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General Educator: Ben Wightman

Co-Teaching Lesson Plan

Special Service Provider: TBD

Note: To facilitate ease of tracking: first draft details are black, second draft details are blue, third draft details are
Subject Area: Library/Information Literacy
Grade Level: 7th
Class Description: Special Visit
Classroom Arrangement: Computer lab
Students with Disabilities:

Disability Classification

IEP Accommodations and Assistive

Thomas Jones Learning Disability
Processes broken down/checklist
Computer for writing tasks
Directions and passages read aloud
Maria Colon Speech and Language Disorder Processes broken down/checklist
Directions and passages read aloud
Pictures to learn vocabulary
Background knowledge instruction

Additional Modifications for

this Lesson
Individual check-in/prompt at
beginning of anticipatory set
and guided practice.
Individualized instruction
during input and guided
practice time
Alternate models

I. Preparation
A. Purpose
The Internet is a convenient and easy source of knowledge, but not all information published on the Internet is
good information. As students conduct research in other classes, and search the Internet for answers to their own
questions, they will need to be able to judge between the good and the bad. Thinking critically about the authority
and bias of the author and publisher is one way to do this.
B. Objective(s) must be measurable
Students will evaluate the authority and bias of selected websites by recording observations about the author
and sponsor/publisher on a shared graphic organizer.

General Educator: Ben Wightman

Special Service Provider: TBD

Based on their evaluation, students will recommend whether or not each site should be used for an academic

C. Content Standards
Common Core
CC.7.W.8 - Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively;
assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others
while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
CC.7.W.6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as
well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.
Empire State Benchmark Skill for Information Fluency:
Evaluates quality of electronic and print information for usefulness, currency, authority, and accuracy.
AASL Learning Standards
1.1.5 - Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for
needs, importance, and social and cultural context.
1.2.4 - Maintain a critical stance by questioning the validity and accuracy of all information.
D. Essential Questions
What do the words authority and bias mean? Upon reflection I think three EQs is too many. This one can be
collapsed into the second one.
How do we determine the authority and bias of a website?
How should authority and bias affect our decision to use information from a website?
E. Key Vocabulary
Ebola Note: I switched the content topic from Ebola to microwave safety because Ebola is no longer in the news to
the extent it was when I first designed the lesson. The new topic brings up a similar mix of good and bad online
advice, and will remain relevant more easily from year to year. The new websites are also more differentiated.

General Educator: Ben Wightman

Special Service Provider: TBD

Whereas all four of the previous ones were text-only, the new set includes a video, two texts, and an infographic.
One of the text sources includes audio and Spanish language options.

F. Materials
Presentations: Microwave Website Evaluation - Authority and Bias, Authority and Bias Definitions
Computers for students
Google docs: Microwave Matrix Student, Microwave Matrix Advanced, Microwave Matrix Answers (will each be
shared with students at the appropriate time)
Handout/Google doc: Information Detective Checklist: Evaluation the Authority and Bias of Websites
G. Behavior Management Plan
This lesson will include the following features of Tier 1 (primary prevention) PBIS:
Behavioral expectations prior to lesson, students will learn about procedures and behavioral expectations
in the library. (Note: the behavior management plan I created for the PBIS module describes this instruction
in detail.) During anticipatory set students will follow established procedure for beginning class.
Teaching appropriate behavioral actions Teachers will model appropriate online behavior during modeling
portion of lesson. Teacher-librarian will explicitly review etiquette guidelines for using collaborative Google
doc during check for understanding.
Observing and praising appropriate behavioral actions Teachers will highlight exceptional responses on
collaborative Google doc during questioning strategies, and recognize other examples of outstanding
behavior as appropriate.
Proactive management Instructions designed to preempt potential distractions and behavior problems are
Behavior management notes in lesson plan will be highlighted.
II. Procedures
A. Anticipatory Set

General Educator: Ben Wightman


One Teach,
One Support
One Teach,
One Observe

Bellringer will be a
procedure. In
regular library
students will know
they need to begin
working on the
questions when
they enter the

Special Service Provider: TBD


General Education Teacher

Special Education Provider


1. Do Now/Bellringer
(Slide 1): In a think-share
format, students will
discuss the following
questions (1-3 minutes) Do you trust everything
you hear?
Do you trust everything
you read?
How do you decide if you
can trust what a person
says or writes?
Teacher-librarian will
privately check-in with
Thomas to introduce (read
aloud) the questions and
help him get focused.

1. Special education
provider will support
students as needed in
interpreting the
bellringer questions and
sharing the answers.
Special education
provider will review
questions with Maria,
rewording as necessary.
Either special education
provider or a designated
classmate will discuss
answers with Maria.

2. Teacher-librarian will
remind students that the
Internet is an open
community, where people
can post both trustworthy
and untrustworthy
information. One way to
assess online information is

2. Special education
provider will monitor
behavior and
comprehension. He or
she may add to what the
teacher librarian is
saying, but this is meant
to be a short (~10

Students responses
to the bellringer
questions (formative).
The first two can be
assessed as a poll,
while student
volunteers will share
their answers to the

General Educator: Ben Wightman

to consider what we know

about the people who put it

second) transition step.

Special Service Provider: TBD

B. Body of the Lesson/Lesson Development


One Teach,
One Support
One Teach,
One Observe

Although this
lesson is taught in
a computer lab,
students will
remain logged off
at this point, so that
there will be
nothing on their
screens to distract
them from the


General Education Teacher

Teacher-librarian will
minutes 3.
introduce detective analogy
(Slide 2).

After soliciting input
from student volunteers,
teacher-librarian will define
authority and bias (Slide 3).

Special Education Provider

3. Special education provider
will clarify definitions to
individual students as
needed. Special education
provider will accompany
Maria to a quiet place for
individualized instruction.


The definitions
students volunteer
(formative). These
will provide insight to
their existing
knowledge of the
vocabulary. Marias
answers to the visual
4. Special education provider
scaffolding questions
will give Maria
on the simplified/
individualized instruction on pictographic
the definitions of authority
definition sheet
and bias using the
(formative) will
demonstrate her
definitions sheet. Question: understanding of the
I thought about translating
new vocabulary.
the information on the
definitions sheet into
Spanish, but decided not to
because learning English is
one of Marias goals.

General Educator: Ben Wightman

Should I have included the

translations? Would it have
been appropriate to do so?
Would it appropriate for the
special education provider
to teach in Spanish?

Special Service Provider: TBD

5. Special education provider

Teacher-librarian will
will clarify questions to
introduce the two key questions
individual students as
related to authority and bias
needed. Special education
(Slide 4).
provider will introduce the
two questions to Maria,
clarifying and rewording as
One Teach,
One Support
One Teach,
One Observe

minutes 6.
Using the two questions, 6. Special education provider
will contribute to the
students and teacher-librarian
collaborative analysis.
will collaboratively evaluate
Special education provider
the authority and bias of this
will introduce this YouTube
webpage. Teacher-librarian
video to Maria, and show
will highlight information
her how to click on the
about the publisher in the top
users name to learn more
and bottom banners. Students
about him. Special
and teacher-librarian will note
education provider will go
that the author is an expert on
through the first question
the topic, and the publisher is a
with Maria, and explain
major North American news
why the YouTube user lacks

Student contributions
to the collaborative
(formative). Their
analysis will allow
the teachers to assess
both their initial
evaluation abilities
and initial
understanding of the
lesson. Marias
evaluation of the

General Educator: Ben Wightman

outlet. Teacher librarian will

also point out that we do not
always need to read the entire
webpage to gather the details
necessary to establish authority
and bias. Sometimes we just
have to explore the top and
bottom and skim for sources.

authority. Note: I thought

about dividing the class and
sending other students out to
do this with Maria, but I
dont think she will
complete the input portion
of the lesson at the same
time the rest of the students

7. Special education provider

Students and teacherwill contribute to the
librarian will collaboratively
collaborative analysis.
evaluate the authority and bias
Special education provider
of this webpage. Teacherwill introduce this YouTube
librarian will demonstrate how
video to Maria, and go
scrolling to the bottom and
through both questions,
clicking about us will bring
allowing Maria to observe
up a page of information about
the authority of the speakers
the publisher, and how clicking
and click on the users
on the authors name from that
name, but pointing out that
page opens a page with more
the publisher is an agency
information about him.
trying to sell a product.
Students and teacher-librarian
Special education provider
will note the authors
and Maria will discuss
whether the videos good
credentials, and history of
authority can outweigh the
promoting unproven, pseudopotential bias.
scientific health methods.
8. Special education provider
Teacher-librarian will
and Maria will rejoin the

Special Service Provider: TBD

second video
(formative) will allow
the teachers to assess
her understanding of
the input.

General Educator: Ben Wightman

One Teach,
One Support
One Teach,
One Observe


show students this website, just

to illustrate how a source with
no identified author can still be
appropriate if it has an
authoritative publisher (in this
case a university hospital).

rest of the class. If the

conversation is still in
progress, special education
provider will offer any other
hints, shortcuts, or
reminders he or she wishes
to share at this time.

Checking for Understanding: 9. Special education provider

Student volunteers will
will monitor behavior and
review strategies from the
comprehension, and correct
modeling (look for the authors
mistakes or
name, look for what the author
misunderstandings before
tells us about him or herself,
the students begin the
look for the
guided practice.
publisher/sponsors name, look
for what the publisher/sponsor
tells us about itself) in a class
discussion Answer the
following questions:
How do we evaluate
How do we evaluate
Where on a webpage
will the information we
need to evaluate
authority and bias often
Teacher-librarian will monitor

Special Service Provider: TBD

Students recitation of
the process
(formative) will if
show they are ready
to begin guided

General Educator: Ben Wightman

will emphasize that
students are
expected to respect
their classmates
Students who
delete, mock, or
unfairly alter a
peers response
will be required to
complete the

comprehension and correct

mistakes or misunderstandings
before students begin the
guided practice.

10.Special education provider

10. Continuing the detective
will check for understanding
analogy to motivate students,
of directions on a one-onteacher-librarian will introduce
one basis (check for
the guided practice (how to
understanding is a common
access the collaborative Google
accommodation Ive seen in
doc, how to choose a unique
the sub plans I have taught).
font color, review of Google
Special education provider
doc etiquette, how to use the
will help Maria access the
row headings and examples to
Google doc, and point out
guide analysis, the timeframe
the row headings to Thomas
of the practice) and check for
as the teacher-librarian
understanding of the directions.
introduces them.
11.Special education provider
11. Students will log in to
will distribute printed copies
their computers and navigate to
of checklist handout to
the collaborative Google doc.
Thomas, Maria, and any
Teacher-librarian will be
other student who wants
available to address technical
one. Note: I had a simplified
issues as students begin the
(quarter sheet) version of
guided practice.
the checklist when I taught
the lesson the first time.
Most students ignored it,
which is why Im not
distributing it to everyone
this time around, but

Special Service Provider: TBD

Students responses
during the
understanding check
(formative) will
confirm they know
what to do during the
guided practice

General Educator: Ben Wightman

One Teach,
One Support
Team/ Two Support
One Teach,
One Observe

Google doc. has
great potential
for abuse, but
students were
reminded of
in step 10. Both
teachers will be
in a position to
monitor the
document, and

Thomas IEP suggests it

will help him.

minutes Guided Practice:
12. Special education provider
12. As a class, students will
will support Maria as she
evaluate four websites related
evaluates Website 3, which
to the topic The Truth about
includes a Spanish
Ebola. Is cooking with a
translation and listening
microwave safe for young
option. Special education
children? Each student will
provider will check-in with
log onto a computer, examine
Thomas to make sure he is
1-2 sites from the list, and post
using his checklist. Since
his or her findings on a shared
screen reading technology is
Google doc. Based on his or
available, Thomas may
her analysis, each student will
evaluate any website he
conclude by recommending
chooses, but special
whether or not to use the
education provider will
website as a source for a report
suggest Website 1 as a good
in science class. (Depending on
class composition, students will
either be permitted to choose
Teacher-librarian will
the sites they want to evaluate,
assume responsibility for
or be assigned a site based on
Thomas if Maria requires
their table group.) Teacherconstant support.
librarian will check-in with
Thomas immediately after
If both Maria and Thomas
giving instructions to help him
can engage with the activity
get started, then circulate to
without continuous support,
monitor overall progress,
special education provider

Special Service Provider: TBD

Students comments
and recommendations
on the shared Google
doc will demonstrate
their mastery of the
lesson objectives
contributions will be
denoted by names and
font colors.

General Educator: Ben Wightman

any student
caught altering a
answers or
deleting part of
the initial setup
will be warned
once, then asked
to logout if the
One Teach,
One Support
One Teach,
One Observe

When I taught
the lesson the
first time the
vast majority of
additions to the
Google doc
appeared after
the modeling
time was over,
students were

address technical difficulties,

answer questions, suggest
corrections, offer new
perspective, and provide morescaffolded support if necessary.

will follow teacher-librarian

plan to demonstrate their
equal status in the

13. Special education provider
Questioning Strategies
13. During the last minute of
will monitor students.
guided practice, teacherlibrarian will remove incorrect
factual details from the
collaborative Google doc.
Teacher-librarian will revoke
students editing privileges on
the collaborative Google doc.
immediately after the guided
practice time ends.
14.Special education provider
14. Students will review the
will contribute to the
voting and evaluate one
discussion, and clarify for
anothers reasoning in a class
individual students if
discussion. Teacher-librarian
will lead the discussion, add his
own findings/share answer key
Google doc when appropriate.
15. Special education provider
15. Teacher-librarian will
will contribute to the
ask if students notice any
discussion, and clarify for
patterns in the URLs,
individual students if
presentation, origin, or style of
necessary. In revised
the recommended and rejected
version these patterns are

Special Service Provider: TBD

Students evaluation
of one anothers
conclusions will
further demonstrate
their mastery of the
lesson content

General Educator: Ben Wightman

messing with
the Google doc
instead of
paying attention
to the
conclusion. Step
13 was added to
the plan to
address this.

websites. [Note: There may not

be time for this step if many
corrections are required in
Step 11.]

explicitly identified on
checklist handout, and pretaught during modeling

Special Service Provider: TBD

C. Closure or Concluding Activity


One Teach,
One Support
One Teach,
One Observe



General Education Teacher

16. Student volunteers will
minutes explain why the strategies
practiced in this lesson should
continue to be used in other
classes. (Note: This would be
an opportune place for teacherlibrarian and special education
provider to switch roles)

Special Education Provider

16. Special education

provider will discreetly check
understanding for individual
students Maria and Thomas
individually, and, if necessary,
explicitly explain how the
lesson should be generalized.


Students responses
will reveal if they
understand how the
lesson will generalize
to other classes, or if
additional instruction
is needed (formative).

Follow-Up Activities: Independent Practice, Enrichment, or Reinforcement

Students typically do not receive homework after special library visits. However, this lesson would typically occur as
students begin a research project, which would require them to practice and apply the target skills. If additional
practice is required, either as homework or in class for students who finish early, the more challenging Microwave
Matrix Advanced Google doc is available as an extension. Students can access a view-only copy through a link at the
bottom of the main collaborative Google doc, and create and share their own copies for recording answers.

General Educator: Ben Wightman


Special Service Provider: TBD

A. Of Student Learning
Immediate - Students comments and recommendations on the shared Google doc will demonstrate their mastery
of the lesson objectives. Individual contributions will be denoted by names and font colors.
Long-Term Students ability to select authoritative, unbiased Internet sources when conducting research for other
classes will demonstrate their automaticity of the lesson objectives.
B. Of Teacher Processes
Teachers will hold a collaborative evaluative meeting after the lesson to discuss student outcomes, lingering
issues, and effectiveness of strategies.

See: The New York States Common Core Engage web site: https://www.engageny.org/, If you have not written Behavioral Objectives, check the
resource document in the assignment folder.

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