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Abigail Ferro

Dr. Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1103
April 4, 2016

GMO Takeover in the USA versus the World: Why havent we gotten the Memo?

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms): The abbreviation for a group of words that has
taken over the food industry in the USA. While the population continues to consume all things

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canned, boxed, and packaged, they are oblivious to the fact that everyday our food is pumped
with hormones and drenched in pesticides. Without being educated in this topic, who would try
to avoid these foods? The answer is no one, because without knowledge of this GM food
industry, the population will continue to consume unless forced to do otherwise. The main issues
that surround the GMO culture that has been bred into our society are these modified foods are

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cheap and easily accessible. These two traits are very desirable for the average American who

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lives their lives constantly on the go. But harsh reality hits when a recent study showed that the
average adult eats over their body weight in GM crops every year (Huff). The foods such as
starches, grains, and soy are particularly the categories affected by GMOs. The average weight
of an American is 179 pounds and each year approximately consumes 193 pounds of GM
products and oils. With more new GM products about to be introduced to supermarkets all over
America, the numbers will only increase with time.

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What exactly is a GMO? one might ask. Paul Pechan- Author of Safe or Not Safe- broke
down what exactly a GMO is and how it can be over utilized in the food industry. Essentially,


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DNA of a particular plant organism is manipulated, and enzymes are cut in the DNA at specific
locations. DNA fragments from other organisms are inserted in place and this is how the
hybridization of the two plant organisms form. When talking about crop risk analysis and its
effects, Pechan studied the isolation of genes in plants and how the growth chambers influence

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them. Pechan worked on both sides of the GM industry- working for it in the beginning, and then
against it when he learned more in laboratory studies. He explained in Section 4.3 of his book.

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One of the key discoveries that allowed the development of molecular biology was the

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observation that certain enzymes can cut both strands of DNA. These enzymes are called
restriction enzymes. With the help of these enzymes it is possible to cut DNA at specific
locations. The resulting DNA fragments could be then rejoined using another type of enzymes
(called ligases). Indeed new pieces of DNA could be inserted between the DNA fragments and
spliced again together (108).
When Pechan was involved in the research, he was viewed as an antagonist to those in the
organic produce industry as he and his team continued to breed and hybridize these plants. He
realized that his studies may have been a more efficient way to grow crops, but not necessarily
produce a more nutritious food. Not only that but he saw GM fields growing exponentially and
the square area had already surpassed 110 million hectares. As a result, this meant the use of
harmful pesticides and herbicides increased astronomically as well. According to the World
Health Organization, each crop grows through an intense scanning and testing process before
being allowed on the market (WHO 2016).

So what exactly does a GMO do to the human body and what are its effects on the

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environment? I began to ask myself. To get to the root of the problem, I sat down with Kat and
Landon Eckles, the owners of Clean Juice, an organic juice and smoothie bar. We talked about
the culture of the U.S and how many Americans are unaware of the processes foods go through.
Numerous health problems such as obesity and diabetes have been increased tremendously since

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1996 when GMOs were introduced. Landon explained that while he was in the pharmaceutical
business, he did studies on the inclines of health problems and the direct correlation to
prescription drugs. He explained that they saw massive increases in medication distribution, and
believed it had ties to the turn the food industry had taken. There is a vicious cycle that comes
into play when you add GMOs to every food that is being consumed by our population, and not
to mention drenching products in pesticides- you can only assume that there will be
consequences in human health. He said. Taking this insiders perspective from the medical field

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only shows that doctors across the world are aware of the negative effects of these harmful

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foods, and they see the results in their pharmaceutical and medical studies.
If we even began discussing all of the studies that have been done in correlation to GMOs
and the human body, the research would be considered almost endless. According The American
Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), extensive research has shown that GMO diets
have been linked to immune system disorders, accelerated aging, infertility, gastrointestinal
problems and organ damage (Smith, Jeffrey). Not only are GMOs incredibly harmful internally,
but are affecting the environment in countless ways as well. When growing these crops, use of
herbicide is increases.

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Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on

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GMOs. Overuse of Roundup results in superweeds, resistant to the herbicide. This is causing

farmers to use even more toxic herbicides every year. Not only does this create environmental
harm, but GM foods contain higher residues of toxic herbicides. Roundup, for example, is linked
with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer (Smith).

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If the farmers are continually drowning the crops in harmful toxins, the toxin ingestion
rate will skyrocket exponentially in the human body. This will not only affect fields, but also
animals, plants, and humans nationwide. If these toxins are having such an effect on the USA,

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then the question is why have regulations been put into affect over the distribution and growth of
GM crops? The closest the USA has come as a culture to restricting GMOs was in California;
called Proposition 37. Never passed, because it meant extensive regulating and labeling GM

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products, but it is under review once again. GMO protesters eventually want this bill to reach
across the US far and wide, but until that time the biotechnology industry will continue to release
unnoticeable GMOs into the food supply (Tuff).

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What are other Countries saying about GMOs?

When GMOs were first introduced across the globe, there was a massive uproar all over
Europe. Riots broke out in Europe and the European Food Safety Authority tried to control the
stink created by the citizens. Its astonishing how the rest of the world reacted to such products
comparatively to the USA. In Europe these foods were considered something the scientists had
meddled with to create frankenfood. Despite the fact that GMOs have gotten the seal of
approval from certain scientists, an article from Current Biology, goes in depth on why
genetically modified organisms are banned and regulated in countries all over the world. The

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question that is raised is Why is it that every country has been able to steer clear of the products
with the exception of the USA? A well known journal, The Journal of Food and Chemical
Toxicity, released articles claiming that if rats were developing tumors, then these GM products
would cause tumors in humans as well. This set off a trigger of all sorts of protests and
boycotting, not to mention mass panic. The article continued to talk about how GM industries
were hoarding mass amounts of land- from 10% to a soaring 85% in the last fifteen years
(Martin, Cyrus).
Like Europeans, Americans have certainly been made aware of the criticisms lodged against

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GM food. Michael Pollan, for instance, through documentaries such as Food Inc. and several
articles in the New York Times, makes many of the same arguments as his counterparts in Europe
do. But for some reason Americans seem unconcerned, at least based on the labeling initiative in
California (Cyrus).

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So its been clearly made known to the US that GMOs are hazardous to the consumer but
there is a lack of concern in our culture. So while Europe has banned and strictly labeled GMOs,
the US hasnt even put a regulatory labeling process on the foods. This lack of concern is
irresponsible when dealing with foods that are drenched in pesticides because there is no way to
regulate the amounts ingested by humans. So why the difference in attitude? It was addressed
that the news media and press had a major role in the lack of acceptance of GMOs in Europe,
while in America the issue didnt become as pressing and not as many people heeded the
Even countries like Africa followed the patterns of Europe and fervently opposed the idea
of the GMOs industry takeover. In Robert Paalbergs article, GMO foods and crops: Africas
Choice He delved into the shortage of food in parts of Africa, and how agriculture is the

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livelihood of their economic system. So why is is that Africa treats the GMO plant with the same
skepticism that Europe does, if it would potentially mean more food and wealth? This is due to
the fact that Africa takes the health of its people very seriously, and does not condone the
consumption of pesticides to be a health benefit by any means. They have also been exposed to
the talk about side effects the media from Europe published. Many different foundations
influence Europe and Africas opinion on GMOs.(Paalberg). Each organization has been utilized

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in the press, coinciding with the different laws being passed regarding GM production.
Why GMOs Were Originally introduced
The initial creation of GMOs was actually meant to serve a greater purpose, and were not meant
to harm peoples bodies. GMOs served the purpose of trying to cure world hunger, which was
one of the reasons they were initially introduced. The creation of Golden Rice, helped people
yield large quantities of rice, and this yellow rice hybrid was actually used to improve
antioxidant intake by the people in developing countries. A group of individuals saw the deficit
of micronutrients in the third world countries and came up with the solution of Golden Rice. This
crop was made with GMOs but served the purpose of boosting levels of Vitamin A, Zinc, and
Iron. Not only did it create more provisions for those in India who were starving, but also aided
the people in getting the proper nutrition they required.
In this particular case, GMOs were praised for aiding the philanthropic issue of world
hunger. People from all over applauded this achievement, Including Pope Francis, and it was not
looked at in a negative light. Since this particular GM product was created to boost nutrition and
not hinder nutrition, it received a certain exaltation that not many other GMO based products
would ever get.

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So yes, it is true that GMOs can be used to benefit the population when created and used
in the right manner. But when the GMO takes over the food industry like it has, not benefitting
the health of others, and in fact taking a toll on body, thats where health critics, doctors, and the
general public should be concerned and not buy into it.

Why GMOs Have become ramped in US culture

Everything in the US has been emphasized to be bigger, larger, and faster from the food
we eat, to technology etc So when it came time to talk about food, it was clear where the issue
had been lying. Sure fast food has been an ongoing problem in our nation, but when GMOs are
not only put in the unhealthy fast food, but also healthier options such as fruits and vegetables,
nobody knows where to turn for natural options. Industries have found loopholes to claiming
things are healthier than they are. For example, in food markets a product does not have to be

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100% organic to be labeled as such. According to Organic Education, in order for a product to
be labeled organic it must only be 95% organic. If a product earns the title made with organic
ingredients it must only use 70% organic ingredients. These GM companies such as Monsanto

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have nationally taken over to produce a bigger crop yield to fuel Americas growing obsession
with food.
Taking Steps Forward

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continues to amp up portion sizes, crop size must go up as
well in turn cause the ingestion of more hormones.

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To take steps forward in the health and nutrition of this country, it is crucial to put in
place laws and regulations to better control the GMO growth. By monitoring this, it will help

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improve many aspects of holistic eating for those who chose as well as making others better
aware of the food industry. Starting the education process of food production along with GMO
awareness in the young generations of society will help the incline of organic eating as well as
avoidance of GMO infested foods.
As a community, it is crucial to support the organic farmers produce, and local crops
sold. By pushing GMO free products, we will be able to watch what we are putting in our bodies.
Cutting down on pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms will help reduce
risks of cancer, metabolism issues, organ failure and other side effects. Eating as generations did
before technology consumed the food industry, would be beneficial to put Americas health back
on track.

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Work Cited Page

Certified Organic Label Guide. Organic Education. Foerstel Design. 2016. Web. 4 April 2016.

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Cyrus, Martin. The Psychology of the GMO Current Biology. Volume 23. Cell Press, 6 May.
2013. Web. 12 March. 2016.


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Eckles, Landon, and Kat Eckles. Personal Interview. 29 March 2016.


Food, Genetially Modified. World Health Orgnization. World Health Organization. 2016.
Web. 4 April 2016.

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Huff, Ethan. Americans eat more than their body weight in GMOs every year, study shows.
Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 4 April 2016.

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Pechan, Paul, Ortwin Renn, Allan Watt, and Ingemar Pongratz. Safe or Not Safe: Deciding
what risks to accept in our Environment and Food. New York: Springer. 2011. Print.

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Smith, Jeffrey. 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs Institute for Responsible Technology. Wordpress.
Web. 4 April 12016.

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Ferro, Abigail

5/2/16 11:05 AM

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