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Amber Landing

Dr. Richard
Comp 2
Research shows that about half of all pregnancies are unintended and of all these
unintended pregnancies 4 out of 10 are terminated. About 1.21 million of American pregnancies
are terminated each year. (Klusendorf)There are three main reason women give for having
abortions. Some say that having a baby would interfere with work, school, or other
responsibilities. Some say they cannot afford a child. Over half say they do not want to be a
single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner. (factsaboutabortion) I really
do not believe these are good enough reasons to terminate a pregnancy. If you cant keep the
child put it up for adoption, abortion is not the answer.
Morality consists of principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or
good and bad behavior. (google) One might say that what is moral or immoral to you might not
be moral or immoral to the next person. I dont believe this statement because our governments
laws were essentially based off the bible. Everyone should have the same view on morality if
they live by the law.
Morals cannot be determined by people or governments because they would not be
concrete and subject to change constantly. If this were to happen we would base our morality on
societal and cultural issues. If one culture feels it is right to do something and different culture
disagreed then we would never determine what is right or wrong. Morals have to be founded on
some standard higher than mans judgment. Abortion is a prime example of this dilemma but so
is crime. One person that has been treated harshly reared in a crime riddled neighborhood may
feel that it is ok to steal or kill if the situation calls for it. Who can say they are wrong if we base

morals on what they believe to be their reality of you steal or kill to survive. This is why I say
again we have to have something to guide or build our standards on besides people,
governments, societies or cultures. The one thing all four of these have in common is they
consist of imperfect people. What about a society that is out of control and forced to live under
the pressure of fighting for life because of gang violence. Those people may think it is fine and
acceptable to shoot you if they are threatened. Again if we base our morality on ones choice or
opinion we put our country on a slippery slope. Whether it is consensual or not, destroying
something we do not have the right or power to give in the first place is wrong. Therefore I
believe the standard for right and wrong should come from God the creator. Our nation, the
United States of America was established on Biblical morals of how to treat people the right way
and to value life.

One might argue that a fetus is not yet a human being, so it would not be taking innocent
life. (NARAL) I believe that life does begin at conception and is much deeper than that. God
says about Jeremiah that he knew him before he was formed in the womb and that he had a
purpose in Jeremiah chapter one verse five. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." I believe and
stand firmly on my resolve that life begins at conception.

Works Cited
10 Important Facts About Abortion :: NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin." 10 Important Facts
About Abortion :: NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Abortion Facts. By James D. Agresti. Just Facts, September 24, 2008. Revised
Klusendorf, Scott. "Pro-Life Arguments and the Vanishing Pro-Life Apologist."
Equip.org.Christian Research Institute, n.d. Web.

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