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Data Analysis Task Sequence

Type of Data
Qn, SL

Fact Finding: What facts can you

identify from the data?

77% of the students demonstrated

proficiency on the formal formative
Practice Masters #1 assessment by
scoring a 10/12 or higher.

Hypotheses: What hypotheses

can you make about each fact?

I provided differentiated,
quality instruction when
introducing the concept of
The Play-Doh activity we
did in class helped
students understand what
each type of conic is, and
the examples we worked
through in class helped
students know how to
solve for and graph each
type of conic.

Action Plan: What will

you do based on the
facts and hypotheses?

To address the needs of

the students who did not
demonstrate proficiency,
I will meet with them in a
small group during the
following days lesson to
provide further
instruction and help fill in
the gaps in their
learning. This time will
include a reteaching of
what conics are and how
each conic is defined. In
addition, we will work
through some more
example problems of
how to solve for y and
graph the equation to
figure out what type of

Qn, SL

45% of the students (9/20) did not

demonstrate proficiency by scoring
32 or more points out of 40 on the
summative assessment.

I did not provide enough

differentiation on the
summative assessment. I
only gave students two
different versions of the
I did not administer an
interim assessment to
realize students were not
ready for the summative
I did not provide students

conic it is. During this

time I will use the think
aloud strategy to explain
my thinking before
letting my students try in
groups of two to do the
problems on their own.
Because so much of my
class did demonstrate
proficiency on the
formative assessment, I
will continue to use
strategies similar to the
Play-Doh construction
one when it is applicable
and appropriate. Per the
results of the data, I
have realized that this is
a valuable tool to have in
my strategy toolkit.
I will offer any student
who did not demonstrate
proficiency the
opportunity to retake the
assessment. Prior to
retaking the assessment,
I will assemble a support
packet filled with
resources and
problems for students to
work out to support their
learning. In addition, I

Qn, SL

50% of the students (10/20) did not

demonstrate proficiency by scoring
a or higher on

enough outside work to

help them practice and
prepare to demonstrate
I did not check to fully
align my interim and
formative assessments
with the summative
I did provide quality
instruction to my class by
using a variety of different
strategies in the lessons
which helped meet the
diverse needs of my
I did use my formative data
to drive how I would teach
the next days lessons in
order to ensure my
students were showing
proficiency on each of the
standards being taught,
and if students werent
showing proficiency, I was
careful to reteach the
concept so as to be sure
they were learning the
I did not use the data from
the formative assessments
collected during the lesson

will offer reteaching

sessions during lunch for
the week following the
assessment to help
students prepare to
retake the test.
Additionally, if students
wish for more support I
will be happy to set up
individual meetings with
students to talk about
any concepts they are
personally struggling
with, or I may require
additional meetings with
students who I know did
not perform well on the
summative assessment
but might not take the
initiative to support and
further their learning.
Finally I will offer
multiple versions and
modes of taking the test
to help meet the diverse
needs of my students.

Seeing as how such a

high percentage of the
class did not

G.GPE.A.1 complete the square to
find the center and radius of a
circle given by an equation
assessed by items #8 and #9 on
the summative assessment.

Qn, SL

17/20 students demonstrated

proficiency by scoring a 6/8 or
higher on items #4 and #5 on the
summative assessment.

to recognize that students

would need additional
instruction on completing
the square to find the
center and radius of a
circle given by an
I provided students with a
discovery learning activity,
but I did not properly
instruct them what they
needed to be doing during
the activity, and I did not
have a formative
assessment at the end of
the activity to make sure
students had actually
learned the concept.

I provided quality,
differentiated instruction
during the parabola lesson.
I aligned the formative and

demonstrate proficiency
on this standard, I will
spend time during the
first part of the lesson
following the summative
assessment reteaching
this standard. I will
teach a mini lesson on
the standard focusing on
presenting the
information in a way
different than I had
previously done so as to
try and incorporate more
learning styles. In
addition, I will send
home a mini enrichment
packet with each student
which will have handouts
explaining the concept
and providing step by
step solutions to
example problems. The
handouts will also have
sample problems for
students to work out so
as to help solidify the
information through
practice and repetition.

Qn, SL, D

3/20 students earned a perfect

score of 40/40 on the summative
assessment. Two of these students
were boys and one was a girl.

Qn, SL

6 students scored a 0/2 on item #9.

interim assessments from

the parabola lesson to
directly match with the
summative assessment.
The assessment item was
quality having been
checked by all the quality
filters so that students
knew exactly what was
expected and how to earn
the points on the items.
One of the boys and one of
the girls had tested into
12th grade math on the preplacement test students
were provided at the end
of the last school year.
I provided additional
instruction to these
students by being available
to answer questions before
school, during lunch, and
after school on Tuesdays
and Thursdays.
I provided these students
with additional resources
which went beyond the
required learning to further
enrich and support their
See above for
This was not a quality test
explanation of how I will

revise the summative

assessment and allow
students to retake the
assessment if they
desire to do so.

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