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Isabela Mut
Alan Chandler
US Government and Politics 1100-005
April 15, 2016
There are a lot of ideas and concepts that most people argue about on a daily basis. I want
to explain both sides of the fight with abortion, and how it affects society in general. For
decades, politicians and civilians have been trying to determine whether or not abortion should
be legal in the United States. What is abortion? Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human
pregnancy which is most often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy. But
abortion is really just a general term, since there are many different types and classifications. For
example, criminal abortions are done by illegal interference, which is usually undertaken when
the resources of a legal induced abortion is unavailable. How does one know what would be the
right or wrong answer for this controversial issue? There are compelling reasons that either go
against abortion or towards abortion.
Marco Rubio is an advocate for pro-life, meaning that he is against abortions. He spoke
on this subject one night and explained his reasons why he thought abortions should be illegal.
First, he talks about abortion on a spiritual level. If you think about all the different religions that
surround us today, most of them condemn the practice of abortion. He claims that religions
recognize that life is a gift from the Creator, and tries to compel that followers need to believe
that as well. Another concept that Marco brings up is the claim that the baby is an unwanted
child from traumatic circumstances, therefore women should have the choice to decide whether
or not to abort. But if you think about it, that cant be the justification because there are a lot of

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unwanted children born all over the world, they are orphaned, borned disabled, or they are born
into families that cant afford them. He thinks that you couldnt agree to all those children being
terminated as well. Later, Marco expresses how women use the excuse that an embryo or a fetus
is not yet a person. He says that it cant be anything else but a person in the end, so how does that
not make it a person at the very beginning. Then he points out that newborn babies are not viable
without the support of their mothers, just like unborn babies. Its scary to think that if human
beings are only worthy of our protection if they can sustainable take care of themselves. He
finishes off by saying that we are the voices of those unborn children and that we should want to
protect them because of what they might do for our society later in life.
Wendy Davis talks about her side (making abortion legal) on a bill in the Texas Senate. I
believe that the main point Wendy is trying to say in her argument is that a ban against abortion
interferes with the medical world. She also explains how this ban most likely could put the lives
of women in danger, because there are instances where the womans health might deteriorate
because of the unborn child. If a women cant get an abortion then those facilities and doctors
that specialize in abortion will start to lose their business. Wendy later explains how well kept the
abortion facilities and resources are. Today in the United States, reproductive health care services
are among the safest and commonly used care in the United States. Its not just reproductive
health care providers that we trust, its generally all health care providers, so Wendy questions
why we would single out that group of health care providers.
I believe that Marco Rubios argument was most persuasive. Throughout his whole
speech he brought up the arguments that pro abortion followers would say, and countered them
with his own reason why abortion should be banned. I thought that was a great idea, because it
made people really listen to what he had to say about the issue. I also thought the way that he

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gave his credentials, and some historical facts at the beginning of his speech was thought out
well. Lastly, I thought it was compelling how he not only was trying to get his point across, he
was trying to get young people to stand and fight for what they believe in whether it is about this
issue or not. He wants the next generation to fight for their views on the grey areas and to think
them out thoroughly.
I would say that I am against abortion because I believe, even at a fetus or embryo, every
human being has a right to live. I agree with Marcos point about that a fetus or embryo will
eventually turn into a human being, there is no other way to it. I get that women get pregnant
when they get raped or molested, but if you dont want to keep your child, there are other ways. I
know of so many families that wish they could have kids and are on a long list waiting to adopt a
child. Not everyone can bear children, and will do anything else to try to have a family. JUST
GIVE THE UNWANTED CHILD UP FOR ADOPTION. I also get that the pregnancies could
also affect the womans body in a way where it physically harms her, but that is what an
emergency C-section is for. Wendy talks about how we trust these health care providers to
perform an abortion, why cant they perform a C-section instead to try to save both the mother
and baby. I dont see why a person that is going to contribute to our society has to die because
their mother had the right to decide for them.

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While I was writing this paper, I was able to pull out important references and facts that I
could use to further my opinion about abortion. Which helps me understand that reading helps
build your case whatever it may be. I also figured out that I like to read from a script more so
than from just a fact sheet.
This can help me out within the community by seeking out all the information before I
jump to conclusions. It also helped me realize that there are always two sides to an issue and that
its okay to be for one or the other. From the reading, I learned how to better argue my case by
maybe bringing up the opposing sides argument to compare mine to.
I never really thought about why I was against abortion, I just always thought it was
something I couldnt do because of my religion. Hearing it from both sides opened up my eyes to
other possibilities that build my argument against abortion. It makes me want to continue on this
topic and research other supporting information in the future.

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