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MEIOSIS~Cross over

What is it?
A process of cell division in organisms that
sexually reproduce. Results in gametes with one
half the number of chromosomes of the parent.
*Creates four haploid cells from one diploid cell.

Diploid Cell and Haploid Cell?

Diploid Cell: Two chromosomes, one copy from
father and other from the mother.

Haploid Cell: Only one chromosome copy.

The Process
Meiosis occurs in germ cell in order to create
Gametes; are sex cells (sperm from the male and the
eggs from the female)
(Sperm & egg are both Haploid cell)
When they meet they form a Diploid Cell.

But first it needs to go through the two rounds

of divisions in the Meiosis. (Meiosis I & Meiosis II)


Meiosis I
-Divides homologous Chromosomes

Prophase I
Beginning with Chromatin (strands of DNA) that
form individual chromosomes with Duplicated
Spindle fibers appear form from the centrioles
Nuclear membrane/nucleolus break down and

Prophase I cont.
The two individual chromosomes have the same
code of DNA.
Eye Color Chromosomes



The pair is called Homologous Pair

In a process they bond together.
Is called the Tetrad is the spot where they
overlap called *CROSSING OVER
Important because is where genetic shuffling

Crossing Over Picture

Metaphase I
The spindle fibers align the homologous
On each side of the line or equator it has
chromosomes from both parent.

Anaphase I & Telophase I

The homologous chromosomes pairs separate and
move towards the opposite sides of the cell.
Although the sister chromatids remain together.

At the Telophase the chromosomes move at the

poles of the cell.
The cell is almost ready to be divided and go
through cytokinesis.

Meiosis II
-Divides Sister Chromatids

Prophase II
Is similar to Prophase I though the process, for
crossing over does not happen.
The centrioles start to move the opposite sides of
the cell.
Begin to create spindle fibers
The chromosomes begin to move to the center
of the cell.

Metaphase II
The sister chromatids are aligned; how they were
in Metaphase I
The spindle fiber is complete and attached to the
sister chromatids

Anaphase II & Telophase II

The sister chromatids are pulled apart form each
other. Then move to opposite sides of the cell.

In Telophase II the nuclear membranes form again

around the chromosomes.
The spindle fibers break apart
Then the cell undergoes cytokinesis

McDougal, Holt, and Stephen Nowicki. "Process of Meiosis." Biology.
Orlando: Houghton Mifflinn Harcourt, 2012. Print.
Carter, J.Stein. "Meiosis." Meiosis. 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 Dec. 2014. <
"Meiosis." . Sun. 7 Dec. 2014. <

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