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EPC 1403

reflection 7

Classroom Management
During Wednesday 23th March 2016, I observed the management of my mentor teacher and
her way of dealing with each student in the classroom, the teacher used some useful strategies
to manage the students although she has some positive and negative reinforcements she used
it with the students. Most of the time the teacher treats the students with positive reinforcement.
One of useful tips I observed from the teacher is she prefers to clap her hands to grape their
attention for moving from another activity. All teachers should use positive reinforcement with all
students. Positive attitude is the change agent that will create positive classrooms and schools
that produce happy and successful students. (Allred, C, G. (2008).

The teacher used some strategies to manage the children. For example, there was one of the
students were so noisy and misbehavior, the teacher used some negative and positive
reinforcement with this child. In my opinion, the negative reinforcement is, when the teacher
treats him like the others because the teacher told me that this boy has a bad attention, he is so
hyper and he does want to learn. So the teacher should focus on him with him and try to solve
this problem with him. All teachers used same strategies in treating him. For example, when he
does not behave, all teachers punish him by lit him set in the corner and be quite for few
minutes. I think this is positive reinforcement because he was thinking of his mistake while the
timeout then when he joined his classmate he behaved positively. Also, my MST teacher used to
teach this child and some of the children like him separately to help them to concentrate and
understand more.

The teacher used some proper techniques to change the subject. She used to clap her hand
then the students stop what are they doing and repeat the pattern. The teacher used some
strategies that motivate children to be well behaved. For example, she praised the student who
was doing well and she used some items like stickers and stamps for those who were behaving
well, she always using stamps to let them make a good queue in short time, so the children were
so excited to get the stamps. Those are examples of teachers positive reinforcements.

Submitted by: Meera Almahri-H00330696

March 2016

submitted on: 27th

EPC 1403
reflection 7
In conclusion, the teacher is more positive when dealing with management issues, because
she was always using positive reinforcement with all students, although she punished some
misbehavior students like time out, I think that is a good treating because children learn from
that. Time-out from positive reinforcementstems from social learning theory and behaviorism.
Although there are many variations, it usually involves requiring a student to leave the group and
go to a remote area. (Kaiser, B., & Rasminsky, J. S. (2009).

Submitted by: Meera Almahri-H00330696

March 2016

submitted on: 27th

EPC 1403
reflection 7

Allred, C. G. (2008). Seven strategies for building positive classrooms. Retrieved March 26, 2016,
from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept08/vol66/num01/Seven-Strategies-forBuilding-Positive-Classrooms.aspx

Kaiser, B., & Rasminsky, J. S. (2009). Time-out, punishment, and time-away. Retrieved March 26,
2016, from http://www.education.com/reference/article/time-out-punishment-time-away/

Submitted by: Meera Almahri-H00330696

March 2016

submitted on: 27th

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