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nova musica brasileira ricordi GILBERTO MENDES Nascau em Santos em 1922, tendo a iniciado seus estudos ‘musicals aos 18 anos. Como bolaista dos govérnos brasil, slemo © checotlovaco, frequenlou 08 principe Contos europeus a mutica {de vanguarda, Darmstadt, Pars, Madri © Praga, onde sous trabalhos ‘So conhecidos. Em colaboraggo com 0 Movimento Are Viva, orga: riza anuaimente um Festival do Misica Nova, em Santos © S80 Paulo. Colaborador dos jorais "A Tribuna” de Santos ¢ Estado oo ‘So Paulo (suplemento iterdro), ¢ a revista de arte de vanguard invengio". Esiéticamenta Gilberto Mendes Identiic-se com 03 oetes concreisias brasieros, evjos textos vem ulllzando em suas ‘misleas. [At Outubro do 1960 o BLIRIUM C-9 havia sido spresentado nas ‘sequins versbes: para um, dois e tls pianos; para trés violinios; para cravo, piano © percussdo. A varlante Bllrium 49, para 12 ‘cordes fol colocada no | Festival de Masica das Américas no. Rio de Janeiro. Ainda ndo fol estreada a variente “Bllrium 8-9", para 12 Instrumentos iterentes, GILBERTO MENDES Gitberlo Mendes wae bom in Santos in 1922, ‘musical studies when he was 18 years old He began his ‘With a scholarship given by the rasan, gorman and czech government he visited the most important centers of the European Vanguard Musi, specially Darmstadt and Paris, Aided by the “Movimento Ars Viva" Gliberto Mendes plans and organizes “Th Festival de Musica Nova" (A Yearly Festival for ‘Avant-Guarde Music) In Santos and Sdo Paulo. His musical ortcisme are lesued in the most important magazines and newspapers of Sto Paulo (Revista de Arte de Vanguarda Inve. ‘9; lterary suplement of the newspapers “O Estado de Séo Paulo” ‘and “A Tribuna") Estheticaly, Mendes Idonties himeoit with tho brasilian con- crete poetry. He has extensively used the texte by the brasilian Conerate posts in his musi. Until october 1969, The “Blitum C- the following versions’ = for one, two and three Wiolins; for harpsichord, plano and percussion. ‘The “‘Blidum — variante A. for twelve strings was presented at the first “Musica das Américas” festival in Rio de Janeiro. The ium — Variante 6-9 ie still un prosented. hhad been presented through laos; for three GILBERTO MENDES BLIRIUM C0 Jeno do 1965 18) para 1, 2 ou 3 teclados — 1 dro, 3 planos, eravo @ acor- ddeon, ete 1) para 3, 4 ou 5 instrumentos diversos da mesma fami ©) para as vers6es a) e b) mais (no mézimo) 6 instrumentos de timbres alterentes, 10 de sons Indeterminados podem rtados a qualsquer das vers6es supra mencio- 2) Para as versses 4) © b) © mesmo executanle pode gravar fem play-back (ita magnética) uma ou duas outras exe ugdes @ uilizé-las como acompanhamento para a execucto 0 vivo, ‘A — PLANO MELODICO OU DAS TESSITURAS Isto 6, das variagdes de altura. (Cada grupo e notas do quadro A corresponds @ um nimero do marcador de segundos de um cronémetro ou de um relégio © instrumentsta olha seu relégio, colecado ao lado. grupo {0 notas, exatamente nésee momento Indieado (a¥ caminho de ser) pelo ponteio, ¢ para ser tocado, de acérdo com as instrugbes so- ‘uintes. Em caso do repeticuo do tltimo eu penditime grupo, o Instrumemtista passa para 0 grupo seguinte. ‘As varlagtes de altura rapes do notes, sultarBo da sucessso leslie désses Em um de cada 5 grupos a sorem tocados, pode ser acrescen- ‘ado, polo Instrumentist, outro grupo do notas por @le escothido ‘antes da Indiesgto do poneiro. © Instrumentsta pods, sinds, acrescentar ao grupo, depots de Indicaso pelo ponisiro, mals uma nola, a seu critélo, desde que |é tenha tocado obrigatériamente pelo menos 2 grupos. sem nota _acrescia No utlizar & nots © o8 grupos escolhidos préviamente antos de ‘executar pelo menos 8 grupos de nota aleatérlos (pontalro do relégio). ‘TRANSICOES Entre a execucto de um grupo de nolas © outro — 0 tempo ecorrido, de valor indeterminado, para o instrumentista olhar seu relégio @ coordenar a nova indicaglo © demas instrugées — podem ecorrer om siéncio (uma pausa, portato) ou com a audlgéo do prolongamento do som das itimas ou de tOdee a8 notas do grupo ‘executado (présas ou mantidas pelo pedel, quando ee tratar de plano, or exemplo) até 0 alaque das notas do grupo seguinte, Os cols ‘1upes podem néste cltimo caso, se fundir num e, quando © pro- longamento de um fOr aldm da transi¢fo © se projetar sob o inicio 0 outro GILBERTO MENDES (dedicated to Sivia Maria) BLIRIUM C9 enuary, 1965 8) For one, two or three Keyboard Instrument: one orgen, 3 pianos, harpsichord end accordeon ete 1) For three, four or ve diferent instruments pertaining to the same family ©) For the versions a) and b) with the maximun of more 6 Instruments of eitfrent spect 1) Percussion Instrumente of Indeterminate sounds may be added to any of the above mentioned versions. 11) For the versions 8) and b) the same player may record In 4 play-back magnétc recorder one or two performances end Use them ss accompainment for the tive perormance. ‘A — MELODIC PLAN OR TESSITURA — PITCH VARIATIONS Each one of the groups of notes ofthe picture A: (sheet attached), ‘coresponds to a number of the seconds marker of one chronome oF of a wristwatch ‘Tho Instrumentist looks at his watch placed near him. The group of notes, exactly in thie Indicated moment (or about to be I) by the hand, i's to be played, according to the following Instructions, In case of repetition of the last or Before the last group, the Instrumentist passes to the following group. this groupe of notes. In one of each ve groups to be played, can be added, by the instruments, other group of notes chosen by him, before the hand ination ‘The Instrumentist can, sill, edd to the group, after the hand Indication, one more note, to his pleasure, since he has just played, obligately, at least, wo groupe without added not Do not use the notes or group of notes previously chosen betore you have executed at least to 3 groupe aleatories (watch marker, TRANSITIONS. Between the execution of a group of notes and another the time spent, of undetermined value, for the insirumentist to ook at his watch and to coordinate the new indication and other Instructions = can elapse in silence (one pause, therefore) or wih the audition of the sound extension of the last oF all of the notes of the group played (caught or kept by pedal, when it is a plano, for instance) Until the attack of the notes of the following group. see (© Instrumentisia no resiza mais de 9 transigBes iguals: 4 pausas, por exemple, Em 5 transigbes, uma ¢ utlizede para éle tocar fragmentos da primeira misica que the vier A lombranga, erudta ou popular, da mais remota antiguidade aos nossos dias (Debusey, Mozart, Ars Ant qua, Ars Now, jazz, bossa-nova, tangos, flamenco, jingles publicité- fos, ele) durante um tempo nBo eontrolado, sentido, aproximado do tempo mécio uilizado na execugdo de 1 a 9 linhas (ver “plano Flimico”), ete tragmentos musicals também podem ser proparados fniecipadamente. O Instrumentsta ainda pode fazer um improviso total ou Gnicamente ritmico (em melodias ou acordes) s6bre quals- ‘quer notas que seus dedos alacarem so acaso (examplo com piano), ‘durante uma tansigio t8da ou num corte em qualquer ponto dos fragmentos musicals cides. Serd. um momento de lberdade descon- lwolada, complota, Consciente désse seu diel, 0 instruments, rum dado instante, s0 permite essa explosfo iracional, e excepcio- ralmonie, como soluedo para um silncio (diiculdade de coordena- (io) muito prolongado, 0 tragmentos no precieam ser de misica excita para o instr mento que esté sendo tocado. Pode ser um trecho de épera, ma- rigalrenasconista,sinonia, misica japonbsa, solo de saxofone, etc, um arranjo momentaneo para o Instrumento que esté sendo tocado. Pode ser também misica para 0 préprio instrumento e noutro aan. Em ambos 08 casos slo permitidas qualsquer variagbes. A cliagdo, pporém, deve ser sempre perfetamente reconhecivel. Insirugdes para tragmentagio © montagom das citagées 4) © trecho de misica citado dove ser irregular, incomplato (por exemplo, de 4" parte do 2° compasso & metade do imo) b) cividido am fragmenios @ aprosantados om ordem, dindmica, ‘staques andamentos diferentes. Exemplo (Ni. snexa, n+ 120 13) melo fin a pitlpp rapido modorato staccato sacea Um fragmento pode er todo numa mesma gintimica ou em dindmica vaviada, uma para cada note ©) cada fragmento também deve ser, de preferénca, iregular ‘ Incompleto;faltar-he algumas notas ou tempos no coméco, ‘meio ou fim. 48) um trecho (compre iregular, Incomplete) pode ser repetido como ctinato: em dinimica igual, em crescendo ou de- crescendo, ou em dindmicas © até andementos clferentes (ox no 13 @ 22 tina don? 12). Estas inetrugdes server de ponto de partda. Os Instrumentistas procurario também outras variedades de tragmentacdo @ montagem. Para melhor star a ctap8o (ora num vazio, ora sobre um com ploxo conor), o instrumentsta deve, excepcionalmente, ouvir © que (8 outros Instrumentstas relizam; e quando ouvir, sem querer, uma citagio musical de outro instrumemista, poder sllenclar momentanes- Both groups en, in thi last case, mix each other, whon tho extension of one ie beyond the transition and to project under the beginning of the other. ‘The instrumentst doesn't accomplish more than three identical transition: four pauses, for instance. In five transitions, one is used for him to play fragments of tho fist music whieh comes to his memory, classic or popular, fom the ‘most remote antiguly up to now (Debussy; Mozart, Ars Antigua, Ars Nova, Jazz, BossaNova, Tango — Flamenco, Jingles, etc), during ‘an uncontrolled time, fel, approximate of the average time used for the execution of one oF tree tines (S60 shythmic plan) ‘This musical fragment can also be prepared belorehane. ‘The inetrumentist can sill do 8 total impromptu or only ehythmic (in melodies oF chords) over any notes that his fingers attack at random (example: plano) during a total transition or in a cutting (euspension) In any place of the quoted musical fragments. 1X will Be @ moment of complete uncontrolled liberty! Conscious of this right, the instrumentist for a moment, permits this iracional explosion; and, exceptionally, a8 a solution for a silence (coordination cifculy) very extended, delayed. ‘The fragments don't need to be of writen music for the ment, which Is being played. Can be an opera tragmont, ro ralssance madtigal, symphony, japanese music, sax solo, etc, in momentary arrangement for the instrument that is belng played, can be, also music for the own instrument and in other ‘errangement In both cases are permitted any variations. “The quotation, however, must be, always, peroctly recognizable. Isiuctions for fragmentation and mounting of the quotations 8) The quoted fragment of musle must be irregular, incomplete (for example trom fourth part of the second ber to halt of tho last one). b)- Divided in fragments and presented in corect order, dynamic, attacks and diferent tempos. Example (choot stached, n° 12 @ 18) Beginning End op! mt pitipp lento mode legato staceato ‘A fragment can be all na fone to each note ©) Every fragment must be, preferably, regular and incomplote too} lacking some notes or tempos at the beginning, midale or end. sme dynamic oF In varied one, ) A passage (always Iregular, incomplete) can be repeated as “ostinato: in an denies! dynamic, In “crescendo” or “éecrescondo", ot in dynamics and, even though aliferont tempos. (example n° 13 and second line of the n° 12) = mente ou tocar “ppp, se achar que vale & pena. dar realce & citagio fuvida, fo ete 08 Unicos momenios, om téda a pora, de opendéncia entre os insirumontistas. REGISTRO Quadro B (fl. anexa). © instrumontsta divide © registro do Instrumento em 2, 9 ou até 4 zonas, conforme permit @ sus extensdo Em cada entrada (linha # ser realizade), trabalha em 1 ou mais zonas, pssando por '6das as combinagSes, de acérdo com 0 ciitério geral de escolhas. 8 — PLANO RITINICO Ista 6, da duragao ou distancia entre 2s nota. © inettumeniista desenha § linhas horizontals do mesmo tamenho, (0 minimo 80 ceantimetios) em cada pagina de um caderno de pelo menos ® péginas (15 lines). Uma linha corresponde em e=paco, ‘0 tempo a ser vilizado por um grupo de notas indicado pelo pon- teiro, $8bre cada links, © Instrumentista marca, com clareza, os ontos om que serio slacadas as notas, acordes, clusters e glissan- os, escolnendo entre as sequintes espécies ce distanclagfo, do fctrdo com © crléio gera: ) Distanciagso aperiédica (ex. f. anexa, sempre com 0 giik po LA/St bemol/Si). 8) nae mesmas alturas (ex. n° 1) b) em auras diferentes (ex. n° 2, com nota acresclda RE). 2). Distanciagso peridlea 8) nas mesmas alluras (ex. n° 3 com nota acrescida SOL}. b) om alluras diferent (ex. n° 4, com grupo acreseido DO/RE emo 3) Distanclagdo mista: Periédica moditicada momenténeamen- te pela aperidiea ou vice-versa, em qualquer ponto da linha (ex. n2* § @ 6) Uma linha pode ter de um a multos pontos (ex. net 7 0 8). Cada ponto pode eer uma nota ou duas em Interalo de segunda (0s acordes devem ser actinalados com 2 pontos (simples), quando apresentarem, 26 uma vez, cada nota do grupo: com 3 pontos (com posto), quando epresentarem, mais de uma vez, cada nots, em ‘lures diferenies. Clusters com paqueno trago; © lissandos com pequeno trago ondulad. corde, duas (no formando intervalo de segunda) ‘Sua execugio pode ser onside ‘ov male notas tocadas simultineamente ‘rpejade ou nto, © nstrumentista divide cade sequsncia do § linhas horizontals (uma pina) com linhas verticals em 9 partes iguas, sempre depois de haver realizado a pontuacte. Cada parte equiv @ uma pulsagso (eat), Durante execucto, © instrumentista no conta tempos e nem presta atengSo As civisbes voricals; Unieamente segue visual monte linha horizontal, da esquerda para & dlretta (ex. n° 10). ‘As barras verticals contolam seu deslocamento no tempo-espago, ‘sem que éle deva perceber. Sem preocupagto de érro @ sem presse, To ineure the quotation profile (or in an empty, or in a voiced complex), the insrumeniist must, exceptionally, hesr whet the others Intrumentists accomplish; and, when ho hears, unexpected musica {quotations of an other instrumentist hel be able to silence momentarily for fo play “ppp if he thinks convenient to bring the heard quotation Up. These are the unique moments, in the whole work, of dependence among the insumentss REGISTER Picture B (sheet attached) ‘The instrumentst vides the register of the instrument in 2, 3 for even 4 zones, according 10 its extension, In every statement (line t2 be accomplished), he works in one oF more zones, passing by all th combinations according to the general judgement of choices. 5B — RHYTHIIC PLAN. That's to say, of the duration oF distance among the notes. ‘The instrumontct draws § horizontal lines of the same sizo (at least 20 centimeters) in every copybook sheet; 9 pages, (15 tines). [A line corresponds in space, to the tempo to be used by a group of notes indicated by the hand. ‘Over every line, the Instrumentst marks, with cloaress, the polnis where the notes wil be attacked: chords, clusters and gissan- 0s, choosing among the following Kinds of distance, according to the general judgoment 1) Aperiogle distance (sheet ‘lat. 4) in the same piich (ox n° 1). ') In aiferent pices (ex. n° 2, with added note = 0) 2) Periodic distance. 8) in the same pitches (ex. n° 3, with added note — 6). ) in diferent pitches (ex. m2 4, with added group: C/D fat). 3) Mixed distance: periodic modified momentarily by aperiodic ‘oF vicewerse in any point of the line (ex. n° § and 6) Aline may have one or more notes (ex. nct 7 and 8) tached always with the (AB. Each point can be one or two noles in second Interval “The chords must be indicated with two points (cimple) when they present, just one time, every note of the group; with throo points (compound), when they present, more than ene time, every rota, In different pitches. Clusters, with small dash Glissandos, with small waved dash, One considers @ chord, two of more notes played simultaneously (winout forming second intenal). lis execution can be arpeggiato ‘The instrumeniist divides every sequence of 5 horizontal tines {one page) with vertical lines in 9 identical pats, always after having feccomplishod the punctuation. Every part i's equivalent to one © + + eee wealizagao: execution: ae ae be be Oss s+ + PE iS me pe fiery te Syme ct + Fm acordesA B Clusters —glistande entre duas notas de um grupo, em posicao distanctada Belwen two noles of one group, in distanced postion ete leet © Copyright 1969 by RICORD! BRASILEIRA S.A. - ua Consetheiro Nébias, 773. = ts reserved - International copyright secured - Printed in Brazil (2)mederate jy, my moderato rapido tr =f moderate lento txcipido fe exresc. “French Can can” —6— procurande manter igualdade nesse deslocamento, instrumentista ‘emora 0 tempo necessério para entender @ realizar as pontuagdes © domais indicagdes. A mética visada néo 6 a eecrita, Da cemora fou rapidez com que lorem encontradss as notae do grupo indicado pelo ponieiro © da preciso ou indocisto na realizagdo das pontua- 980s, resullaré a complenidade e elasicidade rimica, a méitica real uma microdlviego sleatviamente oblida, Depois de execitadas 3 (ou 2 linhas, ou mesmo entre uina liha e outta — conforme © grau 2 diiculdede de coordenagéo do instrumentisa e © perigo de pausas muito prolongadss — 0 grupo de natas indleado pelo ponteiro, pode ser tocado por éle em riimo, dindmica, anéamento e regieios livres, 2 sua voniade, durante o tempo méio uilizado para a realzagio de 1 inva; desde que procure mater @ microdlvistio, agora retlexo, ‘fo resullado. ( —ANDAMENTOS Cada barra corrspone a um tempo-pulsagdo (quadro C). 0 andamento eacolhido seré sempre aproximado, uma vez que os tem- oe nlo serio contados © nem contolados pela visio das bar [A aluagdo das barras sobre o8 insirumentistas serd como que sub- liminar, & medida que le siga s linha. (Lonio — andamento metvontmico entre 40 ¢ 72 Quadro € { Moderaio ~~ angamento matronémico entte 72 6 108 (Rapido —"andamento metrondmico entre 108 © 152. (© instrumentista tua cada vez num andamento. tantém © landamento escolhido com total Indopendéncia dos andamentos. dos outros instrumentisias, D — DINAMICA ‘Quadro para eecoina no plano dindmico: Deep ppp Mt Ty 7) crescendo 8) decrescondo 8) crescdecresc. 10) docr-crese, Diferenclagdo maxima entre uma aindmics ecr-crescendo de “ppp” a “tt ‘Gada linha deve apresentar, quanto 80. plano dinémico, um distos 9 aspectos gers 4) Gindmica igual (ex. nov 1 @ 4), 1) duas ou mals socgdes de dindmicas dilerentes (ex. n.o§ @ 6). ©) uma dinimica para cada nota da linha (ex. n° 2) ov de tum periodo (ex. n° 3°). ‘A escolna no quadro acima, bem como do uso ou no de sore ina, arco, pizz, col legno, vibrato sons harm@nices deve ser feita pelo instrumentste antecipadamente © marcada sbbre a pon- tuago de cada linha (ritéio geral de econ) ‘outa, Crescendo @ — PLANO DE ESCOLMA LIVRE Contorme © instrumentista resolver no decotrer da execuslo, como valvula de escape, relaxamento, para contrabalangar 0 estGrgo feral do coordenagio: © uso do pedal (piano), notes présas (0 tempo desejado), legato (todas as espécies), staccato (idem), alae ques (idem), tlos © témolos entre duas ov mals notes do grupo, © instrumentista observa sempre @ norma geral de varlagSo @ con trasto nas escothas acima. Tédas ae outras possblidades aqui no registradas — © que devem ser procuradas © deconvolvidas pelo beat. During the execution, the instrumentst doesnt count tempos fand dosen't look out for to vertical visions elther; only follows visually, the horizontal line, from left to right side (ex. n° 10) ‘Tho vortical bars contol its lisplacement on the space-time ‘without being noted by the instrumentit Without the wory of mistake and leieuely, looking for keeping ‘equality of this cisplacement, the instrumentist delays the necessary time 10 realize and accomplish the punctuation and other indications. Tho desired metic isnt the wien one. From the delay or quickness of how were found the notes of the" group, indicated by the hand, and, from the precision or Indic sion on the accomplishment of the punctuations, It wil result the complexily and rhythmic elasticity — the real metic: a microdvision, gotten alestoiy! ‘Alter played 3 or 2 lines or even between one line and othe = according to the diticuly’s degree of coordination of the inst Imentist and the danger of vory exlended pauses-he group of notes Indicated by the hand, can be played by him, the instrumentist, in fhythm eynamic, tempo and free registers, at his wil, during the medium time used for the first line realization; since the instru- mentist looks for keeping the microdlvsion, now @ reflex, and not resut. ¢ — TeMPos Every bar corresponds to one beattime (picture C). The chosen tempo will always be approximated, as long as the tempos won't be ‘ther counted or controlled by the vision of the bars. Tho bars must not be followed by the instruments sticty. Lento — metronomic tempo between 40 and 72. Moderato — metronomic tempo between 72 and 106. Rapid — metronomic tempo between 108 and 152. ‘The instrumentist acts every time in a tempo. Keep the chosan tempo with tolal Independence of others instrumentsis — tempos. D — DYNAM Picture for choice on the dynamic plan: PPP: PP P mt crescendo — decrescendo — crese. + decrescendo t ‘tt ‘decrese — crescendo, Maximum dliferenation between a dynamic and another one, Crescendo and secrescondo of “ppp” to “It”. Every line must present, concerning the dynamic plan, one of 13 general aspects: 8) ‘identical dynamic (ex. n° 1 and 4) b) two or more sections of altfrent dynamics (ex. n° 6 the and 6). ©) A"aynamic for every note of tho line (ex. n° 2) or of @ period (ex. n° 3): ‘The choice at the above pict the mute, piziccate, col legne, vibrato, bow end harmonic sounds must be done by the instrumentist, boforshand, and marked on the punctuation of each line (General choice judgement). — FREE CHOICE PLAN ‘As the Instrumentist makes up his mind in the couree of the execution, es an exhaust vale, relexation, in order to counter: ‘wall 28 the use or not of ag Intérprete — constiuirgo novos quadros do escolhas no plano dind- rico, @ orem fotas @ marcades sbbre cada linha, antes da execugto. Das notas prisas 0 uso do pedal resulta uma polfonla de passagem (x ne 1). ‘ORDEM DE EXECUGKO ‘A — TRABALHO PRELIMINAR 1) Desenhar um minimo de 18 lias © sdbro cada uma dol ccolocar @ pontuaco imica; depois divicir cada § tinhas (© pagina) om 9 parts igus. 2) Colocar sbbre a pontuagio do cada linha @ dindmica esco- thida e Indias, com os sinais espectices, 0s acordes, clus ters © glissandos. 'B — NO ATO DA EXECUGAO, ESCOLHER NOS QUADROS A, B 0 C: 1) Registro (as mos @ a atenglo Ja se situam no registro cescolhido). 2) _Andamento 3). Olhar © reldoio @ veriicar © grupo Indlcado para execugto, 4) Escothor uma das § linhas pontuadas @ realizes com as tas do grupo Indicado, de acérdo com a dindmica mar- cada; decidindo, conforme desejar no momento, qual uso 40 pedal, notas présas, staccato, legato @ diversos tipos e ataqves, 5) Depols do § entradas — tithas © reali2ag608 lives dos ‘Tupos indicados — executar numa das préximas tansigoes uma montagem de citagdes musicals proparadas ou que vie- rem & lembranga no momento. CCltéso geral de escothas, Frente @ uma série de escoihas — a serem efetuadas sempre fom qualquer ordem — s6 repetir uma mesma escolha depois de hver esgotada téda a série. Repeicfo de escolha, antes déste ‘esgotamento total da série, 88 om casos de impasse, lato 6, quando © desenvolvimento geral das escolhas, dentro de todos os pard- metros, chegar a certos pontos om que se torna necessério repetir uma escolha antes do tempo permitid, PERCUSSAO © percussionisa seleciona doze sons clferentes para substtur fs doze notas dos grupos do quadro A. 6 fella de um modo geral para teclao. Deve ser adaptada sos outros instruments, portato excluam-se (0 exomplos impraticvels (acordes para s6pros, p. ex) e Incluam-se (08 novos pardmetros quo surgirem e que serko serialzados para cecal, ‘A exemplticagto or exemplo: Para cordae — plzz, col lego, sons harmenicos para sopros — llaterzunge, ete; metals — sordinas, ete; 6ralo © crave, registos, etc. 0s exompios, om {tha snexa, mostram uma possibildade de realizagdo em registro mécio. Tédas as outras possbiidades @ resistios devom ser explorados Duragto: 6 minutos (no minima) balance the general coordination endeavor: the use of the pedal (piano), caught notes (the withed time), legsto (all of the kinds), slaccato (all of the kinds), attacks (dem) tril and tremolos between two oF more notes of the group. ‘Tho instrumentist watches always, the general variation and contrast model in the above choices {All of the others possiblities here not registered — and that must bo looked for and developed by tho interpreter — will constitute new pictures of choice on the dynamic plan, whose choice must be done snd marked upon cach tne, belore the execution. From the caught notes and from the use of the pedal it resute 1 momentary polyphony. (€x. 02 11) EXECUTION ORDER ‘A — PRELIMINARY WORK, 1) Draw, at feast, 15 tins and upon each one of them put the thythie punctuation; after this, divide each 5 lines (one page) in 9 Identical parts, 2) Put upon the punctuation of each line the chosen dynamic and indicate, withthe specific sign, the chords, clusters and olissand B — WHEN EXECUTING CHOOSE THE PICTURES A, B AND C: 1) Rogistor (the hands and attention have just situated on the chosen register 2) Tempo. 3) Look at the watch and verily the indicated group of ‘execution. 4) Choose ono of the § punctuated lines and accomplish them withthe notes of the indicated group, according to the marked Gyeamic: making up ones mind, which pedal, to. use aught notes, staccato, legato and several attack types, according to the wish at this moment 5) Alter 5 enties — lines and free accomplishments of tho indicated groups — play in one of the next transitions, one Ceding of prepared musical quotations or what comes to the memory st this moment ‘ L eee Pie ad General choice judgement In face of a sequence of choices — to be brought about always In any order — only 10 repeat a same cholce after having worn out all the sequence, Choice repetition before this total breakdown of the sequence, ‘only in an unsolved case, that is, when the general development ‘of the choices, within all the parameters, to reach certain points when they urn necessary to repeat @ choice belore the pormited time. PERCUSSION ‘The percussionist eelects twelve diferent sounds in order to fof tho groups — Picture A. ‘The explanation ie staed for keyboard, Ik must be adapted to the other Instruments, excluding what Isn't approppriat (chords for winds, for instance) and inclusing the new parameters which will appear and will bo serialized to. be ‘chosen, harmonic sounds, flsterzunge, ts; brass instrument — mutes, fe; organ and harpsichord — registers, et ‘The examples, on attached sheet, show a possibly of accom plishment In medium rogisor ‘All other possibilities and rogisi Duration = about © min. 8 must be explore,

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