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Name :Nadia Karim

Class :EED255
Milestones for 5-Year-Olds
Children usually progress in a natural, predictable sequence from one developmental milestone
to the next. But each child grows and gains skills at his or her own pace. Some children may be
advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in another, such as sensory and motor
Milestones usually are categorized into five major areas: physical growth, cognitive
development, emotional and social development, language development, and sensory and motor
Physical growth and development
Your child grows at his or her own pace, and healthy growth is different for every child. Your
child's natural growth rate may be slower or faster than the example below.

Have gained about 2 kg (4.4 lb) and grown 4 cm (1.5 in.) to 5 cm (2 in.) since their fourth
NOTE: The date I was observed 3/20/16

Thinking and reasoning (cognitive development)

Know their address and phone number. NO

Recognize most letters of the alphabet. YES

Can count 10 or more objects. YES

Know the names of at least 4 colors. YES

Understand the basic concepts of time. No

Know what household objects are used for, such as money, food, or appliances. Yes
Example :

ZA had the teacher tract her hands .She added fingernails to the hands .The teacher asked
her to count her finger s and she pointed to each on and accounted 10 .
As child came into the classroom at arrive time /They want to their spot on the carpet
where they had been assigned .The names on the carpet has been removed but they but
ZA remembered where to sit after only week having on the carpet

Emotional and social development

Want to please and be liked by their friends, though they may sometimes be mean to
others. Yes

Agree to rules most of the time. YES

Show independence. YES

Are more able to distinguish fantasy from reality but enjoy playing make-believe and
dress-up. YES

Have distinct ways of playing according to gender. Most 5-year-old boys play in rough or
physically active ways. Girls of the same age are more likely to engage in social play. NO
Example :

When was time to clean up classroom after play time ,ZA stopped playing ,sang the clean
up song and than began to pick up the toys in the room with out just a couple of
reminders on where the room needed to be cleaned .
Dramatic play see video .ZA and her classmate stayed in this area for about 20 minutes
.Than went to another area together .They played together the whole work time .ZA
switched from speaking English to speak Spanish so that her classmate would understand

Language development

Carry on a meaningful conversation with another person. YES

Understand relationships between objects, such as "the boy who is jumping rope." YES

Use the future tense, such as "Let's go to the zoo tomorrow!" YES

Often call people (or objects) by their relationship to others, such as "Bobby's mom"
instead of "Mrs. Smith." YES
Talk about or tell stories. They have little or no trouble being understood by others. YES

Example :

During breakfast at the table ,ZA spoke of her sisters birthday .She said M y sister had
a birthday The teacher asked what they did for her birthday .ZA said Had balloons and
cake .The teacher asked who was there ZA said my mom ,my dad ,Jack ,Bebga ,and
my The teacher asked how old your sisters ZA said 20 years .
During morning time circle ZA followed the directions to sitting a circle than pass a been
bag around the circle while the music was playing .ZA would take the bean bag from the
person on the left and pass it to the person sitting in the right .

Sensory and motor development

Somersault and possibly skip. Yes

Swing and climb. Yes

Hop on one foot. No

Use the toilet by themselves. They may still wet the bed, though. N/A
By age 5, most children can use their hands and fingers (fine motor skills) to:

Copy triangles and other geometric shapes. YES

Draw a person with a head, a body, arms, and legs. YES

Dress and undress on their own, although they may still need help tying shoelaces. NO

Write some small and capital letters from the alphabet. YES

Eat with a fork, spoon, and possibly a flatware knife. YES

Example :

During the playground area .ZA draw different shapes in the floor and she was jamming
with one foot .
The librarian came into class and did songs with the children .ZA participated with the
songs by singing and making the motion in the song such as waving ,clapping and
stamping feet .ZA used scarves move with song

Source: https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=ue5316

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