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Curriculum & Methods Modules Multiple Subject: PRQ Paper #2

Rosa Castillo

Discuss PRQ Paper {*2zlnwhat ways - through the classroom environment, student
motivation and instruction - can I engage and support ALL students in their learning?

It was a Thursday in a combination class of fourth and fifth graders. However, this was
no ordinary Thursday and the student's excitement could be felt in the air. The teacher had
promised the students a lesson in measurements and baking. That day the teacher had planned to
bake two cakei, a zucchini and acrumble cake. A11 the children were very excited about their

baking adventures; the teacher had brought all the ingredients, the recipes and even a couple of
portabte ovens to bake the cakes. As she began h6r lesson, all the students were able to
participate, in cracking eggs, measuring the ingredients and grading the zucchini. There was one

particular student that had been in America just over two weeks; he was from Vietnam and he
was not able to speak any English. The teacher had explained to the class how to use the cheese
grader; the children began to venture off. Just then, a shirk, a cry and blood. The student that had

recently moved from Vietnam had cut his finger in the cheese grader; he did not understand the
directions the teacher had given to the class.

This story is a true story and it happened while I was doing an observation for one of my
classes as a pre-requisite for the credential program. Currently in the United States there is a

variety students that come from various cultures and speak other languages. As a teacher this can
prove to be very challenging because if the students in a classroom that speak no English
communication will be difficult. Teachers also need to worry about meeting state and district
standards. For example under the Universal Access, the proposed goal for the education system

in California is for all students to receive

highly quality curriculum and instruction. Teachers

need to able to abide to this requirement, and regardless of the student's background provide

qualrty education and ensure the student's success. Thankfully there are ways that a teacher can


Curriculum & Methods Modules Multiple Subject: PRQ Paper #2

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make her instruction effective to meet all the students' needs. First the teacher needs to know her
students well. Second the teacher should create an inclusive by making instruction and
management modifications based on the students' needs. Third, teachers can create a classroom

environment that promotes positive behavior and enhances student learning. All these are
essential strategies a teacher should implement in their classroom.

The first strategy I can implement to improve classroom environment is to get to know all

my students and know them well. I can begin to know my students well, by gaining their trust
and by letting them know that

I genuinely care fo't them. If I am able to show my students that I

care about without any conditions they

will feel cared for, understood

and accepted. By doing

this I will allow my students to freely express themselves and be who they are with no fear of
being judged. There is variety of ways that
these ways is by assessing them;

I will be able to get to know my students. One of

if I am able to give my students avariety of



give me an idea of where they are as scholars. TPE # 8 mentions the following statement: "Using

formal and informal methods, they assess students' prior mastery of academic language abilities,
content knowledge, and skills, and maximize leaming opportunities for all students." Students in

my classroom will come with prior knowledge build, and as their teacher it is my job to
investigate their current level. Furtherrnore this

will allow

me to help them progress in their

education and excel as scholars. This brings to mind Piagets theory of constructivism theory on

cognitive development. His theory revolved around the notion that we learn through constructing
our knowledge, in other words as we continue to grow, we are building our cognitive
development. He started that all human beings have a foundation that is necessary to construct
out knowledge. For this reason it is essential that I know my student's along with their strengths
and challenges.

Curriculum & Methods Modules Multiple Subject: PRQ Paper #2

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Another strategy that I can implement to make sure that I engage and support all my
students my students is by offering them a differentiated, high quality curriculum. Furthermore,

this means that as an educator I understand that my curriculum needs to be tailored to meet all
the student's diverse needs for learning. This idea is based in accordance

with TPA#4,which

states that

I need to make contents accessible to allmy students. The first standard under TPA #4

states the

following: "Candidates incorporate specific strategies, teaching/instructional activities,

procedures, and experiences and address state-adopted academic content standards for students

in order to provide a balanced and comprehensivE curriculum." To support this idea Burden and
Boys in their book state that in order for a teacher to offer fair and relevant instruction teachers
need to offer a responsive

curiculum. The teachers


to do this by one using a fair and relevant

curriculum which means that teachers need to make sure that their curriculum is free of bias. As

well as offering their students district-approved curriculum that support their students' needs. In
addition the teacher should consider differentiating the curriculum materials. This means that the
materials used in class should be varied and should provide voices and perspectives of diverse

people. The second part of offering a high quality curriculum that is relevant to them is engaging
students. TPA #5 is all about student engagement in fact the title is "student engagement." The

basic idea of this TPA is to communicate instructional objectives to students, monitor student
progress toward academic goals, encouraging students to share, and use real-world examples.
These are just a few of the standards mentioned in TPA 5. There is a variety of ways

I can vary

instruction for my students such as challenge students' thinking and abilities. This means that as
educator I need to know where my students base knowledge is and challenge them to build on
that. According to Lev Vygotsky and Lawrence Kohlberg children have an intrinsic drive to


Which means that students will crave to build their knowledge, therefore it is essential to

Curriculum & Methods Modules Multiple Subject: PRQ paper #2

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"nudge students beyond comfort zones of learning into just enough cognitive dissonance to

facilitate growth." (Burden & Byrd, pg. 102) A strategy that can implemented in the classroom,
to enhance student engagement is having the students work in groups. This is a greatway make
distinctions ofinstruction more practical and efficient. Groping students will motivate them to
work harder when they are challenged and stimulated appropriately. Engaging students in
learning will help them to be better scholars, and they


learn to love leaming.

The third strategy that I can implement as a future educator is creating a supportive
caring environment for my students. In addition,lhe way students feel about their classroom
environment will reflect greatly on their performance. As a future educator I
a supportive, caring environment.

will strive to create

It is important, as mentioned in the "Reading and learning

how to read" book, that I validate each child's experience. There are several strategies I can use
to ensure that this principal is met, for example celebrating diversity. I will be able to do this by
celebrating diversity; each student's diversity is special to each of them as individuals. By
celebrating each student's own diversity I am giving value to who they of who they are and as a

result students will feel welcomed, understood, and accepted. Another strategy I can implement
to enrich my ciassroom environment is having high expectation for my students and believe that
they can all achieve success. As a future educator I cannot invest in something whole-heartily if I
do not believe in it. I need to have high expectations for my students and believe that all students
can succeed. It is important that as a teacher

I am to abide by this standard regardless of my

students' academic level and abilities. It is important that all my students feel they are getting an
equal chance of education and that they can be challenged as well. As a teacher I need to make
sure that

I encourage all of my students. I am sure that I will have students in my classroom that

are always excelling;

it is essential that I recognize all my students. I


it this way, each student

Curriculum & Methods Modules Multiple Subject: ?RQPapgr#2

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has a different ability to leam, and each student is reaching each academic milestone at their own
pace, as a teacher my

job is to ensure they are oogtowing academically." However, each student is

working hard to get where they are, some might get there faster than others, but they work just as
hard or harder to get there. This is why it is essential that I encourage all my students to be
successful. Students in my classroom will have a different foundation of knowledge and it is my


as an educator

to encourage all my students regardless of the foundation they may have. As a

matter of fact it is my job to continue building that knowledge and make sure I offer the
appropriate environment for



In conclusion there is no doubt that being a teacher in a diverse classroom can very
challenging, however there are strategies I can use to help in my student's success. I realize that
the more tools I have and the better prepared I am to help my students the better educator I
be. The key is to know my students,

if I do not know my



I cannot create a curriculum

that is based on their gradeJevel standards and tailor it to their needs. I also need to make sure
that my I create an environment where my students feel cared, understood and nurtured.

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Burden, P. R., & Byrd, D. M. (2010). Methods for effective teaching: Meeting the needs of all
student's (6th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc.
Piaget, J. (2003). Development and Learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,40, 58-

TPE Benchmarks, website : www.ctc.ca.gov/educator -prep/TPA-files/TPEs-Fu11-Version.pdf,
retrieved on 09 I l2l20l5
Yaca, R. Vac4 A., Grove, M., Burkey. L., Lenhart,L., & McKeen, C. (2012). Reading and
Learning to Read (gth ed.) Allyn & Bacon: Boston MA.
Vygostky, L.S. (1987). Interaction between leaming and development. ln Mind in Society: The
development of higher psychological processes (pp. 79-91). Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.

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