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Lesson Plan Form

Name: Liz Leneski

Lesson #: 4

Lesson Title: Population Distribution (Mexicans and Mexican Immigrants)

Central Focus
The population distribution of 1930 Mexico and Mexican immigrants has changed in modern
Instructional Focus
How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson(s)?
As the last lesson in this section, students have adequate background knowledge of the
content and surrounding factors of this time.
Standards Addressed
Common Core/Georgia Performance Standards

SS6G3 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and
population distribution on Latin America and the Caribbean.
Learning Objectives/Learning Targets
Students will compare and contrast the population distribution of Hula hoop Venn diagram
1930s Mexico and Mexican immigrants in California versus
modern population distribution.
Academic Language/Language Function Objectives
o Student will be able to compare and contrast population distribution.
o Formative assessment, Hula hoop Venn diagram

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks
During this time, the teacher will draw connections
The purpose of this
15 min
between population distribution and the text. The
minilesson is to develop
teacher will be sure to include that the population in
students background
Mexico during the 1930s was very spread out, such as knowledge so that they will
on Esperanzas family farm. In California in the
be successful in the activity
immigrant camps, it was difficult to imagine it more
and understand the
crowded than it already was. The teacher will draw
population distribution for a
parallels to how these population distributions have
specific part of Latin
changed, in that now, California is not over crowded
but Mexico is.
The teacher will divide the students up into groups of
This activity is not only
20 min
four. One person will be responsible for research on
hands on, but it
the population distribution of 1930s Mexico, one
incorporates Vygotskys
student responsible for 1930s immigrants in California, social learning theory.
one student responsible for the modern Mexican
Students are able to work
population and one for the Mexican immigrants in
together to discover more
California. Using hula hoops and strips of
about a topic, all while
construction paper, these students will create two
teaching eachother and
Venn diagrams comparing and contrasting each
moving towards a common
modern day to its past counterpart. The students
within the group are responsible for choosing which
they will research.

15 min

The teacher will allow each group to introduce one

interesting compare/contrast fact of their Venn
diagram. Each group must present something new. As
a group, the class will all participate in grand
conversation to recognize the similarities of population
distribution over time and also how it has changed.

This reflection activity

allows each student to
showcase the part of their
work that they are most
proud of. It also helps to
reinforce the information
and avoiding
misconceptions that
students may have built.

Student Supports
o Students are given the element of choice in their groups, increasing motivation.
Materials and Resources
Hula hoops
Strips of paper

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