 2 An article 1 Suggested underlining ‘magazine for teenagers, leisure-time activity, How ‘id you get started?, Why do you enjoy it so muct? 3 1 Para, 1:1 first got interested .. simple dishes at first Para, 2:1 found [really enjoyed cooking usually ate the food quite happily Para. 3: W! went back to school... enjoying a meal Tve cooked Para, 4;T'dxecommend ... that anyone do. 2 Suggested answers: Para. I; how Istarted Para, show Econtinued Para. 3: why Lenjov= Para. 4: why I'd recommend it 4 Suggested answers 1 [found I really enjoyed cooking; Iwas soon things which were more complicated. 2. My younger brother and sister complained some af my dishes: they usually ate the food. happily. 3 When friends come round to my house ofte= ‘cook them something: find it eally satisfy ‘and relaxing. 4 Td recommend it as a hobby; for me, it’s one ‘most creative and useful free-time activities anyone can do. 5 When I went back to school after the surm Aecided to do cookery lessons; now I think T= duite a competent cook. ‘my father took me to an airshow. 3 My parents don't want me to fly because 1 itis /it's dangerous. 4 One of my friends is learning to fly and he ‘me to come with him because he thinks 1 6 Suggested answers 2 Twas staying with my aunt. My aunt is a keen cook. 3 Lwas soon doing things. They / The things were ‘more complicated. 4 Lwent back to school after the summer. I decided ‘odo cookery lessons 5 Friends come round to my house. I often cook my friends / them something. 6 Forme, cooking is one of the most creative and useful free-time activities, Anyone can cook / do it. 7 Suggested answers 4 Lwas 13 when Tstarted running seriously. /1 started running seriously when Iwas 1, 2 My aunt, who is a keen athlete, encouraged me, 3 Igo runing most days when/afier T've finished school and done my homework. 4 Running isa sport which/that gets you really ft 8 Suggested answers 1 Istarted windsurfing when Twas 13 and was staying with friends by the sea. 2 One of my friends, who is a keen windsurfer, ‘encouraged me to start because she thought I ‘would enjoy it 3 kept falling into the sea to start with because ‘twas a fairly windy day and there were a lot of waves. 4 Ididn' enjoy itat first because Thad to concentrate quite hard, but [carried on trying. 5 Istarted to windsurf quite fast. which was exciting, and I started to find it quite enjoyable 1 satisfying, relaxing, fascinating, wonderful 2ereative, useful 3 competent 0 sstorishing, delightful, lepressing, dreadful, tertaining, exhausting, credible, iitatng, superb, ‘competitive, demanding, ‘economical, popular, time-consuming ‘smendous, unbelievable 2vad-tempered 3 hardworking / hard-working ‘unreliable Sanxious Gsensitive 7mature 8 concerned/anxious omer 2 Idearup 2pick;up 3 getonwith 4 worn; out Sdoup 6wenton 3 1do 2make 3do ddoing 5do 6made Tmade 8 making 4 1won 2 have arrived; have been expecting Shave spent; has turned up 4 have been having / dave had; has been telling /has told has not told: hhas seen 5 has lost /ias been losing; has been getting 6 has finished: have been waiting ‘has eaten; has not left 8 has been looking: has been studying, Vocabulary and grammar review | Unit 2 41 L keep a promise / promises 2 to take / taking risks, Staking up 4makeup Ssumup Ghaven't/ hhaven't got/ don't have a clue; have a go 2 Suggested answers 1 Katya took up karate when she was seven years old because she was interested init 2. Her father, who is a professional karate instructor, ‘taught her, so she progressed quickty and soon ‘became junior regional champion, 3 She did karate with other children who were the same age as her, but none af them was as good as her, so she felt dissatisfied 4 Last year, she participated in the national championship, but she did not win because she ‘was injured during one of the matches, 5 She hopes to become a professional karate instructor and work inthe same sports centre as her father because he has too many students. 6 Some of her father's students have been studying karate for several years, and her father thinks they ‘would benefit from a different teacher because Uey are too familiar with his style of Karate 3 Lmotorbike made more noise than 2 are not as/s0 dangerous 3 is the best player 4 asiso stressed as 5 much more clearly than 6 more comfortable than any of 4 Lamazing 2eshausting 3 puzzling A disappointed 5 motivated 6 astonished “| [Anes bay nis 3 Happy holidays? Starting off 1 acamoing —[atacampsite | wakingand holiday atahonury hotel | climbing ‘beach holiday |on acruse ship | mecting new asightseeing [at ayouthhostel | people tour inthe cty centre | sunbathing acnise attheseaside [relaxing backpacking visiting ‘monuments seeing new places 2 Suggested answers 1 Photo 1:a camping holiday: Photo 2a sightseeing holiday: Photo 3: backpacking; Photo 4: beach holiday; Photo 5 a cruise 2 On camping holidays, people walk, climb, relax: and see new places; on sightseeing holidays, ‘they see new places and visit monuments; when ‘backpacking, they meet new people, wall, go sightseeing and see new places; on beach holidays, people relax and sunbathe; on a cruise, they meet new people, see new places, visit monuments, sunbathe and relax. Listening | Part 3 1 Suggested undertining B didn't mind, discomfort C know, people Dsimilarbefore Elow-cost holiday F didn't do ‘much during the day G (not) in as much danger as, imagined Ha break from my parents 21G 2F 3D 4A 5C Devi racos Presenter: Ono. Francesc, Franctc: [went on one of os journeys ovedand to arya wes anevome a be abe goof witha tgeupopeopey own age. men, realy on fay Fadi we dy naa goto he sme cap aed gon the sae beochandhings Tis as tole new tng” seeing completly ifeet places and ding lt hngs never done before. We dEdhveo diver anda guide to eepan eye on ‘things, 0 !don't thnk there was anything particu risky about it, even though my mum and gran worried ‘rom the moment left te the moment I got back! Presenter: Two, Mike Mie: Ie was the nightlife we went for eal. | went th ‘a couple of my mates, ouknow, we got up ate in the moming or even in the afternoon and we usally hung around by the poo ill sursetchiling out or we made 3 trip othe beach, which was only about 20, ‘minutes away by bus. Except of course on days when ‘twat eloudy, Buta night, we were dovm at the clubs partying tothe small hours, getting back to the hotel fattvo orthree in the morning. And surprise, surprise, we managed to get through all our cash! Presenter: Three, Sal. Sally: went off with a couple of my fiends in March. We ‘ware outin the open air in these amazing mountain landscapes and doing somo anesame climbing, We =) complained about what we cooked, though, and the weather caused afew problems. We ware on our wy back down the mountain when we got caught inthis realy big storm, so that was. bit scary. Butl'd done ‘that sort of thing quite lot with my dad when Iwas 12kid—um, my dad used to bea cimber when ha wes younger —s0 I kneve what | was doing. Presenter: Four, Paul uk Well it wasn't really my idea ofa good time ‘tall The meals were good, fFyou dont mind siting around witha lot of middle-aged adults in smarthotele vas just really dll. And Murn and Dad dragged me round looking at paintings and sculptures, uhich was just so boring! Stl, there was ‘anupside, because while wa were going round yet ‘another museum, | got to meet this Polish gl calles Jolanta, he was aboutas fed up as! was, so we just dumped our parents and went off forthe day together. We had a relly great time and, actualy, \wete stl in touch Presenter: Five, Katie Katie: It was one of my fst nonfamily holidays too, ‘except fora couple of summer camps when | was ‘younger. went backpacking wit some mates roune Europe, using the tains mainly, and ne stayed in youth hostels, which saved us abit of money. There were hundreds of other people ike us from al ver ‘the werld who were doing the same sort of thing, was good fun a grest atmosphere. | really ice tht sort of mixing of cultures Its one ofthe best th about foreign travel 30 Fm hoping well do i-agae= next yet Grammar Past simple, past continuous and used to 1 Lusedtogo 2usedtobe 3was A-were going Sgot Gdumped Twent Shad 9 stayed 10 were doing 2 twas walking 2used to do 3 got; jumped; rode used to spend 5 were walking; began 6:used to visit; was 3 developed, enjoyed, happened, mentioned, occurred, opened, planned, preferred, stopped, studied, travelled (BrE) / traveled (AmB), tried Vocabulary travel, journey, trip and way LLtip 2Way travel 4 journey 21trip 2way Btrip trip Stravel 6 journey Tuip 8 journey 9way 5 A pleasantisafe/successful 2overnight 3 outward shopping 5 forthcoming 6 safe/pleasant Reading and Use of English | Part 3 1 Zadventurous 3{riendly 4 memorable Smysterious 6risky Terowded 8 thrilled/ tilling 9 doubtful 10 successful 11 remarkable accessible artist artistic; caution ~ cautious; colour — colourful, colourless: educate ~ educational, educated: emotion ~ emotional: energy energetic; mass ~ massive; predict ~ predictable; reason ~ reasonable; respond “responsible; storm stormy; thought - thoughtful, ‘thoughtless; wealth - wealthy uncomfortable 2 thoughtful colourful unforgettable 5 optimistic 6 considerable Tanxious 8 sympathetic rammar inor on in time phrases Lim in 2on Saat 4in 2 Lomfulyin July 2intheweekends At the weekends*, ontheafterneot in the afternoon 3 im$L9@ at 1L00 correct 5 at2688 in 2008 6 correct ‘73n-certein- ‘mes at certain times S.atthemornineieenormal day in the morning on a normal day ‘Note: on the weekendsis correctin American English Reading and Use of English | Part 7 2 Suggested wndertning ‘hide from danger 2 employee intimidating Snot pleased, spend solong 4 visited. previous occasion 5 warried, strong 6 missed speaking, people 7painful experience 8 travelled with, ex- criminal 9 unaware, danger 10 holiday, mistake, before arriving 31B 2C 3C 4D 5B 6D 7A 8C 9A 0D Grammar Past perfect simple and continuous 411A 2 had organised (past perfect) 31n the first sentence, her father organised the trip before they arrived: in the second sentence, he organised it when ‘they were already in the country. 2 A Pauline Vernon: until that point, no one had bothered to mention the sea-snakes ~The sting, on Dott iegs, was agony, B Sandy Henderson; we'd passed a small cabin a litle ‘way back on the trail we made a dash for that © Cat O'Donovan: what I had let myself in for— ‘Twenty-three hours into an epic bus trip across the States, Ibegan fo wonder; Thad been filed with romantic ideas Before boarding the first bus in LA: After the guy next 0 me had finished talking about his time in jll~ I realised my expectations were abit of she had eaten several passengers ~One unfriendly staff member was so large I feared 3 Ahadeaten 2hadneverbeen 3 organised / had organised 4 arrived; had lost_5 recognised; hhad never spoken 6 iad damaged 41a 2A past perfect continuous B past perfect simple 5 Lhadbeen living 2had been walking: began 3 had already finished; offered 4 had only been speaking 5 got; had been walking 6 Lhavedone had done 2diénthave hadn't had 3didntgohadnit been 4 had-bought bought: alwoyswanted had always wanted 5 shejust- finished she had just finished 6 Frave-been- cleaning Thad been cleaning Speaking | Part 3 2 Acity sightseeing tour: you learn about architecture ‘and history, other cultures and visit somewhere different, A weekend camping trip in the mountains: ‘you have exciting experiences and adventures, and learn to be independent, learn to work together to solve problems, learn teamwork, educational ‘A beach activity day: learn something from doing different sports and activities. Bovimeas Miguel: Shall we startwith this one? Amora: OK MWiga Hou co you tink ding shseingtou of |" ayn good taken Arora: thik oucan um altabost arctan at onthgetia that Mig: es, an ako you cnt some very lever and lnm abou ther ues, Amora Reg Wha butts cor of ety day the our? iki can gv young people cig tspetenes and adverts, tng fy do.gatn fer everey hes gue: Ye athe a tobe mor ndepandrt Because eye voy tomome andthe fans, dent yout? Aoi: ick thats ght Az tylko two teoethertosche publ sits good or lpning teomork Mie: Tha sn impertar poi beat chot ewig teil be ecco, shot iP laan sen hve gots belearing something. fn each att what abut ta? Arora: acura gon See Ar inky bing sors and ects hey dont realy Pesce i Miguel: | agree. 3.1Shall;thisone 2think 3 What about 4 don't yyou 5 about that Pronunciation: intonation (1) 4411 good for students 2 architecture 7 history 7, things like that 3 different ¥, cultures ¥ 4 activity 2, mountains 9 5 experiences 7, adventures 7 lives Devs track 1 seo pages 6 Suggested answers 1 N; there ist time ~ you need to reach a decision ‘one minute 2 Y, itgots the discussion started and your partner involved, 3, itprevents further discussion. 4 Y, this is a possible way of creating more discuss 5 Y, itcreates further discussion. 6 N, you only have a minute and you'l ge higher marks if you can have a natural conversation. 7 Miguel does 2; Antonia does 4 Irene and Nikolai both do5 Boman Miguel and Antonia Miguel: Wel, Antonia, in my opinion, the best choice forthe tp ithe camping and walking activity in the maurtans, because illbean adventure for everyone, andifit goes wel, everyane wil enjoy it ‘What do you think? ‘Antonia: mr | think your suggestion would be fne ifthe weather is good, outro one wil enjoy iif it rain all the time, andit's let of responsibility forthe teachers whote supervising the trip. think the beac activities wp isa better option because at least the idslbe staying in hostelithe weather tunsbaa Irene and Nikola Irene: Ox, Ithinkwe should choose the theme park because all teenagers enjoy the trl ofa theme park andit gives everyone plenty to tak about and discuss before andl after thay go. Nikola. Yes think youre right, but think we shoul ‘consider the vst to the museum because that mish: bbemore popular with the teachers, and we have 12 take ther preferences into consideration as wll Irene: Hmm, you might be right, but think we shouls putthe students! tastes frst because it isthetr tp. Nikola: Maybe, but hey can go toa theme parkin their own time, Irene: Yes, of course they can, but sometimes it's important o do these activites asa school group. 81a 2a 3b de Se 6d 7c Writing | Pare 2 A report 1 Suggested underlining ‘one-day excursion, local place of interest, what you di, why, the day, a success 3 Ltook Zwent 3was 4had been Srode Gwere Ttook8 had operated Iwas 10were Menjoyed 12learned 13had 1 found 4 yes, Bxeurséon to London 2 three, each has a heading: Purpose of trip, What we «did, Comments ‘3 three: a break from normal lessons, to see the ‘London Bye and do a tour of the Globe Theatre 4 The activities were interesting different, everyone enjoyed something, plenty of opportunities to practise English, motivating 4 Food, glorious food Starting off 1 Seepage 2 2 APhoto5 2Photo1 3Photo2 4Photo3 5Photo4 Reading and Use of English | Part 6 2 Suggested answers Para. 2:the campaign and the reasons for it; Para, 3: ‘the food and where it comes from; Para. 4: classroom activities in the garden; Para, 5: classroom activites in the kitchen; Para. : Teo’ opinion; Para. 7:The general aim of the garden 5 Suggested wndertining COne lesson D The problem, these projects E These two projects F We, inthis small space G Lessons like this one 41G 2E 3F 4B 5C 6A Vocabulary food, dish and meal 1 100d, meals 2 food, dishes 3 meal 2 Rmealsdishes 3 food dish 4 mes} food Smesisfood Ofeodé dish 7 dishes meals 3 1 food 24ood Smeal; dish 4 meat 4 2food shortages 3 heavy/Alling meal 4 food source 5 convenience food 6 balanced meals 7 food supply 8 organic food Grammar soand such A Lsucha;So 2sucha;s0 3such 2 such 290 sucha 4so 530 6sucha 3 Loweh so Qersermuek such correct so such Ssosucha 6sachso Tcorrect Bs0such 4 A never eaten such a good 2 so quickly that we answered the question so well/excellently 4-with solittle food 5 had so much fun at 6 make so much Listening | Part 4 2 Suggested undertning 1started, because 2 most important, chose the site 3.décar 4 How, behave with, customers 5 purpose, back room 6 food, should be 7 What, parents like 341B 2C 3C 4A 5B 6B 7A Dooimes Imersewer: Hi Ted fm alirg Chay Sith nf Chery Calo wel Know eto sourgsfsh coe har corpora O He i about your ela fy you sated i Chany: Sar. as wring one ofthe et ‘supernates -itwas wasabi om when Tras qute itd tobe wrkingth people ad rotced tha here wares of second schol es Comingint buy sacks ond eft dink te ngs ted jt hnging woud and hough, Por higs they/ve got too much free time and theyre not esting wall enough and they naed somewhere they can hang out’ So leame up with this idea ofa café where kids could just spend ther free time and | could make a living out oft as wal Interviewer: Gres! So did you choose this site for your cals because i's between the two local schools? Cherry: Wel that was one consideration, but thought itwas essential to have 3 pace which was just thatbit bigger than the other cafés inthe area and Ifound this ‘place with an extra room atthe back where custorners an go and not be seen from the street by passers-by ‘and you know everyone from the two schools dos go past. Interviewer: And, Chery cid you need to put much ‘hought into the intrir decoration? CCherry: Yeah, ts [was really wanting a place where ‘ids can come at nchtime or after school and fel

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