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jection heat transfer is of consideranle value in many flelds 91 engineering, ularly the dasign of heat exchangers. he seudenes vestigate the theory and associated farmulae a pipes. -Memaured experiaental data enables the stucent oafticient 16 pipe Ort and various nondiaens: ws Reynolds nal groups Number Re", misseit wuaber "Na" and St". The values obtained can >e ed with those derived rom accepted eapirical formulae and the validity of Reynolds Analogy say be explored. onal sanoaeter ay be and ed to the apparatus as an optional extra, thus ident to study the velocity and teaperat: prof: eI jas of the Clow across a diameter of the 9: =a t f Fig 1.1 Poread Convection Heat Transfer Test Aig. of Apparatus script: The apparatus is shown in detail in fig 1.1. It consists of an electrically driven centrifugal fan woich draws air through a control valve and discharges into a 76.2 am diaueter, U-shaped pipe. The fan speed remaina con stant throughout. A British Standard orifice plate ts fixed in this pipe to measure the air flow cate. This pipe is connected to a copper test pipe which discharges to atmouphere and is electrically heated by a heating tape rapped around the outside of the pipe. The power input to the tape can be varied by means of a variable transforser fitted to the apparatus, che input being seasured by a voltaeter and ameter on the instrument panel. The test pipe is insulated with 25 am thick fibreglass lagging. All the pipewore rests on blocks supported by che steel frase of the apparatus. The vest length, situated within the heated length of the test pipe, has pressure tapings at each end which are connected to a sanomater on the instrument panel. Other sanometers fixed to the instrument panel aeasure fan discharge pressure and the orifice pressure drop. Seven thermocouples are fixed to the wall of the copper test pipe at various points along the heated Length. A further six thermocouples are situated at points within the lagging. The positions of ali the thermocouples and relevant dimensions, are shown cn a mimic display on the instrument panel and shown in fig 1.2. A thermometer geasures the air teaperature at the inlet to the test pipe. 32-bom GORE COFPER TEST TUSE 30M LONG. \ HEATED LENGTH_17530m | Menten eNGTH_1753em_.) | TEST LENGTH 152m | 1 | erence ane a een i TEMPERATURE» TEST LENGTH | I ae eae | PRESSURE TABPING 0} SPUT SLEEVE INSULATION Same TAPANG (erat UNIT) f | orc aur ow aes ELECTRICALLY ORIVEN eee [CENTRIFUGAL FAN EY TO INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS, 1. MANQWETER MEASURING FAN PRESSURE 2, NANOMETER MEASURING PRESSURE OROP 7, ISOLATER AND STARTER FOR FAN MOTOR ‘OVER THE ORIFICE PLATE 8. THERMOCOUPLE SELECTOR SWITCH 3. MANONETER MEASURING PRESSURE OROP OVER 9. TERAENAL FOR CONNECTION TO INSTRUNENT TEST LENGTH YO. AIR FLOM CONTROL VALVE 4. AVNETER INDICATING HEATER CURRENT 11, PLTOT MANOETER & PITOT TRAVERSE (OPTIONAL) 5. VOLTHETER INDICATING HEATER VOLTAGE 1. MEATER STGNAL LIGHT AND FUSES §,VARIAC TRANSFORMER TO VARY THE HEATER LcAD 13. CONTACTOR FOR HEATER Fig 1.2 General Arrangesent of Apparatus 2 Installation and Preparation, ‘me apparatus is despatcned dismantled and it {a suggested that figs 1.1 and 1.2 are studied before re-assesbly, to assemble, place the support frame alongiide the ain unit, on level ground aa shovn tn tg '.1- The-diashansy the tube should be at Least_1300 a " + Connect tha pipe reducer to the fae discharge and rest it in the support Crage. Place the teat-length in position on the support frame taking. great care not to danage or compress the inaulation vailat handling (8. Coonact the "U" section so the erifice plate flange Lining up the two pressure tappings and poaitioning the gaskets to (Lk correctly. (Note the ontFise snould be fitted with 4 facing the Can). Connect the otter end to the teat-Langen. Mount the thermoseter on ene °U" tube, aaking aure {£8 gasket La in pomstton. Connect the qgrsh iead Samisso the ‘est engin and the "U" section ging one of the thermceezers Cixing screws. Check (or egret continulty, feed ve therncesuple terminal tor through its aperture in the control panel and fx in place. Flug che Reating. element a a wos esses nas (TET ma | ps [| i = ~ 3 = = eee ne aes a alee Reeetat ec ; Sater eet POSITION OF HOT JUNCTIONS Fig 1.2 Dimensions and Positions of Thersocouples On completion of experimental work the eguiiment need only be dtsconected’from the sains. Te paintwork can be Aped dow Cros tine to tine and cleaned with a good quality nonsabrasive cleaner. 2.0 CaLcuarrons xo Tamer caleulations fall into aix parts as described in the following sections. 21 merits hy Meee bal i ~ ae # 0,81 ene orifice discharge coefficient = tir deneity at orifice (ig/a*) = pressure drop across orifice (WVa*) For determining Op it say be noted that 1 am of water = 9,81 H/a* 22 Howe riux Heat input by heating tape, 0, © amps x Volts ti/s sare 1090 fient lost through lagging, 0, = ,0615 x 2 x 1,753 x| Monn seaperature 100i. Fe drop across lagging | ki/s ene Beal (mere , andr, are the inside and outside radii of the lagging. Heat flux through tube wall, = a= kets Sen internal pipe wall area the neat flux is required in calculating the neat transfer coaefictent, h. Heat contuction along the copper does not contribute to tne hear flux since, fara given section of pipe, the heat flowing in at one end will be ‘equal to the Hest flowing out at the other. 8 ALP Tesperacure at chosen Seat Transfer Sec: Tee hereecouple positions are sno co SELL De seen that the section between 2 and $ is fiwe of exit and entrance ettects. eae transfer calculations are ade arcund section 4. Caley ang sence the bulk eas air temperature at ais poine plus heat input by concuetion in the pipe less the aaa Heat input by conduction, % * vs tes where F = Mean radius of comer supe (mi be wall thickness (me) Total heat input up to chosen section = (9, - 2) -y we oe oa. iat eere 5 is Iength of heated pipe up to chosen section (=m) Bulk goan air teaperature T, = T, + total beat input ae sass flow mate = Were - T, = air inlet cemperature = specific heat of air at inlet temperature 24 Haat Teansrer Coefficient Heat trenster coefficient, h = Heat flux (wm) ‘The wall Ceaperature Ty vill be given by the thermocouple at the poist at wticn the heat alance is taken or froa the grapn of wall temperature against pipe length. 28 25 Walues of Wu, St and ¢ (4) Musaeit Number, Mu = Bd % (44) Stanton Number, St = eee prc, (444) Galeulation of friction factor, f using the simple equation, A =a = Sfoe! ras gs 2 ‘Tais equation is based on the assumption that all of the pressure drop is due to friction. For flow in a heated pipe this assumption is aot valid because part of the pressure drop is due to the acceleration head associated with the expansion of the air as it passes along the heated pipe. in allovance for the acceleration eas can 2s ‘made with reasonable accuracy using the equation:— Pr) = uGa/k ane naw alaoat: the sane value (or All gases and vartes ery Brandt aunver dry ALP At various tenp= A table giving values of us Cp) K and Pr f% nd presgure. Aspeottx 1. Fervolds Anaiosy $s cased on the assumption that Pr sland aay bewritten'ass Ms £ Me 2s 218 since St = WW/Re, Pr it ¢Stiowe tnat, St Sse Sy sunstituting in equation 3.16 and putting #r + 1, wo obtained an alternative Fofmule from witch can be calculateai- eae ae ‘Tae values optained trom u % object qaltatey of Reynolds Analogy (St = £/2) for air and alae to coapare the experi— > Getersine sxperisentally the ental values of Mu, St, and ¢ with those given by se ‘formulae. 3.2 Experimental Procedure Switch on the fan with the inlet vaive fully open, Note: MEVER FULLY CLOSE THE FAM INLET VALVE HEM THE MEATER 9§ inlet valve fully ope; men this nas been done the heater can be svitched oa With the variable transformer SET AT ZERO. Is ov THermase the voltage to give a voltage value corrasponing to the sains supply. Leave the apparatus to var up for at least thirty mimites to attain steady temperature conditions. The aaximum tube temperature (thermocouples 1 te 7) should nat exceed 150°C. The following readings can then be taken. Air pressure at fan discharge (fan pressure) Pressure drop across the orifice plate. iz 3 Air temperature at inlet to the tast pipe a Barcestric pressure/imbient temperature. 5 Pressure drop over the test Length. 6 Taermcouple reading on the pipe = thermocouples | to 7. fe ‘Thermocouple readings inside and outside the lagging = thermocouples 8 to 13 a ameter reading % Voltmeter reading A second test say be carried out at a lover Reynolds Number and heat flux, by adjusting the air control valve and altering the neat controller. After a change of flow rate and heat input, the apparatus mist be alloved to settle down for a further 15 to 30 minutes to allow the temperatures to stabilise. On completion of testing the fan should be she rm ne le ee iol eating the thermocouples. ‘THPICAL TEST RESULTS AND DETATLS Y Test Tube Dimensions (Imperial Model used in tests) ‘Tubs bore 31,75 a 1,63 om ieee | Roca Teaperaturs are Preseure 766 wm of neeoury Bahn, Kihin Foe: Baronet 1 inlet ewoerntry sare ‘ an Pressure 55 mn of water ( fhe pl 4gje47) eat Length pressure grep 14d ay yo hater curr ae Tarseornle a (aang To Tee. to rea oe 1 m8 t 10.8 3 5, ‘ vera : tone ‘ ‘05.3 ° 105.3 4 ‘ 3 mo et ae v5.0 3 ig 4.1 TEPECAL Ser OF THST WERLTE ely Masta ae zits A pial, Sat GF tant roouhts is eivee'h eta 4.1. 1 inka‘ pated that thee resulta vec ten apparatus fitted with « standard TecOutpment Iapertal test cube and operating on a British 50 The disensions of this tude are given in rig 1.3, ALL other particulars were aa stated on tig 1 erature distribution along he tube wall is plotted in fig 4.2. A graph shoving tt A sat of sample calculations are detailed in tne across the lagging 1s given in fig 4.3. 4.11 Mage Btow tate To calculate the assy flow rate ve First need to find the air density at the orifice as follova. ‘Ain pressure at orifice = (766 x 13:56 , 555), 9,5) 108 108 = 10T kat Air density (op) = _107 it 90,2871 x 306 = 1422 ep fa (Nota that is the gaa constant equal to 0,287! ki/ka) ’ : is snaan| figs. rae: ép Shans Otmelped Bim eatin eae p- bh bh@r Va meer Anca fi bi Me aps Inn of Hees 981M)" WOM + weeiatecgs «ffumsLe riers Wate 5 asst tare \ a ‘The total Neat ‘opus, 0, and the ear lest through the Lagging Gy are given by equations 2.2 and 2.3 aa (= a, + 5x2% B= Aapseddh wif; (leo) yee kone ro tasgng 5 ete 1a (36,5/17,5) Fit 28 gear Goose Fron epsation 2.4; mae cae + te = 0,0 (ex an x rs ‘00 + sss wie 110 — o 105 i. = g 4 & 100 3 = = 25 s = . = mm TH %o = 00 7 om |____—HEATED LENGTH 1735mm 1 Figg 4.2 TEXPERATURE PROFILE ALONG THE TUBE = 2.800 eave The bulk sean erature, Tyeat tov be obtatoeg thon equation 21s sayibe noted that the temperature Hise 4s 21, ‘1h Heat transeer costtics fie tant The wall temperature 1 Reaparatire “7, at’ the! beat’ tenes secttoa‘ia ie, equation 2.8 te give o— aie ' a li 1 tonertas 42 local heat transter coefficient:< ned tt sum uarne ed NE 1 ia a 120 Zico i _| 80 : : S00 5 E ¥ § 40 3 3 3 = | ra 0 500 000 1500 00H [x LENGTH OF COPPER TEST PIPE (mm) ——— Fig 4.3. THMPERATORE OTFFERENGE ACROSS LADO 4.15 Experimental Values of Muy St AND f \ a temperature, Ty: In order to calculate Nu, we first need 2 value for the thermal jotiaie at: the. wean 300 2.10 giveay valves of € it Ls advisable y= Pe) = REO = Ns et ‘oo nee scan: ais preseure = Bergestiae pressure * 2 Acgat = Eel + songs! 2 (ou const Zr) © wag 210s Lait «2 + 900788 art 10 2x ste ua) se coosueri sceterasion SS sarore voung ornsieg 2120 TH ace 42) Teoewet Reynolds number (Re) ow from tables:= M* 1,97a.x 10% | hence we tt Sar feos ag 13 x 375 x Proa 0? . equation 2.13 ve oy, hats 3 ve finds a eS 05028 = (raw 10t) hy, Adso, a an calculate *T trom equation 2.15 as, Fs G,079 (756 x 10'I%4P 9. caug nals Anaioay By Reynold Annlogy ve say also calculate "¢" crom equation 2.18 £ = 0,086 (7,56 x 10 2,9043 However, the sain purpose ot Reynolds Amalcay 12 to alloy calcilatioe of Stanton oumber from the experiaental friction factor. Using equats: 2.17 we haves St + 9,00606 = 900323 4.3 Sumary of nesutes 21,170 e/a 210,062 eda 645 ayats 04002 da eo0y 819 kav Total beat inpwt -. feat oat through Lamgiss. feat Flax... Alsat input by concuetien at Net heat taput up to 1270 am. Sulk sean air temperature « Ment transfer coefficient.» Expecinencal friction factor ignoring sir exeansion. xperiaeatal (riction faczor considering air expanston ‘Theoretical frtztion factor pranath umber at 1270 e+ eynoide unbar at 1270 ma----

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