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Jordan Nelson

Inquiry Lesson Plan Day 2

Title & Topic:
Constructing &
Capturing Solar

Grade Level:
Fourth/Fifth Grade

Next Generation Science Standards

NGSS (Core Ideas) 4-PS3-4: Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts
energy from one form to another.
NGSS (Practices) Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions:
Use evidence (e.g., measurement, observations, patterns) to construct an explanation. (4-PS3-1)
Apply scientific ideas to solve design problems. (4-PS3-4)
NGSS (Practices) Planning and Carrying out Investigations:
Make observations to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a
phenomenon or test a design solution. (4-PS3-2)

Arizona Science Standards

Strand 5: Physical Science

Concept 3: Energy and Magnetism. Investigate different forms of energy.
PO 1. - Demonstrate that electricity flowing in circuits can produce light, heat, sound, and magnetic

Common Core State Standards Connections:

W.4.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic. (4-PS3-4).
W.4.8: Recall relevant information from experience or gather relevant information from
print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of
sources. (4-PS3-4).
4.OA.A.3: Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having
whole-numbers answers using the four operations, including problems in which
remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter
standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental
computation and estimation strategies including rounding. (4-PS3-4).
Objective (Explicit & Measurable):
Students can understand how solar energy is converted into electrical energy.
Students can explain why their experiment worked or did not work as predicted.
Students can verbally explain all processes involved in their solar experiment.
Students can write a short paragraph summary about their research sources and
application to their experiment.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable Assessment: formative and summative):
o The teacher will walk around to the small groups and have spontaneous

question and answer sessions with the students.

o The teacher will make observations during the research and experiment of
the students verbal and non-verbal feedback.
o The teacher will review students science notebooks and observe the
notes individual students are taking.
o The teacher will take note if the students are following the process toward
completing their experiment.

o Students, in their groups, will present their findings and outcomes to the
o Students will submit their final solar cell project with a short paragraph
summary about their research and experiment.
o Students will submit an anonymous evaluation of the project for the
teacher to review.
o The teacher will take part in a self-evaluation based on the final results of
the inquiry project.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (steps that lead to completion of objective; sequence from

simple to more complex):

Students will be able to take detailed notes in their science notebooks.

Students will be able to use technology as a resource to perform research.
Students will be able to understand the function of the suns energy on earths
natural systems.
Students will be able to work in groups to answer questions and complete
Students will be able to work through complex issues, with guidance and
support from the teacher, to solve issues that may arise during research,
planning, or experimenting.
Lesson Summary and Justification: (summary gives detailed information about what
students are doing. Justification why is this lesson being taught)

Lesson Summary:

During this inquiry lesson, students will be placed into groups of three or four students
and conduct research, plan an experiment, and execute that experiment. The students
will be able to use both print and web based resources to find research they will be
able to use in answer the inquiry question, and then application of this research into
the project. The final project will involve students being able to create a solar cell that
is capable of transfer energy to provide power to something (lightbulb, small electric
motor, etc.). During the lesson students will first need to conduct research and take
detailed notes about what is a solar cell and how they could construct one using basic
materials. Once they have conducted research and proposed a prediction to the
inquiry, they would gather resources to construct and test their prediction. After
constructing a testable solar cell, the students will document their findings. Next they
will take turns as groups presenting their findings and justifications for the class.
Finally, the lesson will end with full class discussion on findings and new ideas. The
class will write a short summary of the lesson and fill out an evaluation of what they



The lesson is being taught to allow students to discover how to harness energy from a
solar source. It will illustrate information about how these types of clean energy
sources can be produced and have real application. Through the students research
they will find different types of information on the benefits of solar energy that will be
applicable knowledge for future discovery about solar and other clean energy sources.
The under riding theme will be for students to self-discover the usefulness of clean
energy sources, and how we as a planet can use these types of energy to live in a
better world.
Background Knowledge: (What do students need to know to complete this lesson)
How to work together with group members to solve a question.
How to create a testable experiment, with support and guidance.
How to align their experiment with their predictions.
How to adapt to changing scenarios or obtaining new information that requires
changes to occur.
How the Suns energy travels to Earth.
How to perform an experiment based on their own research findings.
Misconception: (what possible misleading thoughts might students have?)
Creating a solar cell will require expensive materials that I am not capable of
obtaining in the classroom.
The students experiments will not work if the sun is not out, therefore solar
energy is not effective unless the sun is out all day.
Fossil fuels are required to produce the materials needed to create solar cell and
Producing solar energy materials produces toxic hazards to the environment.
Solar energy is unreliable and needs to have a reliable fossil fuel backup source.
Process Skills: (what skills are you introducing or reinforcing: ex: observation
reinforcing; prediction - introducing.)

o Students will take part in active research techniques as a group using both
print and web based resources to help them discover how they can
construct a solar cell capable of harnessing the suns energy.
Note taking
o Students will need to take detailed notes throughout the project to ensure
they are following a concrete thought process, and do not become
distracted or create unsupported predictions.
o After researching the groups will collaboratively come up with a prediction
to answer the inquiry question, and set them up to begin constructing and
o Students will use what provided materials they need to construct and then
perform experiments with a solar cell.

o Students will use their research findings and performed experiment to

inform the class of their predication, experiment process, and final findings
and conclusions.
o Students will individually write a short summary of their experiences
during the project and what they discovered as a result. The student will
also give feedback about the project in an anonymous format as a
summative assessment.
Safety: (what safety rules and items need to be addressed?)
If the electric burner needs to be used, it may only be done by the teacher.
o Students will need to observe and take notes at the table, and fully wait
for the materials to cool before handling.
If students need to scrub or remove any materials caused by heat, they will
need to wear safety gloves and safety glasses.
Whenever handling sharp materials or powders students must always be
wearing safety gloves and safety glasses.
The teacher will need to observe when students are ready to transition from
research to construction/experiments to ensure they are using the correct safety
The teacher will verbally go over these expectations with the full class
Inquiry Questions: (testable in the here and now.)
1. (to explore) Is it possible to construct a solar cell capable of producing
2. (to elaborate) What are other ways that solar energy could be used at our
school? What, Why, and How?
Key vocabulary: (list and define)
Materials: (list item and possible
1. Energy power derived from the
1. Safety Gloves 1 pair for each
utilization of physical or chemical
resources, especially to provide light and
Safety Glasses 1 pair for each
heat or to work machines.
2. Justification the action of showing
Copper sheet 5x5 inch squares,
something to be right or reasonable.
approximately 50
3. Predict say or estimate that (a
Alligator clips approximately 50
specified thing) will happen in the future
5. Microampere meter minimum of 5
or will be a consequence of something.
6. Electric stove top/hot plate 1
4. Solar of, relating to, or determined by
7. Water
the sun.
8. Salt
5. Solar Energy radiant energy emitted
9. Sandpaper 2x2 squares,
by the sun.
approximately 50
6. Solar Cell - a device converting solar
10. Metal shears minimum 6
radiation into electricity.
11. Plastic cups approximately 50
12. Aluminum foil
13. Black paint
14. Paint brush minimum 10
15. Cellophane wrap
16. Empty plastic bottles variety of
sizes and shapes, total of 30

17. Cardboard boxes to be cut up

and used as needed (teacher will cut)
18. Box cutter 1
19. Light bulb 4-5 different varieties
20. Styrofoam sheets variety of
shapes and sizes to be cut into
smaller pieces
21. Styrofoam cutter (for teacher to
use) - 1
22. Pencils
23. Science notebooks
24. Chromebook (digital research)
25. Long tables seats 8-10 students
26. Chairs one for each student
27. Google Classroom (on-line)
Engage - In this section you should activate prior knowledge, hook student
attention, pose a question (IQ#1) based on your lesson objective that students
will seek to answer in Explore.
Teacher Will: (hook)
Students Will:
Turn the lights off in the classroom and
Answer questions when called on by
ask the students, where do they think
the teacher.
the electricity needed to run these lights Sit quietly and think deeply about the
come from?
Cold call on 2 or 3 students and get an
Write down their initial reactions to
idea of where they think the electricity
IQ#1 in their science notebooks.
comes from.
Briefly explain the different types of
energy that we use to produce
Ask the class IQ#1, Is it possible to
construct a solar cell capable of
producing electricity?
Have the student write down their initial
thoughts about this inquiry question in
their science notebooks.
o Students should use the best note
taking system for displaying their
prior knowledge (short paragraph,
KWL chart, etc.).
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation and Teacher Notes
If students are having trouble coming up with answers when being cold called, you
can ask for volunteers.
Start the lesson by outlining expectations for classroom behaviors. Continue to
remind the class of these norms throughout the lesson.
If ELL students are having trouble writing in their science notebook, encourage
them to draw pictures instead.
Outline different note taking strategies if the students are having trouble coming up
with them on their own. You can ask for student input to help compile this list if

Explore - In this section students should take the lead and actively use materials
to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in
Engage. Teachers may choose to give steps to follow, especially for younger students,
but the goal is for students to discover some or all of the sub-objectives of the lesson.
Teacher Will: (pose IQ #1)
Students Will: (list all steps)
The teacher will put students into groups Students will begin by conducting
of 3-4.
research on their Chromebook using
the provided websites on their
Then pose the question again, Is it
Google Classroom.
possible to construct a solar cell capable
o Using these web resources,
of producing electricity?
they will take detailed notes
Inform the students to first conduct
when they find information that
research and then build their
could help them answer the
inquiry question.
The teacher will have all of the available
Students will then begin to make
materials for their construction on a
predictions based on the proposed
table, and students must ask before they
model they have come up with as a
use or take any of these supplies.
Ensure students are always using safety
supplies when constructing their project. Once a prediction and model have
been agreed upon it must receive
Scaffold students with prompting
approval from the teacher.
questions throughout to ensure they are
o The teacher may ask students
staying on task, and are able to arrive at
to reevaluate or further
answering our big question. (example:
investigate an idea or process
Why does that work?, What do you think
before continuing
this means toward energy as a system?,
Once the students have teacher
approval they can select the
Observe the progress of students and
necessary supplies from the supply
intervene when necessary to encourage
desk to conduct their experiment.
students to stay on pace with the
o The teacher will help students
use any dangerous materials
Students must wear safety
equipment at all times
Students will construct their models
following what they have outlined in
their science notebooks.
Once constructed students will use
the windowsill (or other access to
direct sunlight) to see if their solar
cell is able to conduct electricity.
With guidance and support from the
teacher, students can test to see if
they are able to illuminate a light
bulb, and test to see if some work
over others.
Students will write down their

process and conclusions in their

science notebooks.
o They will use these as guides
to help them explain to the
class their findings.
Students will end the experiments
with different findings. Some will
have working models others will not.
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation and Teacher Notes
If the students are not working well in the assigned groups, the teacher may
consider switching them to a new group.
If students are struggling with finding research sources, have a list of web pages
available for them to investigate further. Set this up through Google Classroom, or a
similar service.
Allow students to conduct their experiments multiple times, and allow them to work
at their own pace. Do not rush students through their problem solving and inquiry
When grouping students ensure to have a variety of students in each group. Allow
them to help each other in areas of need.
If students are not using the supplies responsibly or in accordance with the norms
established, you will need to reestablish these expectations to avoid issue.
Explain In this section students share what they discovered, teacher connects
student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations, students
articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the lesson sub-objectives
by answering the question from Engage before moving on.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Bring the students back together as a
Present their findings and
whole class to begin presentations.
conclusions to the class.
o Begin with what their
Allow each group to present for
prediction was.
approximately five minutes.
o Next how they chose the
After each presentation allow for the
approach their project.
class to discuss and ask questions of the
o Display for the class what their
presenting group (i.e., How did you find
project looks like
that idea? Why did you do it that way?
o Explain how it performed, and
how it matched with their
Keep questions and presentations
focused as to not waste time.
o Explain their conclusions to the
Have students take notes in their science
notebooks about things they learned
o Answer any question posed by
from their classmates presentations.
the class or teacher.
When not presenting the students
will take notes about their
classmates findings. Taking note of
anything interesting or different from
their own findings.
o Write down questions and

comments for the question and

answer portion of the
Be respectful of others and follow the
class norms for presentations
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation and Teacher Notes
During the presentations make sure that each student in the group has the
opportunity to speak.
If the student has trouble speaking (ELL or special needs) allow them to still be an
integral part of the presentation. The teacher might need to assist these groups in
dividing up responsibilities.
Remind students of the norms of the classroom, so there is no disrespectful
Make sure that no one presentation runs too long, but do not rush students
Make sure all feedback is constructive and never demeaning to a groups findings or
Elaborate In this section students take the basic learning gained from Explore and
clarified in Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of
this learning at a deeper level. Students should be using higher order thinking in this
stage. A common practice in this section is to ask a What If? question. IQ #2
Teacher Will: (pose IQ #2)
Students Will:
Ask the class, What are other ways that Use their science notebooks to
solar energy could be used at our
document their answers to the IQ#2.
school? What, Why, and How?
Discuss with their group members
Ask students to discuss in their groups
what could be some potential usages
what might be some answers to this
for solar energy.
questions. Also encourage them to come Come up with some questions as a
up with questions of their own for class
group that can be used for a full class
Have the students write down these
During full group discussion:
answers and findings in their science
o Present what the group had
come up with based on IQ#2.
Have the students review their research
o Answer questions asked by
findings to help them establish deep
levels of thinking about the question.
o Be respectful of everyones
Hold a full class discussion where
ideas and opinions.
students share out their findings, and
o Back up all claims with factual
ask further investigation questions that
evidence found during
may have come up in their small group
o Elaborate fully on all questions
o Make sure students reply with
o Pose further questions that the
deep thoughtful answers.
group felt was important.
o Provide prompting questions that
Use their science notebooks during
will get students to think in a
full class discussion to take notes and
Futures Thinking approach.
write further inquiry questions.
(example: What do you think

would happen if we only used solar

energy in our future? Or What can
you see as some impacts of using
solar energy going forward?)
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation and Teacher Notes
If a student is unable to elaborate on their answers allow for classmates to
volunteer to help them think of solutions.
Allow for the class discussion to be student run, with the teacher acting just as a
guide to keep things moving and on track.
Continue to monitor classroom norms for respectful behaviors and rich discussion.
Evaluate In this section every student demonstrates mastery of the lesson
objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content). Because this also
serves as a closing, students should also have a chance to summarize the big
concepts they learned outside of the assessment.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Ask students to write a short lab report Independently write a lab report in
in their science notebooks that
their science notebooks following the
summarizes their research findings,
outline the teacher prompts.
how they came to their prediction, why Put forth effort to articulate their
they used the experiment materials
writing the best they can to convey its
they did, explain their experiment,
elaborate on their conclusions, and
Use all the notes and findings from
include new ideas they want to
their science notebook to construct a
investigate further.
well written lab report.
Remind students to reference IQ#1
Once completed the student will fill out
and IQ#2 when writing their
a lesson evaluation anonymously.
When the student completes their lab
write up, the teacher will pass out a
paper in which the student is able to
evaluate the lesson.
Closure: (revisit objective, IQs and make real world connections)
The teacher will begin by seeing if any students have further questions or comments
they want to share with the class. Following any further discussions, the teacher will
explain how solar energy is a great way to harvest electricity for use in everything we
do. As illustrated by the class, it is possible to construct solar cells easily, and when
put into a large level production with the resources to do so we can help move away
from non-renewable energy and toward renewables. The teacher can explain how
everything in the classroom and/or school could be powered by a renewable resource
if the infrastructure is created. Allow students to ask any questions they may have
about renewable energy and allow for a class discussion to develop. Allowing students
to see that they were able to create a renewable energy source from the sun should
gain them new confidence in further investigating what renewable resources are, and
how we can use these resources and why we would want to make the switch.
Referencing back to the inquiry questions it will become clear for the students that it is
possible to construct something capable of harnessing the energy from the sun to
create electrical power. Elaborate further on how this could be used in the students
everyday lives. Ask them to think about what in their homes uses electrical energy,

and how they would be able to power all of those things renewably by using resources
such as solar power.
SOA Make suggested edits to build a better lesson.
Evidence that feedback was used to edit and improve the lesson.
Best Practices List the Best Teaching Practices you will use. List the
section, how the practices will be used and the purpose.
Best Practices Listed along with section (engage, explore etc.)
How the practice will be used and the purpose of.

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