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Course Name:
Instructor Name:
Task Title:
Due Date:

EPR 2603

Course Code:

Language Arts

Liz Taylor
Coursework - Essay. Approaches to teaching reading: an insight
into methodologies used in an English Medium School

Week 11 - March 20th

Student Mariam Abdulrahman

Student ID: H00279153




Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late
submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3
days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness.
You are reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal
from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic
Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other
sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not
previously submitted this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on
my submission.

v. 2014-0515

Mariam Abdulrahman




Course Assessment/Student Details
Course Code:
Task Title:
Student ID:

EPR 2603
Language Arts D

Liz Taylor
Coursework - Essay. Approaches to teaching reading: an insight into
methodologies used in an English Medium School

Mariam Abdulrahman

Final Grade/Mark

Mariam Abdulrahman


Essay (Guided Reading)

Name: Mariam Abdulrahman

ID: H00279153


Mariam Abdulrahman



Guided Reading:
There are many types of reading approach like: shared reading, silent
reading and guided reading. I choose guided reading because I saw that my
MST was using this reading approach. Guided reading is about the teacher
support her students by putting the students in a small group and start work
with them by using a text or give each student one text or small card and
ask them to read it to help them learn how to read, make the students
engage and interaction in conversation that related to the text. (Using
Guided Reading to Develop Student Reading Independence, 2016)
The strategy for guided reading is teacher engage the students by discussing
with them the text during it or after finishing reading. Teacher discusses the
text to make sure the students understand the text. The activity for this
strategy that, (Read the question and answer) before starting reading story,
teacher will give each student in small group small card contain different
questions. Then, she will ask them look at the picture and say for me what
do you think the story is about? It helps them to engage during reading the
story. Then, teacher will start reading the story then, she will ask them to
read it sentence by sentence and she will listen and will correct the word for
them if they read it in mistake. After finishing reading, she will ask the
student to read the question on the card that she gave it for them and
answer it. (The questions are related to the story) for example: why this
person do like these things and Do you agree with him and why. Encourage
students to answer the questions help them develop their reading skills by
reading the text and speaking by answering the teacher questions also,
listening skills when he/she listens to the teacher questions and
comprehensions. (Blackall, 2002)
Bottom-up, Top-down:
Bottom-up approach is that the student learns the words by decoding it.
There are interactions between the teacher and students during reading,
asking questions and doing the activities. For example: In bottom-up the
students who are in low levels group don't know how to read some words in
correct way so, the teacher will sit with the students during reading the text
or story and ask them to decode the word that he feels that is difficult she
will help the students to read it in correct way and the students will try to

Mariam Abdulrahman



read it and she will give them a positive word (praise) like: good boy it helps
them be more interact with the teacher.
As skinner's theory, he said that: students want positive words (praise) to be
more interaction with other people like: teacher and students.

Top-down approach is that the student has a lot of information from their
prior knowledge and expectations. There are interactions between the
teacher and students during guided reading when she is discussing with
them about the story and ask them different questions. For example: when
the teacher put the students in small group and read the text from the story
for them and start asking different questions about the cover page which, is:
title, picture and author and other questions during reading and the end of
the story like: what do you think will happen now? Students will discover,
start thinking and imaging by themselves what will at the end of the story by
looking at the picture. This thing will help students to become more
interactive and engaging with the teacher during discuss about answering
the questions. During my teaching practice, I saw in library the teacher open
the story on smart board and she tells for the students that: I will give each
group a specific number and when we finish reading the story I will choose
one group then, I will ask them a question and they have to discuss together
to give me a correct answer to get one point and who will get more point will
take a gift then, she starts reading the story and the students are paying
attention. After finishing the story, when the teacher starts ask the question
and chose the group the students become very interaction with the teacher
to answer and they are excited to get the point. Library is a good place for
reading the books or story because there is specific area for reading the
story on the book or online from the computer.
As krashens theory when he said: Teachers have to provide a comfortable
environment for the students to make them be more interaction with the
As I saw during my teaching practice, my MST takes two students outside the
class to set with them and read the story. She just listens for the students
reading and corrects the word that he said in mistake without asking
questions about the title or something's happen during the story. When the
student finishes reading she closes the story and asks him to go to the class

Mariam Abdulrahman



without give them the activity that related to the story. I prefer that teacher
read the story with students in the classroom with each level (high middle
low). So, when I will use guided reading in the classroom I will give each
small group stories dependent on their level (Low Middle - High) after that, I
will discuss with them the story before opening the story we will discuss
together about the cover page then, during the story and the end of the
story. I will ask each level different kind of questions and I will do for them
different activities that dependent on their levels. I will support my students
to answer and reading the story and help them to me better. I ask students
different kinds of questions to make more interaction between me and the
students and we will discuss together it will help them develop their
comprehension and understanding what they are reading. (The guided
reading, 2002) As Vygotsky's theory (ZPD) he said that: students can do their
work alone or by helping.

After finishing story (Helen Keller), teacher gave each four students one card
that related to the story. She asks the students to read the questions and
remembered what happened in the story then, tell us about it. The students
were interactions during discussing the answer together.

Mariam Abdulrahman



The guided reading. (2002). New Zealand: Learning Media Limited.
Using Guided Reading to Develop Student Reading Independence. (2016). Retrieved
March 20, 2016, from readwritethink:
Blackall, S. (2002). GUIDED READING. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from myread:

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