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Instructional Project 5 - LESSON PLAN

Date/Teacher Name - 5 points

March 24th, 2016/ Humeyra Gokce

Lesson Plan Type - 5 points

Discussion and Cooperative Learning

Grade Level and Subject/Topic -5 points

5th Grade-Science/ Metamorphosis

TimeLine -5 points
45 minutes

TEKS objectives (or other state objectives) - 5 points

5.10C Describe the differences between complete and incomplete
metamorphosis of insects. (Supporting Standard.)

Lesson objectives (written by teacher) - 10 points

I can differentiate complete and incomplete metamorphosis of insects by
checking the information giving at insect cards.

Materials - 5 points
Insect cards and picture vocabulary from STEMSCOPES.

Introduction (Set Induction/Anticipatory Set + Specific Content to be

taught) - 15 points

Anticipatory Set: Hook/Prior Knowledge/Focus:

3.10C Investigate and compare how animals and plants undergo a series of
orderly changes in their diverse life cycles such as tomato plants, frogs and
lady bugs.
4.10C Explore, illustrate and compare life cycles in living organisms, such as
butterflies, beetles, radishes, or lima beans.

5.10C Describe the differences between complete and incomplete

metamorphosis of insects. (Supporting Standard.)

Instructional Activities and Procedures - 15 points

Lesson Components:

1) Instructional Delivery (Whole Group Instruction)

Teacher will sum up incomplete and complete metamorphosis by showing

picture vocabulary.

2) Guided Practice ( Guided/Small Group Instruction)

Students will get a hand out about definitions about complete and
incomplete metamorphosis. First, each team will read the definitions and
they will discuss about the definitions. Then, they will guess the vocabulary
of this definition and they will write on their handout. Next, teacher will
project the correct answers.

Groups will do activity about metamorphosis. In this activity, students

determine the differences between complete and incomplete metamorphosis
of insects via a card sort. Students will sort the cards into two categories
according to the life cycles:
After students have finished sorting, they will fill in the T-chart on Part I of
your Explore Student Journal and list each organisms name under the proper
column. After the class discussion, students will make any necessary
changes. Then, student will illustrate the stages of complete and incomplete
metamorphosis on Part II of your ExploreStudent Journal.

3) Independent Practice ( Monitored Independent Work Time)

Students will answer a MOCK STAAR-2 question.

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction-15 points

Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in

Internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in
meaningful ways in speaking and writing activities that build concept
and language attainment.

Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic
vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.

Speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to
internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency
AND share information in cooperative interactions.

Evaluation (Formative and/or Summative Assessment) - 15 points

Checks for Understanding

1) Instructional Delivery

Teacher will do questioning.

2) Guided Practice

Checking answers

3) Independent Practice

Thumbs up/down

Closure - Optional/Bonus Points

Worksheets - Optional/Bonus Points

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