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Classroom Management Plan

1. Courses you would like to teach:

English Language Arts 9-12
2. Classroom Structure
A. General Floor Plan: (Sketch or link a drawing)

3. Classroom Expectations
A. Posted Classroom rules: (based on our notes)
1. Respect others.
2. Always put forth your best effort.
3. Only one person talking at a time.

B. How the classroom rules will be taught:

Addressed at the beginning of the year with reminders throughout the year as needed.
C. How will you TEACH one of your routines?

Explain routine. (Entrance, homework hand-in, exit)

Model the routine.
Practice the routine with the students/ put routine into use.

D. What will be your pre-correction reminders?

Verbal reminder
Eye contact with student who is misbehaving
Close proximity to the committing behavioral offense

E. What will be your correction procedures? (Fully develop this to include all steps including
the point that you would ask them to leave the room and procedures for that)
1. Pre-correction reminders
a. Verbal
b. Eye contact
c. Close Proximity
d. Redirect learners attention
2. Ask student to stay and speak with me after class
a. Discuss behavior and possible consequences
3. Remove student from situation
a. Have student take a new seat
b. Remove them from a particular group
4. Remove student from the classroom.
F. What will be your record keeping system?
Online log in gradebook for each individual student.
Jot behaviors down on paper if needed in between breaks.
G. What will be your follow up procedures?
1. Discuss behavior and consequences with student.
2. Email parents if behavior continues.
3. Get administration, counselor, or special education teacher involved if behavior
persists after notify student and parents.
4. Description of policies
A. Homework Policy

Homework will be submitted online before class unless otherwise determined.

If a student has problems or questions, they should come to teacher prior to

homework being due.

B. Late-work Policy

Students will have two full class days to makeup late-work due to illness.
Unexcused late work will be docked 2% for each day it is not handed in after the due

C. Tardy

Tardiness will result in the loss of 1 of 5 possible participation points for each day.
Extensive tardiness will be dealt with on a case to case basis.

D. Clothes & Dress

Students are required to follow school dress code in class.

E. Candy & Gum

Candy and gum are permitted as long as it can be concealed in a students

backpack or pocket.

F. Make up Work

Students will have two full class days to makeup late-work due to illness.
Unexcused late work will be docked 2% for each day it is not handed in after the due

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