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Abuse of Rights

7 general Houle v CNB (no longer needs to be

intentional can just be unreasonable)
1103 co-ownership
1168 usufruct
1189 right of way servitude; if it is too onerous for servient
1403 fear vitiates consent (objective, reasonable, abusive)
Troubles de voisinage
Art 7
Art 976
Art 990
Art 991 katz v reitz. Established no fault regime.
Examples of misuse of ownership:
990, 991, 982.
Judges will examine:
Behavior of parties (whether there is contributory fault)
Legality and necessity of expansion
Whether municipal by-laws are taken into consideration
The extent of injury
Katz v Reitz (excavation; neighbours wall falls)
Drysdale v Dugas
Ciment v St-barrette
Wallot v Quebec (Public interest of environment is greater
than limitation of ownership); There is no such thing as
absolute ownership. Ownership is being constantly modified
by Social exigencies (Marler in Wallot).
Sula zoning changes illegal; expropriation in disguise.
1601 injunction1
1603 damages
317 possibility of piercing corporate veil.

Right of Way
Enclosed Area
1) When the property has no public route to get to it.
Includes when there is already an established route
(evidence of efficiency Whitworth v Martin997).
2) When the property has access to the public route, but
this access is insufficient, difficult or unpractical.
Economic Enclave is recognized by Jurisprudence
(Yazedjian v Hassan).

Real Servitude v Personal Servitudes (Victoriaville (metro)

then Davidson right to take water).

Cardinal: par convention, une servitude

relle ncessite
deux fonds de terre
que les fonds de terre
appartiennent deux
propritaires diffrents
que les fonds soient avoisinants
avantage pour lun des fonds
oblige le propritaire souffrir
ou ne pas faire
nature perptuelle
o may also be a personal servitude or a
personal obligation; has important
implications for the new owners
o must be published (1182/2938).

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