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Painting notes:

Shopping list for miniature painting:


o Sable brush (fine detail)
o Dry brush (couple sizes)
o #3 nylon brush (base)
o #4 flat brush (large areas/dry brush detail)
o Basic nylon brush for mixing paint
o #2 Sable brush (blending)
o Liner Sable brush (detail)
o Miniature sable brush (fine fine detail)
o #02 Sable brush
o #03 Sable brush
o #00 Sable brush
o Makeup brush for dusting miniatures off
o Brush soap!!! (and brush conditioner) Pink Soap does both (or use as
conditioner only)
Brush cleaner and restorer
o Acrylic paint
o Vellajo paint (for display miniatures you are NOT playing with)
o Game vellajo paint (for playable vallejo)
o Reaper miniatures paints (best overall)
o Reaper clears (paint type) brightens paints/glazing/inking
o Slow dry (slows drying process but evens blending and layering)
o Acrylic thinner (binder, thins out colors)
o Purified water with flow-aid (good with inks) 90% water
napkins (until I get a lintless towel)
good lighting (extra lamp like I have)
Magnifying glass (with stand or/until Optivsor!!!)
Poster tact (sticks to vitamin bottles for example)
Lintless towel
Color Wheel
Old toothbrush (for cleaning miniatures and speckling paint)
Sketch diary (notebook)

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