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HDF 190:


Joshua Dera


Opening Statement
Section 1: Self Leadership
Section 2: Leadership Theories
Section 3: Inclusive Leadership
Section 4: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership

SLIDE #9SLIDE #11-12
SLIDE #13-14

Signature Strengths

Values in Action Strengths

Social Intelligence

I am Joshua Dera, I attend the University of Rhode Island as I am majoring in
Environmental Science & Management and minoring in Leadership Studies. The
reason I study leadership is to know what I am capable of as I learn more about
myself and my strengths. Leadership Studies is the most applicable minor whereas
my skills are useful past my college experience. My five signature themes are
Adaptability, Communicator, Include, Woo, and Empathy. Each theme represents
myself and my actions in everyday life. Adaptability represent me the best due to the
advantage I have for being confident in any situation. To be able to 'go with the flow' I
am able to adapt and overcome whatever is thrown my way while having the
confidence lead others in the right direction. Even though Empathy is my fifth
strength it is still prevalent in my life. Understanding others is a powerful ability from
forming relationships to harmoniously working in a group. With this, I discovered that
I primarily serve through Servant Leadership.


Outcome #6: Student will express a personal code of leadership / membership

Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experience: Day of Discovery collage
*Description Next Slide

One of the first opportunities in FLITE I had the opportunity to put a label on my person code of leadership was during our
Day of Discovery in the Memorial Union. Having recently been placed into our new teams the urge to get to personally
know everyone was a real struggle to keep back. The Day of Discovery was a perfect opportunity to connect with each
teammate at a personal level that most teams never reach. The one assignment for this retreat was to make a collage.
This collage is a depiction of me, my beliefs, and/or something meaningful. A tree represented not only for my love of the
environment but also my family and friends. My passion for the environment has led me and is currently driving me to get
my bachelors of science in environmental science and management. This tree represents my family and friends through its
roots. The roots show that while a relationship label might be a family member or a friend that there is so much more that is
never seen by others, hence the roots growing in the ground. The second picture on my collage is a skydiver there their
parachute is photo shopped out creating the illusion that they are freefalling. The skydiver, hypothetically if they did not
have a parachute, would only have tens of seconds to figure out a plan of action. Even though in reality this might not turn
out well the reasoning behind the picture is why it represent my top strength. While this might not be the most accurate
descriptive way to show my top Gallup Strength of adaptability there is a reasoning behind it. Having the ability to rise to
the occasion when needed no matter what the situation calls for is why I am an adaptor. While leading others you always
have to plan for the worst. When the worst does happen I have the confidence in my position to adapt and lead others. The
third and final image in my collage is a quote by William Earnest Henley stated in his poem, Invictus,
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
Once you become aware of who you are and the power you have, you have the ability to serve not only yourself but others
by creating change in the world and inspiring change in others as well. Having the confidence to adapt in any situation
gives me the confidence to lead others in the right direction. This activity was a perfect opportunity to find my personal code
of leadership. See evidence #6

Leadership Theory and Models
(1 Highlighted outcome)

Outcome #40: Student will show knowledge of the Relational Leadership model
by Komives, McMahon & Lucas
Target Class: HDF 190
*Description Next Slide

In FLITE, learning the Relation Leadership Model encourages leaders to be inclusive, empowering, purposeful, ethical, and
process-oriented. This stresses the importance of relationships amount all involved constituents in the process for
purposeful change towards the common good. In lament terms, if you think abut what you need to know, be, or do in order
to participate effectively in relational leadership. Seeing yourself as clearly as possible is one of the most productive things
you can do to become a more effective leader. This makes sense because if you do not know yourself then how will you
relate yourself to others. The first leadership component is inclusive: of people and diverse points of view. If you know
yourself and others, then the beliefs that difference in people are valuable will help accomplish building collations. The
second component is empowering: of others who are involved. By knowing power, then the belief that everyone has
something to offer will aid in encouraging or affirming others. Having the individual commitment to a goal or position is the
third component of this model, purposeful. Understanding that the role of vision/mission, the believing that an attitude that
is hopeful, positive, and optimistic helps everyone envisions that vision. The fourth component of this model is ethical
where is driven by values and standards of leadership that are good in nature. Having the knowledge that the
developments of values will help set high standards of behavior for each person helps everyone trust others and being
trustworthy. The fifth and final component of this model is process-oriented which is how the ground goes about building
and maintain a team while accomplishing the groups vision. Knowing that the group process (team building, maintenance,
closure) then that will make one believe that the process is as important as the outcomes which allows for reflecting on the
process that was went through in order to get to their goal. Without relationships, this model would not be effective. Diverse
group members and their talents with the mindset of trusting the process will bring good is another important concept that
makes this Relation Leadership Model effective. See evidence #17

Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership
(1 Highlighted outcome)

Outcome #82: Student will describe personal examples of being a change agent
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experience: Leadership Ambassador
*Description Next Slide

Having the opportunity to be a Leadership Ambassador allows me to the change agent by making and
taking the opportunity to convince incoming fist year students about their possible involvement at the
Leadership institute and the minor itself for the next four years of their lives and beyond. To tale that they
learned that day and shared with others would allow positive change in their lives also. I know that there
is going to be students who are confused or causing resistance in the early stages of getting involved in
leadership. The self confidence I posses show to the student that this trust in the process will allow for
great character development. Asking question after question about everything relating to the minor and
the institute I had great patience to show respect and also understanding this minor can be quite
confusing. Not having been 100 percent comfortable with public speaking, I had to step out of my comfort
zone in order to tell these students about what great opportunity they can take here at URI. Transitioning
from high school to college is a life changing process. Relating to these students that I undertaken not too
long ago I have the ability to show them that there is nothing to fear. The vision I have for these students
within this minor can motivate them to do well. This is because I give off some much energy and
excitement about this minor that they know it is something special to look into. Risk is involved with
everything. Taking a leap into this minor is a risk but if there is trust in the process then there is only gains
involved with it changing the individuals future for the better. Creating change in all people involved in any
aspect of the process is the main driver of this concept. See evidence #14

(Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) (1 Highlighted outcome)

Outcome #123: Student will demonstrate proficiency in informative and

persuasive public speaking
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experience: COM 100
*Description Next Slide

The challenge of presenting information in front of various groups is a skill that I will use throughout my professional and personal
career. The goal of me, the presenter, is to connect or rather build a bridge to the audience to influence them about what Im going to
be informing them about. Using Aristotles three Proofs of Persuasion I am able to proper use of ethos (creditability or
trustworthiness), logos (logic, proper reasoning), and pathos (emotions or passion) correctly in my speech to best build that bridge to
my audience. My professor, Robert E. Burns, taught me the 7 Principles To Focus On For Informative Speechmaking Success.
These principles include: 1) Ideally, information should answer some state question or questions of the audience 2) Information
should be new or presented with some originality that surprised the audiences knowledge 3) The Information should be relevant to
my audience there should be personally value of what youre saying to the audience 4) Repeat the information so it will resonate
and sink in stress important points at least three times in a ten to fifteen minute speech 5) There should be organization in the
information intro, body, conclusion 6) With that bridge that is built, try to have some emotional impact to the audience with your
information and 7) Use information that can be associated with something relatable to the audience. With all of this information in my
arsenal I was able to present the informative speech for my COM 100 class about childhood communicative disorders. Having
countless hours or research and and interview with a speech language pathologist here at URI I was able to fulfill the element of
persuasion on ethos. Logos was reached when I dressed in an appropriate manner to that occasion. Pathos for the speech was
reached when I was able to drive the passion I have about communicative disorders into the audiences minds. The principles were
executed when I based the speech around What is childhood apraxia of speech and a stutter? What does that mean for me?.
Using those questions allowed me to have my speech formed around describing the disorders while giving advice what actions one
should take if they come in contact with somebody with a speech disorder. For the audience wanting to know more about
communicative disorders while learning the respectful manner one should approach someone with a disorder is the message I
spoke with passion that the bridge was built off of. Using these skills allows future speech making to become second nature to me.
See evidence #24

(Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) (1 Highlighted outcome)

Outcome #126: Student will show knowledge of preparing for and effective
answers in interviews (as the interviewee)
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experience: 2016 URI 101 Mentor Round 2 of Interviews
*Description Next Slide

In FLITE I am learning that preparation is a key component in completing the task at hand. Having been invited to
the second round of interviews as to become a URI 101 mentor for the upcoming 2016 2017 school year for the
incoming first year students the pressure was beyond belief. The email that was sent to the remaining individuals
stressed what to expect, tips for the interview, and important interview reminders. I believe that only the prepared
deserve to be confident. Under the What to expect paragraph, I should know myself, URI Academics, URI Social
Life, and the understanding of the URI 101 mentor role. I know how my Gallup Strengths and my VIA values
interconnect with each other and how they define how I approach each situation in my own unique way more than
filled the category of answering any question about myself. Actively participating in several URI clubs and
organizations fulfills my responses to what social life URI has to offer. Researching what the URI 101 mentor
position entails and the responsibilities they have again and again became second nature to me. Under the Tips
for the interview it states to be yourself while answering questions honestly. Even though honestly is my third
value, its a value I hold true to myself while knowing that if someone lies about certain questions about their
experience, etc. that it will eventually come to the surface. Writing down what I thought the critical information on
an index card to memorize even more was more than useful when the information on that card I used in
conjunction with different answers. Without the preparation and precautions that I took the interview would have
displayed my actions and goals as a future URI 101 mentor as someone who has no drive to help incoming first
year students prosper with their transition from high school to college life. See evidence #25

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