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Your Name: Meghan Arellano

Genre of the Book: Multicultural

Book Title: Nino Wrestles the World

Author: Yuyi Morales

Publisher: Roaring Book Press

Date: November 24, 2014

1. Activity/Lesson Standards: Choose one [Clark County School District Curriculum Standards
K-2 grade or Nevada Pre-K Standards.] To find these go to www.csn.edu/education click on
Resources see curriculum choices on the left. Click on the links and locate the standards you
will use in your activity/lesson.
(2)6.6 write stories or other compositions [NS/PS 6.2.3]
2. Objectives: Write 1 objective for your activity/lesson from the standard you selected. The
objective must be observable one must be able to see the children perform the objective- list,
write, color, tell, show, select, etc.
Students will be able to create their own character based off the lucha libre history from this
3. Materials/Equipment:

List all materials needed for your activity.

Mask Templates
Hole Punch
Glitter Glue

4. Procedures: Use numbers, letters or bullets to sequence the teaching of the objectives and
the students participation in the extension activities. The procedures
section should explain the following:
I will remind students that fighting is inappropriate behavior while also asking if they
ever heard of wrestling before.
Do you know the translation for ___? What do you think __means? What would be your
finishing move?
I will ask if they liked learning about lucha libra, how is it similar to American wrestling
and how it differs?
Now explain the extension activity:
o I will ask the students to come up and choose their mask (2 choices)
o 1. Think of a character you would like to bring to the ring and then color your
mask to represent that character.

2. Write the name of that character on the back of the mask and what move you
would use to finish your opponent.
3. Cut the mask out.
4. Cut out circles/ovals for the eyes, nose and mouth.
5. Ask for the hole punch and make holes on the side of the mask.
6. Ask for some string and tie some to the end of each hole.
7. Talk about the character you created.
o To be able to create your own character. To be able to cut and paste on your own.
To be able to color your mask.
o We will discuss about the masks and what they represent and a reminder that
fighting is not to be done at any time other than a ring.
5. Closure:
Plan a closure that connects the story and the extension activity.
When Nino couldnt defeat Las Hermanintas, he decided to join them to
create a super tag team. Remember that we are a team as a classroom. So
instead of fighting with each other, lets work together to defeat the bad
guy (principal, other classroom, etc.)
6. Assessment:

How will the lesson objectives be assessed? How will we know the
children have achieved the planned objectives/standards???? [Checklists
or rubric are effective.]

Color in a Mask

Create a Character

Ill ask questions
during the reading, if
they can answer my
questions they will
earn the points.
If they color in a
mask and have it
represent something,
they get a point.
If they create a
character by writing
on the back the
name, create a back
story and a finishing

If they listen but
decide not to answer

If they look
distracted, bore
are doing other
such as talking

If they color in a
mask but dont have
it mean anything.

If they decide n
do the assignm

If they make up a
name but have no
back story. May also
have a finishing

If they do not c
character at all.

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