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Unit Name: Personal Finance

Subject/Topic Area(s): Economics

Grade Level: 12
Time Frame: 2 weeks

Class Description/Developmental Needs of Students:

30 Students, all seniors. 26 Caucasian, 3 Asian American, 1 African American.
1 Student with minor autism and requires more time for assignments. She also has trouble reading body
language so it is important to be very direct and clear when speaking to her. 1 Student with anxiety, must be
allowed extra time for tests and assignments if necessary.
There is one EL who is in the country from Columbia who arrived in the United States three years ago. Her
mother is American, so despite her Spanish upbringing she has been speaking English her entire life. While she
speaks at a very high level she reads and writes several grade levels below the senior level. She struggles to
spell and her spelling mistakes are often a distraction in her writing. Also while she can read English it takes her
more time and often gives her headaches.


ESTABLISHED GOALS (State and/or National Content Standard (s)):
Common Core Standards
Key Ideas and Details:
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained
from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that
makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual
evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain.

Craft and Structure:

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including analyzing how an author uses
and refines the meaning of a key term over the course of a text.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity:

By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 11-CCR text complexity
band independently and proficiently.
No state standards for this unit
Students will come to understand the basics of
How financially literate are you?
their own finances
What steps can you take to ensure your
Students will understand why we pay taxes and
own financial future?
Students will understand how to save money
Students will understand how credit is earned
Students will understand what their financial
aid award letter means.
Students will have a basic understanding of
how to build a budget
Students will be able to build a budget and
have a working understanding of all its
Students will understand why they pay taxes
Students will understand how student loans
work and how to pay them.
Students will know how to build credit
Students will know how to get a loan and the
process behind it.
Students will understand how to save and why
to save


Students will be able to read economic

articles and summarize findings.
Students will be able to describe and
analyze the most basic elements that drive
an economy.
Students will be able to run their own
financial lives.






Finding a credit card
Students will do their own research through a variety
of credit card websites in order to get a grip for what
kind of credit card they might want. They have to
come up with three they would actually use and report
on their APR, perks and other benefits or costs. The
idea is to get them thinking about a credit card so they
can begin to build credit.
New York Times Jigsaw
They will be given five different New York Times
articles about either student loans or taxes and work in
groups to become experts. Once they have mastered
the material in their groups they will share it out to the

Small Test
Basic multiple choice test testing their general
knowledge of the unit.
Public Service Announcement
Students will create a PSA about an issue that has
arisen during the personal finance unit. For example,
the danger of not paying their taxes. They will write,
film and edit it in class and present in on the last day
of the unit.

SO you want to buy a car

Students will pick a hypothetical profession. Using
that base salary, they will go out and try to buy a car.
They need to find a way to finance it, insure it and
budget for gas, tires and other issues. At the end they
will turn in a worksheet with all of their information
and the total cost.
Building a college budget
Students will be given an excel with everything they
could ever have to budget for in college. They will
build a realistic budget based on what they think they
will spend in college.
Savings analysis
Students will go online to evaluate a variety of savings
accounts to see which ones appeal to them. Savings
accounts often come with checking accounts and are
not very good. This activity will force them to find
better options for them to save their money.



How financially literate are you. Pretest.

Credit and Credit cards (PPT)
Finding a credit card activity
Student loans and taxes (PPT)
NYT Jig Saw Based on Student Loans and Taxes
Saving (PPT)
Savings analysis activity
PSA assignment
Summative test





How literate are you


Credit and Credit


Welcome back from spring Lecture using slides

on how your credit
score is calculated as
Intro to new unit.
well as what your
credit score is used
Pretest will be done
for. Also covers the
individually on
history of credit cards
and how they can
have positive and
Results will be displayed
negative effects on
on the board and
your life.
discussed. This will act as
an anticipation guide for
After the lecture the
the unit as well as a check students are given an
for prior knowledge.
activity to be
completed on
To differentiate this pretest Chromebooks to find
is self-paced, simply
3 credit cards they
worded and has no correct would consider
or incorrect answers. My
applying for and
students with special
turning that in. For
needs will be given all the my SPED students,
time they need to complete the assignment is
the task.
heavily scaffolded so
they know exactly
what information I
am looking for
regarding each credit
card. Each question
has an individual box
for their answer and
hints to show them
where to look.

No class


Student Loans & Taxes

No Class

Bell Quiz:
Short quiz right when class
starts to test them on the
most recent material we
covered in class.
PPT and discussion on
Student loans and taxes.
The idea is to prepare them
for college, as well as what
will happen when they start
to make money. These only
cover the basics of both
topics, but are still crucial
to their lives moving
NYT Jigsaw
The students will be broken
into 4 groups and become
experts on an article about
a specific aspect of Student
Loans or Taxes. They will
then present their newfound
knowledge to the class.
For Sped: this is group
work on short articles.
Their group acts as a
support for their
understanding. The
presentations each group
will give are short on
concise, with the notes and
main point from each being
posted on classroom for

Study for bell quiz on
presentations for
all groups. 40
min class only!

Bellquiz on Student
Loans and Taxes
PPT on Saving. Why
to save and how to
Saving analysis
project: Differentiated
to Sped by, once
again, breaking each
question down into
manageable chunks
and allowing this to
be completed for HW
if not done in class.

HW: Study for

bell quiz

HW: Complete jigsaw for

presentations on Monday

HW:None if saving
analysis is completed.


PSA assignment
Introduce the project
Set benchmarks
Set pairs
Allow work time in class.
MUST prove they have a script
before they are allowed to work
on their video outside.

HW: Work on PSA/Study for


5/2 5/3
Review for summative test
and present PSAs
Summative test will take
place during the second half
of Tuesdays class. General
overview of all material
covered in the unit as well
as a short response question.


Describe how you anticipate measuring the effectiveness of this lesson in helping students meet the learning

Pre Unit:
I_am extremely excited about this unit. Its something I have been looking forward to teaching all year because
it is something the kids can really sink their teeth into and apply to their own lives. The biggest complaint I get
from my students is I will never use this ever again, and for once I know I have no chance of hearing this.
This unit is built to turn a few heads and get kids really thinking about preparing for their future beyond high
school. These are only the basic tools, but if I can convey their importance I might just make their lives that
much better in the future. I know that it is very direct instruction heavy, but this class loves to argue and discuss
and really get into topics, so the direct instruction is really half discussion every time. All of the assignments are
geared towards getting them ready for real life. Should be fun!
Post Unit:
If I take anything away from this unit, its this: making something that the students will relate to will hook them
better than anything else. I had a student driving between banks looking for the right credit card for him after
our discussion about credit and credit cards, before this moment that student barely had a pulse in this class. I
know that moving forward, any time I can get the students personally involved in the content I will be much
better off. All of the students really bought in to what I had to say and how it could affect them. It was
incredible to see just how little they knew about their own finances, and their desire to ask questions and really
understand was awesome. I hope to create another unit that goes down half as well as this one did. Not bad for
my first

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