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Ryan Condron

Mrs. DeBock
English 4
March 17, 2016

"Group Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Other Trauma-Related Problems Primary Psychiatry." Primary Psychiatry. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
Social group is one the most powerful ways of therapy for a PTSD veteran. People have
said that some treatment for PTSD focus on social groups for the main thing for therapy.
Veterans sometimes doubt that some people do not understand what it is like to have to worry
about memories that have happened in the past. Sadly there are some veterans that are becoming
isolated from all outside world and not want to do anything with anybody or anything. The great
thing about social support groups is that they are trying right now to reconnect veterans to people
and talking to them about what is going on and whys they can help them come out of there
isolation stress.
"PTSD: National Center for PTSD." Peer Support Groups -. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
There many articles that have the information about how to help veterans but this is the
best one I found. The information form this articles says what therapy helps with different kinds
of PTSD symptoms. The peer support group has four or five types of therapy to help veterans.
The three of the therapy is cognitive therapy, is where therapist helps you understand and change
how you think about your trauma and its aftermath. In exposure therapy your goal is to have less
fear about the veterans memories. In exposure therapy that helps vets get to their goals.

"Vietnam War Veteran, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Military Veteran | Veterans

Organizations." Veterans Organizations Success Story Roy Comments. Web. 16 Mar.
In this article it talks about how a man named Roy went to war when he was in the army
at 18. Roy was a combat engineer for a long time, he was very scared because he had to watch
his back everywhere he goes. The day that came home he had many symptoms of PTSD and he
had to try to fit in with the world when he did not fit in. The way Roy try to get over PTSD he
became a talk show host for a radio station and a writer. Roy is getting better with his PTSD
stress that he had.

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