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Yoga and Its Relation with the Environment

As a man is just a part of the ecosystem,

he can rarely survive without the backup
and profound interrelationship with both
the biotic and abiotic factors of the nature.
Furthermore, we obtain all our daily needs
from our surrounding including recreation,
freshness, serenity and inspiration for our
thoughts. But contrarily, it is not
impossible that our self-interests to be
prosperous and wealthy would surely
fetch the day of doom at which we would
have no options other than repentance and
suffer to our worst.
In a situation like this, one could pose a
question- Is such only the consequence of our monetary attitude and exploiting inclination? That is not
entirely what we all could conclude at all. Another thing is no coherence and harmony between the natural
resources and the geometrically booming population. Until and unless the various way outs of the population
management are found, all endeavors of safeguarding environment would go in vain. For the solution, every
individual from every part of the world should have commitment of doing only eco-friendly activities giving
up trifle, mercenary and political interests and behaving all the creatures as their fellow beings in this
common spaceship the Earth.
To wrap up, humanity is on the verge of sinking and drowning; not so much by other creatures, but by its
greed, shortsightedness and colossal stupidity. If we fail to take decisive action, if we fail to bring about the
fundamental changes in our ways of thinking and doing politics, we just sink and drown. Each one should
believe, nothing is impossible to a willing heart. So with selfless and non-violent motives, both the
decision makers and the commoners ought to be united unanimously for changing this Earth into a haven.
Let us fixate our mental focus on Rudyard Kiplings environmental friendly poem The Dykes- which has
mocked at our folly of repetitive blunder time and again. Lets not do any more blunders of throwing an axe
into own legs. Lets get united and move ahead again to create a greener and cleaner community where all
the floras and faunas will have a serene playground for surviving. Why not raise voice for international
climate negotiations to collaborate with other nations to minimize GHGs emissions, stop ozone layer
depletion and save ourselves and other creatures from several hazards?
Source : Jkyog.org

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