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By: Mataya Tunberg

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein

Tenet: I possess the ability to stand strong and express my faith in all
Guiding principle: I strive to maintain a close relationship with my God,
follow what he desires for my life and abstain from that which he does
Illustrative Behaviors:
1.1 Diligently pray to God about everything. Know that these prayers are
a form of communication and through this process, God will show me his
aspiration for my life.
1.2 Be a positive representation of the life that Christ led, following in his
footsteps. Treating each and every human with the love of God.

Tenet: I conduct myself in a way that promotes well-being.
Guiding Principle: Do everything possible to maintain an overall health,
avoid things that decrease my well-being. It is expected that I respect my
body by only doing things conducive to the betterment of it.
Illustrative Behavior:
2.1 Avoid all mind altering substances including alcohol and drugs.
Meanwhile, educate others of the potential risks correlated with the use of
these substances.
2.2 Consume things that will only improve or sustain my well-being. Avoid
processed, unnatural or sugar enhanced food and drinks.

Tenet: Love every human being as I love myself.
Guiding Principle: Treat others in a way that reflects how I expect to be
treated. Express love to others in a way that allows them to know I accept
and respect them for exactly who they are.
Illustrative Behavior:
3.1 Show no favoritism towards people who I have a strong relationship
3.2 Selectively choose the words I speak to positively encourage others.
3.3 Include those who are likely to be excluded.

Tenet: Be consciously aware of the fact that every decision I make effects
another person.
Guiding Principle: Proactively consider the consequences of every action
before the action is conducted. All consequences, positive, negative,
intrapersonal and interpersonal, are considered in decision making.
Illustrative Behavior:
4.1 Make decisions that will harm others as little as possible, even if that
means it effects me negatively.

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