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sg steroum 9 a ma = 7 mati) Read ‘complete each gap with ONE suitable phrase from the ist supplied. Then writs your afewers in the bases provid, Each phrase can be used only ONCE. There are three phrases you will nt feed Gap O has been competed as an example. WOMEN IN MOROCCO ARE LOSING GROUND TO TRADITION, PREJUDICE AND MALE GREED ‘The number on the conugated ron door i 184. ___[0]_ bese the road leading out of Kenta, about 20 km forth of Rabat, Morocco, Sada Zhai 9 voces, ves here with her five Cildrek incding her eldest daughter, maried and a mother. The maltresses are stacked against a Vell andthe beater earth yard ie awash wth water spit wie the fanity was washing on tis cil arch moming. At sme dltance wa can her he thunder of ighter-et engines warming upon the hardy tbase- Zhai» @ Souslyat, a: member of one of the etnic groups wth a sake In ororo's commons, or“coletive lands. She sone of the women batting tation and male aed, TO]. ev the past tee Years they have been campalgning as the Sullyate Women's ‘iavament to obtain compensation. Retrospecvely they were one of the forerunners of the wave of Socal and poial protest that has shaken Moroz since February, forng King Mohammed VI 0 ‘romige conatsional reform. ‘The women's organizations launched the democratic process in our country __(20]__in proper tworsded debate” says Amina Lot the head of the Democratic Assocation of Moroccan ‘nomen (ADFM). "With reform of the constiion, equally ebween men and women must now become part of the lw at every level.” The ad hoc commtoe convenes in March by the king t> ‘dass reform compet ts hearings of pola pres and ade unions in Apri. “The Souayats, who ware sidelined during reform of family lw in 2004, ae waiting nervous. “They belong to Moroeto's 4031 tribes, amounting to about 10 lion people. The tribes are governed by ows that go bock to before the itodicton of Tsim to Morocco Inthe seventh century. Under these rules they are not ented fo ovm land, wth tenure pasig fom fater to son. The sharing out Of an hertance b decided by an assembly of delogats, understate superson. & royal decree [vet in Ape 1919 tonsfered overall responabity for ar held by ethnic groups to the intron Iminsty, Although such fans can etter be seized nor sold, [21], but only to men over 1 (excep in areas under igor, “The wore predicament deterrated futher inthe 1980s when the sale of land was authorise. Colletve propety wes solo foca authodtes fra ptanc, then resold to developers wio promptly pushed up pris, sometimes. seling property for 6D times its orginal price. In exchange (221, or financial compensation On the other hand, women who had no male descendants ‘nae divorced, widowed or marie to an outsider ~a Morocran belonging to another tibe~ could do ‘othing to avold being expropriated. Many were forced to move to one ofthe shanty towns eaoiing former coletve ands. Adding isu to Injury, some resettlement schemes [23] __ purchase a 6t-square mere pls for $2,400 “The dvsion of the spis in Kenta, the county’ fourth ages industrial osnte, is abundantly clear, Overicoking the irbase are propery but homes for the wellf,then red houses, stil tnfnished, for those who have been rested, and fray off to cne side [24] ane Cardboard, cosypied by dispossessed Soullyate women. The first action agent this regulation was a demensiation in 2007. It was @ suprise for many Moroccans who knew nothing about the Solves and less sil about thet rules on eitne, Om 20 March demonstrations were held all over Morocco with thousands of peope in the srccts [25]____ announcing consttutonal reform. But Ballot was not marching. She was typing ouk ‘manifests Gn har compute. gt a 07h Gan We May 20. WOMEN IN MOROCCO ARE LOSING GROUND TRADITION, PREJUDICE AND MALE So ‘a a calecn of stacks made of coragted ron by engaging for te rt te despite a speach by the ing erabe outsiders hing I a shanty town >[>[F [>] ‘ist lass bungalow uly equipped |e beongs to the rst house inthe shanty town .| that can be traced inthe desert iH the men were given a home 1.| theyareon sale 2. | they can in practice be wansfered | whic are depriving them of any form oF inhertance rae “a = o nl alums jberrer | F

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