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Lesson Number, Grade Levels, Title,

and Duration:
Lesson Number: 2
Grade: 9th
Title: Finding Your Place
Duration: Three 50 minute class periods (One class to come up with an idea and research
advertisements, second to create their advertisement, third to finish up advertisement and
present them)
II. Lesson Rationale: In the preceding lesson, Whimsical Spaces, students will be creating
digital collages of creative and playful spaces that seem almost real. In this lesson, Finding Your
Place, the students will then use their collage image to create either a vacation destination
poster or a magazine cover advertising the place depicted as a "safe space". This lesson will be
dealing with safe spaces and and answering questions such as, what is a safe space? What
makes a space "safe"? Why would someone want to visit this place? How does this space allow
others to express themselves? Students will then post their advertisements on the website Issuu
to see if anyone from the website is interested in their safe space destination ad.
A safe space is defined as "A place where anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed, without
fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or challenged on account of biological
sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, age,
or physical or mental ability; a place where the rules guard each person's self-respect, dignity
and feelings and strongly encourage everyone to respect others." Teaching students about the
importance of safe spaces and acceptance of others is becoming increasingly important. It is
vital for the students to know that everyone is different, and that it is alright. There is no one
correct standard to conform to. Students that know what it means to be in a safe space and
promote it will be more accepting of others that differ from themselves. This lesson will also
teach students to be more aware of digital visual culture. The students will be able to
understand how to dissect these advertisements by learning how they are created.

III. Key Concepts:

The importance of safe spaces.
Creating a successful advertisement.
IV. Essential Question:
What makes your space safe?
Why would someone want to visit your safe destination?
How will you advertise to a large group of diverse people?

V. Lesson Objectives:
After the lesson the student will be able to construct an effective advertisement using the
website Lucidpress. The students will learn advertising tips that will influence their work.
Incorporating these tips will be an essential component of their final grade.
After the lesson the student will be able to identify what it means to create a safe space. They
will learn this by reflecting on spaces that they find safe and how others may feel welcome in
that space.
After the lesson the student will be able to advertise their safe space in the school and see if it
gains interest. This step will help the students to see if their advertisement was successful in
advertising a safe space.
VI. Specific Art Content:
Digital Visual Culture
Use of website to create an advertisement
VII. Resources & Materials for Teacher:
Digital Collage images
Advertising strategies
Examples of destination /vacation advertisements
Previous student examples
VIII. Resources & Materials for Students:
Digital collage image from previous lesson
IX. Instruction and Its Sequencing:
Day 1
1. Introduction/Motivation:
At the beginning of class I will have a series of advertisements for various locations playing
on the screen. Students will be asked to think about why they would want to vacation to one of
these places? What does the destination have to offer?

We will then discuss advertising techniques and safe spaces. These are needed to create a
successful ad using their collages from the previous project.
2. Guided Practice
After introduction activity we will discuss the project. Teacher will demo how to navigate
Lucidpress website.
Step by Step
1. Go to www.lucidpress.com
2. Type your email into the sign up free section, or log in with google.
3. If you log in with google click allow. If you entered your email in the bar click sign
up free and create a password and log in.
4. You will be directed to Lucidpresss Documents page.
5. Follow the step by step tutorial before beginning your project.
6. Once you finish the tutorial go to the Documents page.
7. Find the green button that says Documents and find the drop down arrow.
8. Click drop down arrow to create document from template.
9. Lucidpress has many different options to choose from, but for this particular
project we will only use a handful of them to choose from. From the options you can
- Block Party, Club, Cobalt Cafe, Heartland, Magazine Cover 01, Magazine Cover
02, Reflections, and Weekend away.
10. Some are formatted more complex than others, so when you choose your
template look over all of the components and figure out if you want to change where
certain words and pictures.
11. After you have thought about how you want double click an image to upload a
new one to replace it or delete a previous image and click the Images icon from the left
sidebar and upload a new one from there.
12. Once the collage image from the previous lesson has been inserted in the
template the way you would like either delete text that is unnecessary or replace the
words if you like the format.
13. If you delete all text boxes remember to use to left side toolbar to select the
Text option.
14. Put in the name of your new vacation safe space and a little description of it
somewhere else on the image.
15. Once all of the main elements have been achieved you can go back and edit
them in size and color to make your Ad look nicer and more appealing to your potential
16. You can use the left side toolbar for many other things like buttons for social
media links and other ways of contacting you. Shapes can be added.
17. All sizing and formatting related issues can be addressed on the right tool bar.
18. If something like text or image isnt sitting correctly on the image (i.e. either
behind or in front of something where it cant be seen) on the right side toolbar find
Layers and you can adjust how your texts and images and other materials are
overlapping in the image.
19. Save your progress frequently and once you are finished, so all of the work you
have done isnt lost.
20. Once everything is saved go to File and click Download As

21. Download the Ad as a PNG and a PDF. You will be downloading two versions of
the image.

3. Independent Practice
Students will then brainstorm and come up with a plan for their advertisement. Once
approved by the teacher the student will go to the website Lucidpress and play around with the
templates (or create their own). The student will determine which they will use for their final
advertisement. The student may also chose to use this class time to create more digital collages
for their space. The added collages must have the same theme and look as the first one. For
example, they can not have mountains in the first collage then desert in the next.
4. Closure
Near the end of class teacher will walk around the room and
What concluding event can I design that allows students to reflect on the essential question and
how the lesson helps to investigate the big idea?
5. Formative Evaluation
During class I will be actively involved in the students work. As they are researching or
figuring out the website, I will be available to answer questions and to help. If students are
creating more collages for their advertisement I will also be available to refresh their memory on
what we have previously learned. If students are asked multiple times to get back on task,
points will be removed from their final grade.
6. Classroom Management Procedures
I will keep the students on task by requiring that that bring a definate idea for their
advertisement before the end of class. If students finish early they will start playing with the
website, Lucidpress, and decide which template they would like to use.
Day 2
1. Introduction/Motivation:
Students will be asked to reflect on a place that they feel the safest. Where is this place?
Why do you feel safe here? How can you convey these feelings into your advertisement. Class
discussion to follow with ideas.
2. Guided Practice
I will present what it means to be in a safe space and show advertisement examples. We
talk about how it could be used
3. Independent Practice
Students will go through the tutorial that Lucidpress provides. They will pick the template
that they decided on and start or continue working on their advertisement. They will also have
time again to tweak their collages or create more. This work day will be entirely up to the
students to get whatever they need to get done finished. Remind students that they will not have
much time tomorrow to finish advertisement and that most of it will need to be fleshed out today.
4. Closure
Towards the end of class we will stop and have a group process discussion over how the
students are feeling about the assignment.
5. Formative Evaluation

I will again be walking around the room available for students to ask questions and
receive feedback.
6. Classroom Management Procedures
I will keep the students on task by walking around the room answering questions the
students may have and making sure they are working on acceptable parts of the assignment.
Day 3
1. Introduction/Motivation:
At the beginning of class students will have their nearly finished advertisements pulled up on
their computers. Students will have an art walk - walk around the room to look at each students
project. Once each student sees all the work, we will have a process discussion. What did you
see that was successful? What could be improved? Students will then have 10 minutes to make
changes to their work
2. Guided Practice
Teacher will walk around and discuss advertisement with each student. Student will
reflect on process. How do you feel about your advertisement? Why? What part of this was
hardest? What part of this was easiest? What was frustrating for you?
I will provide feedback for the student to finish their advertisement.
3. Independent Practice
Students will finish up their advertisement and print it out and pin it up on the wall and
present their work to the class. What is your slogan? Where is your safe space locate? Is it
real? Imaginary? Who is your target audience?
4. Closure
Students will then give feedback to those presenting. Once each student has presented,
we will return to our computers and post our advertisement pdfs on the website Issuu. Next
week we will return and see if the ads have gained any interest.
Step by Step
1. From now on we will be using www.issuu.com to further publish our images.
2. Create an account on Issuu and log in.
3. You will be directed to the main page and from here you will need to click on
Publish on Issuu.
4. Fill out name of piece and description.
5. Type in the day you finished the Ad as the publication date.
6. Do not click any boxes and leave publication visibility to public.
7. Click Publish Now.
8. You can now share your piece on Social media by clicking Share it socially.
9. Post will be checked in a week to see if your Ad has gained any interest.
5. Formative Evaluation
I will be evaluating the student's work and presentations. Fellow student feedback is
also important to their grade, they will be made aware of that. By this point nearly all of the
questions the students have had will be answered.
6. Classroom Management Procedures

I will keep the students on task by giving them a short amount of time to finish
advertisement at the beginning of class. During critique students will be asked to write, even if
they do not share out loud, a comment for each students advertisement.

X. Summative Assessment and Evaluation:

Assessment should align with the objectives and instruction. Consider multiple ways the lesson
might be assessed throughout its course. Allow the students to be involved in assessment. Be
sure to determine how progress will be reported to students, administrators (if applicable), and
parents. The student should be aware of his/her own progress. You MUST include the specific
assessment instrument (rubric designed specifically for your lesson/unit, specific checklist, quiz,
or exam, . . etc.) Turning an objective into a yes/no question (i.e., Did the student?) is
never an appropriate assessment method. Be able to answer each question:
What do I want to know?
I want to know if the student can create an appealing
advertisement for their collage and advocate a safe space.
How will I know it?
I will know this by polling students to see if the advertisement is
successful in critique. Also the student will present their advertisement to the
How will I record it?
I will record it on a rubric based on criteria that the students are
aware of.

Finding Your
Place Rubric
Use of Digital Collage
from previous lesson




Collage is not main

Collage is prominent in

Collage is very

focus of the

the advertisement but

prominent and is

advertisement. It is

there is still a

clearly the focus of the

and Design of

small and almost

disconnect to the text

advertisement. The


irrelevant to the

in advertisement.

collage is clearly


Design is nice but

linked to what the

Advertisement is

needs some tweaking.

destination the

sloppy and the design

advertisement is

was not thought out.

promoting. Design it
visually appealing and
works well overall.

Effectiveness of

Slogan is non existent

Slogan is there but is

Slogan is catchy and

or there is little to no

irrelevant to the

related to the

text on the ad.

advertisement. Text

advertisement. The

Student used no or

somewhat explains

text emphasizes the

only one

destination. Student

collage as a

advertisement tip and

used one or two

destination space.

it was non-successful.

advertising tips in a

Student used a

semi-successful way.

majority of the
advertising tips in a
successful way.

Advertising a safe space

Creating a safe space

Creating a safe space

Creating a safe space

is not mentioned at all

is mentioned

was clearly mentioned

in the advertisement.

somewhat but no real

in the advertisement.

connection to how this

Clear indication of how

space is safe.

this space is safe for


Presentation and
Discussion participation

Student presented the

Student presented a

Student presented in

bare minimum of their

good overview of their

depth about their

advertisement. Did not



participate in class

Participated some-

Constantly participated


what in class

in class discussions


during this project.

XI. Interdisciplinary Connections:

This lesson will be useful in a literature classroom. Coming up with advertisements with limited
wording will help the students to become more concise in their writing.
This lesson will also be helpful in future art classrooms when working with design.

XII. References & Resources:

List all references used to develop this lesson.
(1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and expands visual literacy
skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world by
learning about, understanding, and applying the elements of art, principles of design, and
expressive qualities. The student uses what the student sees, knows, and has experienced as
sources for examining, understanding, and creating original artwork. The student is expected to:
(D) make judgments about the expressive properties such as content, meaning,
message, and metaphor of artwork using art vocabulary accurately.

(2) Creative expression. The student communicates ideas through original artwork using a
variety of media with appropriate skills. The student expresses thoughts and ideas creatively
while challenging the imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort
and progressive problem-solving skills. The student is expected to:
(A) use visual solutions to create original artwork by problem solving through direct
observation, original sources, experiences, narrations, and imagination;
(B) communicate a variety of applications for design solutions;
(C) use an understanding of copyright and public domain to appropriate imagery
constituting the main focal point of original artwork when working from images rather than direct
observation or imagination;
(D) create original artwork to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impressions;
(4) Critical evaluation and response. The student responds to and analyzes the artworks of self
and others, contributing to the development of the lifelong skills of making informed judgments
and reasoned evaluations. The student is expected to:
(B) evaluate and analyze artwork using a verbal or written method of critique such as
describing the artwork, analyzing the way it is organized, interpreting the artist's intention, and
evaluating the success of the artwork;
XIV. National Art Standards
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
- Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers shape artistic investigations, following or
breaking with traditions in pursuit of creative artmaking goals.
- Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present day life using a
contemporary practice of art or design.
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
- Engage in making a work of art or design without having a preconceived plan.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers balance experimentation and safety, freedom
and responsibility while developing and creating artworks.
- Collaboratively develop a proposal for an installation, artwork, or space design
that transforms the perception and experience of a particular place.
Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.
- Apply relevant criteria from traditional and contemporary cultural contexts to
examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for works of art and design in progress.
Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
- Analyze and describe the impact that an exhibition or collection has on personal
awareness of social, cultural, or political beliefs and understandings.

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