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Running head: GENRE ANALYSIS

Genre Analysis
Kortney Applegate
The University of Texas at El Paso
Paul Vierra
Rhetoric and Composition 1302



The purpose of analyzing different genres is to show the different forms of information
people receive and how it is presented to them. Every genre dispenses knowledge and information in
different ways. Some genres contain more knowledge and facts while others are based on
entertainment. Genres that are created for entertainment tend to not be as factual. An example would
be the tabloids such as Star Magazine or People. This type of genre is written using minimal factual
or distorts factual information to create entertainment and gossip. An example of this would be on
March 2, 2011 when Star Magazine was sued by Kate Holms for $50 million dollars for claiming
that she was a drug addict. This also stands true to cable TV, and example is Cable News Network
(CNN), it contains more factual entertainment, but is still concerned with ratings and entertaining the
people. Whereas, scholarly journals are based on studies and research conducted by top credible
scientists in their field. The purpose of scholarly journals is to create new knowledge to pass on, it is
all always based on facts.
The two genres are vastly different when it comes to discussion on vaccines. While a majority
of the population receives most of their information on vaccines from what they hear or see on
television, such as the Cable News Network (CNN), very few take the time to research this topic. In
the clip from CNN aired on January 29, 2015, it shows two physicians, Jack Wolfson and Armand
Dorian debating over the necessity of vaccinations. Whereas, in the article Vaccines and Autism: A
Tale of Shifting Hypotheses published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2009, the authors Jeffery
Geber and Paul Offit go into detail discussing the facts as to why vaccines, such as the MMR vaccine,
are not linked to autism despite a study that had been performed stating otherwise. There are many
scholarly journals analyzing every aspect of vaccines. These journals review the contents of a vaccine,
how they are administered, how they are stored, and what side effects could befall the patient. The
information collected in such journals is based on studies conducted and copious amounts of research.
Cable news network, on the other hand, does do their research but not nearly to the extent that scholarly


journals do. They do not have the time to discuss the reviews of the vaccination studies, they bring
two scientists and have them banter back and forth for news ratings, and they contain a minimal amount
of scholarly factual information. The Cable News Networks lack the factual information needed and
are geared towards entertainment, shock value, and political agendas. When writing for this audience,
scholarly journals with accurate research based information is the most responsible way to present

Audience and Purpose

For each genre the audience differs dramatically in their intent to search for the knowledge.
The cable news channels, such as CNN, tend to target masses of people less likely to further research
the subject, whereas, people who read scholarly journals are usually more educated and are interested
in gaining a greater understanding of said subject. That is not to say that people who watch CNN are
not educated, they tend to be less educated as a total population compared to people who read the
scholarly journals. A vast portion of the population watch the news each day and take what is
disseminated as gospel. The level of education of the readers and writers of scholarly journals
similar to The American Journal of Pediatrics is far greater. The information given in this journal is
written in a more technical format using a higher level of vocabulary that not everyone comprehends.
This tends to make the information more difficult to read. Scholarly journals are also highly
scrutinized by their own community and backed up by research done by their author(s). The major
difference between audiences is the level of education the individual taking in the information has
and understanding what it actually means. The purpose of both genres is to pass information to its
receiver; however, their individual purpose is very different. The news genres need ratings to stay
competitive and are frequently showing bias, while the journals are meant to pass researched based
facts to its readers.


Rhetorical Issues: Ethos

In the two genres credibility is perceived to be very different. Many people recognize the job
of a news anchor or reporter is to tell a story while keeping their ratings high. These ratings
determine if the station and the reporters will have employment. The network determines what is
produced and how, there are approvals needed and all of this in a limited time span. Fact checking is
not always available and misleading claims are made. For example, predicting the winner of an
election when all the votes are not in and polls are still open. A person publishing in a professional
journal is more scrutinized by the profession. The writers have done years of research on the topic
and have data to prove their hypothesis. The intention is to educate with facts in a knowledgeable

CNN has used more of a political agenda when dispersing their information. They use scare
tactics and outlandish statements to gain the audiences attention; thus creating, at times, hysteria.
The reporters twist on the subject matter is meant to draw the viewers attention and play on the fear
of the unknown or what they perceive to be unknown. Scholarly journals, on the other hand, base
their information on studies the writer has either participated in or has researched other scholars work
and included such information in the findings, playing less on emotion and more on factual evidence.
The journals intention is not to evoke the kind of emotions that the media does, in fact, the
journals give more factual data to defend their stance on the subject. Both genres are trying to
disseminate important information about a subject, how they get there is the difference. Instead of
appealing to logic they appeal to the viewers sentiments. A prime example of this would be when a
news station speaks to a grieving mother. The news channels will typically tend to show photos of
mothers child, some photos will show the child happy and carefree whereas, others will show the
child in a hospital bed with every color wire and monitor attached to its lifeless looking body. The
news channel will have the mother speak about what had happened to her child with tears in her eyes.


Clips and news broadcasts such as this tend to appeal more towards a humans compassionate side. It
makes you agree with what is being said because of the horrific photos being presented.

Research gathered in scholarly journals appeals to the more thoughtful individual, one that is
more apt to think logically. These people take in the information and process what is being told and
then usually looks to read even more about the subject. For example, in the article the authors go into
detail about MMR and how beneficial it is. They state how it has helped eradicate the diseases in this
country. In scholarly journals all facts are presented for the reader to make their own educated
opinion. Scholarly journals tend to be free from any bias which assists in allowing one to come to
their own conclusion.
On the other hand, the cable news media is more focused on the minds that take the
information shared as valid. In the video the physician banter back and forth, when watching the clip,
it is very clear that it one-sided but for arguments sake, as well as rating, CNN made sure to have a
doctor for either side of the debate. Throughout the video, one doctor is asking the other how he
could possibly be a doctor and believe these ideas to be true, in essence bashing the doctor for what
he believes. The goal of this bashing is to discredit the opposing sides opinion and harm his
reputation in the public forum. There are facts to both sides of the argument, however, it is made very
difficult for the claim of one side of the argument to be made. Cable news is less likely to fact check
the information to verify its legitimacy. Very often cable new propagates information that is only a
half truth and preys on emotions instead of facts.

Structure and Delivery

The genres structure and delivery are mutually exclusive. CNN has only a few seconds to
convey their message yet this message is heard many times a day, as these news networks run
twenty- four hours. The cable news is just a quick snippet of the information and a picture or video
sets the tone for the audience for example in the video Panel on Anti-Vaccination Debate. Two


doctors are arguing calling each other names as opposed to being civilized adults discussing the
A scholarly journal is, in fact, a more deliberate read. That is to say that a person picking up a
journal has the intention of gaining a level of understanding that the news media is not, for example
in the article, the authors speak of statistical power stating that since there has been such a vast
portion of the population that has been studied it allows for rare associations to be detected. That
being said the authors state that due to the biological implausibility of vaccines overwhelming and
being harmful to a childs body it effectively dismissed any notion of vaccines being the cause for
the rise in autism. The message is the same, for the most part, however the level and intensity of the
information in the journals is of a much higher caliber. The average person will have some difficulty
sifting through the data and procedural terminology to come to an educated interpretation of the
material. There is no shock value in a scholarly journal as opposed to the cable media.

Conclusion/ Synthesis
Cable News has the ability to reach many people, whereas, a scholarly journal may only
reach a smaller, more specific group of people. The message can be the same, however, the delivery
is what is different. Each genre is effectively conveying the message, but at different levels. One
message is sent out to create an immediate and intense reaction by creating fear versus the message
that is meant to actually educate a person on the facts and supporting data of a scientifically
stimulated study or research. The fear that is created in the public eye radiates throughout the
numerous viewers watching each hour. These fears can also have the opposite effect, discrediting and
undermining the facts that are inherently present in the report can lead viewers to alter their views on
the topic. Both genres are able to bring about a healthy debate on a given subject, however how the
topic is presented to the public is the key.



Gerber, J. S., & Offit, P. A. (2009). Vaccines and autism: A tale of shifting hypotheses. Clinical
Infectious Diseases, 48(4), 456-461. Retrieved from
Network, C. N. (Producer), & Network, C. N. (Director). (2015).

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