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RUNNING HEAD: Funding Planned Parenthood

Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood

Jacob Michael Chavira
University of Texas at El Paso
Dr. Hernandez
RWS 1302: Genre Analysis


Recently, there has been a stir of debate over the alleged actions of Planned Parenthood;
and whether or not should the federal government continue funding the facilities. Aggressors
have presented evidence alleging that the organization was engaging in highly unethical
practices outside their main services. Many news sources, groups, and politicians were quick to
take this information into serious consideration during budget hearings, assuming that the
information was true. It was only until later that it was revealed that these videos were false and
propagandous. But this whole event only refueled a debate that was alive long before this time.
There is a societal clash between two main groups, made of thousands of smaller groups with
more specific themes; all of whom are trying to figure out what is truly moral and just--- or who.
The two genres, one of them an image and another a video, will view the same topic from very
different perspectives. Each one is coveying a message to persuade support for their cause. The
image, extracted from the website TallahasseeDemocrat.com, and the video Life After
Abortion by NewLibertyVideos are the two genres chosen to represent the main perspectives of
people on this issue.
Audience and Purpose
The first genre, which is an image of a Planned Parenthood facility with activists in the
background, is a photo taken by John Terhune, a journalist who works for GANNETT. This
photo was then used by author Margie Menziel, in her news report titled: Planned Parenthood
Protest Postponed After Colorado Shootings. This article is simply an update on protesters
activities which were apparently affected by the recent shooting spree in a Planned Parenthood
Clinic in Colorado. The second genre, a video titled: Life After Abortion provides insight into
a brief documentary that explores the aspects of the abortion process, while providing personal


accounts from former abortion patients. This genre aims to disuade support for abortions;
viewing Planned Parenthood from a negarive perspective.
The intended audience of the first genre are liberals, as the article (from where the image
was linked) focuses on the response of the anti-abortion group Florida Family Council, not the
cause itself. The image also attracts the attention of pro-choice activists, women, and facilitators
of Planned Parenthood. One can infer that it was important for the author to let the audience
know of their opponents response to a tragic issue considering that the shooter claimed to have
been acting on beliefs strongly close to pro-life conservatives. It allows for the audience to
compare the mindset of the group with that of the individual perpetrator who apparently shares
the same view as the anti-abortionists. The group does in fact condemn the actions of the shooter,
declaring that his extreme and irrational mindset does not coincide with the core values of this
organization (Menziel 2015). The other genre appeals to some of the same audience such as
women, but mostly attracts those with conservative views towards abortion. It is important to
note that it addresses women in particular because they want the audience to be aware of the
potential risks to all aspects of health when using the controversial service provided by planned
parenthood. This is an appeal that may evoke some sympathy when said in much detail on a
personal level.
Both genres differ greatly in the content provided by its sources, and since one of them is
a video, it may or may not require more time in order for one to properly analyze the source. The
image provides a brief message of support for planned parenthood. The amount of the time that
is needed to convey the message varies most with images; mainly because the picture does not
change, nor is there any audio. The viewer is focused solely on the content of a single picture,
allowed to spend any amount time they wish to spend interpreting the genre. The video, on the


other hand, requires more concentration. Time is not as free for the viewer because the stillframes are changing per fraction of a second while having to interpret auditory sounds that are
usually in sync with what is going on in front of their eyes. It is important to explain the anatomy
behind humans interpretations of different genres because, the level of attention is so different it
can often impact the power the message may yield for all the viewers. Videos require a lot more
focus, and depending on how much attention the viewer is willing to give, watching the video
already indicates how engaged is the person on the issue at hand.
Both of these genres are also different in language. The vocabulary used by Menziel in
her news article behind the image is surprisingly objective; even though the news outlet is openly
supportive of liberal ideals. The author does not add any insinuating adjectives, nor does Menziel
make any biased or politically charged comments about the protesters. The former abortion
patients in the video, however, cited the vocabulary that was allegedly used by the staff during
their experience. They cited how instead of fetus or baby the staff referred to it as a blob of
tissue (Liberty 2011). They used figurative phrases to describe pain, and used a tone that
enhanced the emotional words said from the women. The differences in language usage gives
one an idea of the main strategies both sides use for persuasion.
Rhetorical Appeals
Use of the three rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos) are found throughout both
genres. The level of usage varies for the genres.
The first genre, the image, uses this appeal the most when it comes to conveying the
message. The photo is taken from an angle, one that captures the sign as the main focus of the


picture. The front of the facility itself is actually not the main part of the picture: the activists and
the front is the background of this picture. This indicates that the photographer aimed to capture
the familiarity of the sign and not capture anything specific or unique about that particular
facility. The second genre, the video, uses this appeal the least; as it only talks about the
procedure but doesnt explain why the procedure is done and focuses much more on the other
two appeals instead.
The fact that the author and the photographer remained objective in their works plays a
vital role in maintaining the crediblility of the story that was reported. The second genre also
maintains a strong level of crediblilty, which is mostly supported by all the womens personal
accounts detailed in the video. These genres were equal in the usage of ethos.
This rhetorical appeal significantly distinguishes the strategies between the two genres.
The Life After Abortion video uses this appeal the most and seems to greatly depend on this
appeal in order to successfully convey its message. It counts on peoples definitions of morality
and the lighting, music, and slow transitions to create a serious and gloomy atmosphere. The
picture uses this appeal the least, and the report linked to the image did not use any language that
would otherwise draw out much emotion. The image of Planned Parenthood with the faint
distinction of the activists holding a Pro-facts, pro-education sign, may signify the power of
the supporters. Their presence may prove that the cause is very much alive. The video however,
goes beyond tone and atmosphere. As the women go further in describing their pain and express
regret for their choices, many of them show signs of sadness through tears and sobbing. This


guides the viewer to the types of feelings that the filmakers intended for the audience. This
appeal helps me know the mindset behind the majority of those who oppose Planned Parenthood,
and helps me understand why would the other genre not use this as much. The use or lack of use
of this appeal in the genres have given me much information regarding how I should interpret the
information based on which perspective am I receiving such information.
Both of these genres were very informative and well-organized. This made both of them
also have very convincing sides; the first being mostly logical, the second being emotional. Their
credibility is fair and balanced. This report has potential to be well-rounded as the arguments
remained as strong as the beliefs behind them. There are many questions for those who use
planned parenthood, and plenty of answers for those who ask why, but one thing is certain;
planned parenthood affects everyone with their careno matter what.



Life After Abortions. NewLibertyVideos.com. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

Menziel, M. (2015, November 30). Planned Parenthood protest postponed after Colorado
shootings. Retrieved February 26, 2016, from

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