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Fs Second Grade
May 2, 2016

This Week
May 5Professional
No school

Specials Schedule
Day 1 - ART
Day 2 - MUSIC
Day 3 - PE
Day 4 - HN

Daily Schedule
Lunch 11:45-12:30
Specials - 8:55-9:40
FLES - Mon., Thurs.,

This week we will be reading Unit 6 Week 1 Just Like

Josh Gibson .
This is crunch time for Young Authors completion. I will be sending home periodic updates on what
your child is missing that they can make up at home.
The book is not mandatory so if you and your child
choose to not participate then that is acceptable.
Our next Study Trip will be to the Wilhelma Zoo.
When we get final approval of the date, I will send out
the permission slips
Our new math program differs slightly from
the previous years. There is more of a focus on Math
stories and problem solving using a strong understanding of the Base 10 System. These concepts require a
foundation of skill fluency in addition, subtraction and
grouping. While we do practice our basic facts in class
there is not enough time to practice to fluency.
MobyMax is the perfect program to practice and reinforce skills and also to fill in the gaps, in other words
opportunities to learn that your child may have missed
due to absences, family travel or PCSing. Please see
that your child completes their 10 minutes of
MobyMax Monday through Thursday evenings. For the
next week please sit with them and see that they are
actually reading the lessons. MobyMax is programmed
to assign your child concepts that they have not yet
mastered. If your child simply clicks through the lesson without reading and understanding it then they will
not be able to progress through the program and learn
all the needed second grade skills.

Enrichment activities (NOT

Due by Friday

Take a practice spelling

quiz with a family member.
Bring it in to me.
Write 3 sentences using:
there, their and theyre
Write a five sentence minimum paragraph report on
Earth Day.
Practice your addition fact
Practice counting by 2sthrough 10s.
Write 10 pronouns.
And/or anything else creative you can think of!
And/or anything else creative you can think of!


Spelling M-Th

Read at least 20

MobyMax Math Practice 10 mins. nightly

Any unfinished class-


If you will be missing any days due to family trips then please contact me and the office via email.
Remember, the work to be done while on family trips is:

Write a (minimum) 5 sentence paragraph on what you did each day.

Complete weekly spelling homework.

Spend 10 minutes on mobymax.com if you have access to a computer.

Read independently a chosen book for 20 minutes (they can visit razkids.com
to get access to reading material if they dont bring their own book of choice.)

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