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Transmission - Abis Interface (4)

Abis over IP Performance Monitoring

- L01057:BSC_LGCPORT_TXDROPPACKETS: Number of Packets Discarded on a Logical Port due to congestion
- L01055:BSC_LGCPORT_TXPACKETS: Number of Packets Sent on a Logical Port
- L01061:BSC_LGCPORT_MEAN_TXRATE: Average Throughput of Packets Sent on a Logical Port
- BANDWIDTH: Bandwidth of the Logical Port [32kbps] (ADD LOGICALPORT)


- VS.ANI.IP.FailResAllocForBwLimit: Number of Failed Resource Allocations Due to Insufficient Bandwidth on the IP
Transport Adjacent Node
- VS.IPPATH.Fwd.Cong: Number of Forward Congestions on the IP Path
- VS.IPPATH.Fwd.Cong.Dur: Duration of Forward Congestion on the IP Path
- VS.IPPATH.Bwd.Cong: Number of Backward Congestions on the IP Path
- VS.IPPATH.Bwd.Cong.Dur: Duration of Backward Congestion on the IP PATH
- OS.ANI.IP.AllocedFwd: IP Path Forward Bandwidth Allocated to IP Transport Adjacent Node
- OS.ANI.IP.AllocedBwd: IP Path Backward Bandwidth Allocated to IP Transport Adjacent Node
- TXBW: Forward Bandwidth: Transmit bandwidth of IP path (ADD IPPATH)
- RXBW: Backward Bandwidth: Receive bandwidth of IP path (ADD IPPATH)
For internal use
Nokia Siemens Networks

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Transmission - Abis Interface (5)

Abis over IP IPPM (IP link Performance Monitoring)
The quality of an Abis IP link can be monitored through the IPPM function. Enable this through MML command: ADD IPPM
(BSC6000), ACT IPPM (BSC6900). The IPPM is a method to check the IP transmission quality. In this method, the forward
monitoring (FM) and backward reporting (BR) messages are used to check the transmission quality of IP paths.
- The monitor periodically sends FM messages to indicate number of outgoing packets, number of bytes, and sending time.
- The peer responds with BR messages after receiving the FM message to report number of received packets, number of
received bytes, the receiving time of PM message and the sending time of BR response.
- The sender calculates packet loss rate, transmission delay and jitter according to the BR response from the receiver.
- L01033:IPPM_FORWARD_DROPMEANS: Average IPPM Forward Packet Loss Rate
- L01034:IPPM_FORWARD_PEAK_DROPRATES: Maximum IPPM Forward Packet Loss Rate
- L01035:IPPM_RTT_MEANS: Average RTT Delay of an IPPM Link
- L01032:IPPM_MAXRTTDELAY: Maximum RTT Delay of an IPPM Link
- VS.IPPM.Forword.DropMeans: Average Forward Packet Loss Rate of IPPM
- VS.IPPM.Forword.Peak.DropRates: Peak Forward Packet Loss Rate of IPPM
- VS.IPPM.Rtt.Means: Average RTT Delay of IPPM
- VS.IPPM.MaxRttDelay: Maximum RTT Delay of IPPM
- DSP IPPMLNK: An OM command that queries the information on the received and transmitted packets of the IP PM link

For internal use

Nokia Siemens Networks

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Transmission - Abis Interface (6)

Capacity optimisation methodology
Abis over TDM
1. In case of Fix Abis, if Utilisation meets the set thresholds (e.g. 80%) then check Fix Abis configuration:
- MPMODE: Multiplexing Mode: Specifies the multiplexing mode of signalling timeslots over Abis. Values: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1,
5:1, 6:1, 16K. (Certain rules apply for each multiplexing mode, check parameter description first.)
Increase of MPMODE, e.g. from 1:1 to 4:1 can free additional Abis TS for TCHs. Modes 5:1 and 6:1 can only be used in
Flex Abis.
- FIXAPALT and FIXABISPRILDTHRED (BSC6000): these two parameters decide the load threshold on Fix Abis above
which HR channels are assigned; consider reduction of the parameters in order to assign HR channels earlier.
- FLEXABISMODE: Flex Abis Mode: Specifies the working mode of Abis. Values: FIX_ABIS, FLEX_ABIS, SEMI_ABIS
(SemiSolid indicates that the Fix Abis is used in the BTS. All its upper-level BTSs use Flex Abis.)
- If the highest Multiplexing Mode is used and still Utilisation is high, check the transmission plan: re-arrange chains and
sites if possible.
- If Utilisation is constantly very high (close to 100%), a change in Abis transmission mode from Fix to Flex will not brink
significant benefits; it will probably result in congestion in Flex Abis mode.
- Add E1.
2. In case Flex Abis is in use, if blocking counters are not null or utilisation counters are high, check Flex Abis configuration:
- MPMODE: check if there is room to increase the value to 6:1, thus freeing some additional TSs for TCHs.
- FLEXAPALT and FLEXABISPRILDTHRED (BSC6000): these two parameters decide the load threshold on Flex Abis
above which HR channels are assigned; consider reduction of the parameters in order to assign HR channels earlier.
- TDMCONGTH (BSC6900): Congestion remain ratio. If the ratio of available TDM bandwidth is less than or equal to this
value, congestion control (LDR - see next slide for brief description) is triggered. Usual value 15%.
- Check the transmission plan: re-arrange chains and sites if possible.
- In case that only a portion of the E1 timeslots are flex TSs, investigate the possibility to increase the percentage of flex
TSs in use before adding a new E1.
- Add E1.
For internal use
Nokia Siemens Networks

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Transmission - Abis Interface (7)

Capacity optimisation methodology
Abis over IP
1. In case of Abis over IP, if blocking counters are not null:
check congestion trigger and clear thresholds in the logical port (BSC6000):
- LPNCONGBW: Congestion Bandwidth Threshold [%], usual value 85%. Above this value LDR actions are triggered.
- LPNCONGCLRBW: Congestion Clear Bandwidth Threshold [%], usual value 75%. Below this value LDR stops.
check congestion trigger and clear thresholds in the IP Path (BSC6900):
- FWDCONGBW / BWDCONGBW: Forward / Backward congestion threshold, usual value 85%.
- FWDCONGCLRBW / BWDCONGCLRBW: Forward / Backward congestion clear threshold, usual value 75%.
LDR (Load Reshuffling algorithm) performs some actions in order to relieve congestion. These actions are:
1. PS service rate decrease
2. Allocate half-rate channels to newly-accessed MSs requesting CS services
3. Limit AMR rate for MSs in CS services
4. Handover of MSs in CS services from the full-rate channel to the half-rate channel
The order of actions to be performed is controlled through the MML command: SET LDR
2. Check if ABIS_MUX feature is enabled. ABIS_MUX improves IP transmission efficiency:
- ABISMUXFLAG (BSC6000): Abis MUX Global Enable Switch; value=ENABLE
- MUXTYPE (BSC6900): IP MUX Type; value=ABISMUX
3. Increase Abis bandwidth if nothing of the above improves the situation.

For internal use

Nokia Siemens Networks

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